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The fault in our Dar(s)

Are we gonna need a new finance minister soon ??
This guy is so not sharp that IMF is tutoring him on basics of macroeconomics.

IMF wants market-base rupee value​

Fund blames controlled exchange rate for black market for dollars

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has pressed Pakistan to let its currency gain the real value amid the country’s tighter currency controls, which have now created a black market for dollars and also discouraging foreign inflows through regular channels.
The man who has to provide leadership to the nation in time of trouble is posting verses like an oracle of Delphi. I am getting a feeling that this work may be going above his head.
Don't worry, it's a tried and tested trick. Works like a charm.
Sex sells, but not more than religion.

Are we gonna need a new finance minister soon ??
We might just need a new Pakistan this time.

This guy is so not sharp that IMF is tutoring him on basics of macroeconomics.

IMF wants market-base rupee value​

Fund blames controlled exchange rate for black market for dollars

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has pressed Pakistan to let its currency gain the real value amid the country’s tighter currency controls, which have now created a black market for dollars and also discouraging foreign inflows through regular channels.
Good luck to the IMF. He's been doing it since forever.
He's the reason we are in this mess. In his last stint, he artificially kept the USD at around 100PKR, like he is doing now. And when he left (ran off to London to escape corruption charges), the dollar crashed. Things had barely gotten on track late last year. And then the almighty establishment started missing him and brought him back, shut down his corruption cases and voila, he delivers again.
This finance minister is the busiest of all studying his scripture. He has posted two messages on Twitter in two days. Is he spending all his time just praying?

"You can fool all the people some of the time" , and he is trying his best.
These older people are relics from 1980's when the ruler at that time used religion very smartly to hide his agenda.
We were understanding that Ishaq Dar will tell the nation that the growth rate was six percent during the Tehreek-e-Insaaf era, now it has become twelve percent, but the state of the economy has made it, so that , the nation is being told, don't worry, the nation now. Not going bankrupt.
The prime minister who was supposed to fix everything in six months is telling us after eight months, we don't understand.
Athar Kazmi

Miftah was weak but was heading in the right direction. Population bomb, massive corruption and businesses don't pay tax .......worst to come.
He has posted these verses on his Twitter in 4 days. At this point, it is a straight-out competition between his piety and macroeconomics. He definitely deserves an "A" for effort.




Thanks for mentioning me.

OP is right about the basic faults in dar economic policies.

We are going in absolutely wrong directions managing the aesthetics and further increasing the structural problems.

On the one hand pdm wants to continue with the government but on the other hand the economic policies are managing in a way that the government can be removed at any moment.

The biggest problem of our economy is external account deficit. Keeping the dollar undevalue is further elevating this problem. The exporters are getting lower value for the products and hence parking profits outside Pakistan by under declaring the sale on the other hand imports r cheap hence those who has link with banks r importing cheap products due to overvalued rupee.

Now the question is what is happening and how it could be controlled ...

The problem with our decision making is that we try to manage Pakistan's economy through the lense of IMF. Since a long period we e going through a cycle of boom, inflation and then slow down. The real reason is that whenever we plan for a boom we just do it be the way of micro ecnonomic factors i.e. by lowering the interest rates, increasing expenditure via loans and increasing demand without any focus on boosting production capacity as a result domestic demand increases without any supply increases which is then results in increased in imports, inflation and current account deficit ... Which
eventually create a need to slow down the economy ...

After a long period of time PTI government focused on growth via both increase in demand and increase in production capacity ... They gave cheap loan for fixed assets (TERF loans by SBP) but unfortunately our business and banks rather than investing in any new business took the cheap loans by window dressing the books of accounts as a result a very attractive policy introduced by PTI could give only partial return on the other hand supply side shocks after covid and commodity prices increase last resulted in current account deficit and inflation ... Although this was more of external issue but PDM used inflation due to external factors to put pressure on government.

As soon as Pdm came they should have continued the PTI policies and furthermore should have arranged interim financing to manage the interim current account deficit ... By this way we could have kept the dollar at 180 to 190 range and kept the economic growth at 6% pace with growth but in reality they didnt arrange any interim loans to manage current account deficits ... They kept fuel prices fixed and took no action for the initial three months ... This lack of actions proved to be fatal ... Finally miftah went to IMF and they asked us to slow down the economy ...

Now with Mr. Dar here he is just managing the interbank exchange rates via SBP without taking any corrective actions ...we r going sharply towards a default and the only action we r taking is begging with big powers with the assumption that we r too big to let default ...
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