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The father of Muslim soldier killed in action just delivered a brutal repudiation of Donald Trump

LA se Karachi

Jul 14, 2016
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United States

Donald Trump was speaking at an event in Iowa, complaining that America was not allowed to waterboard terrorists, when Khizr Khan and his wife walked up to the microphone at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia.

Khan's son Humayun Khan was a captain in the U.S. Army. When a vehicle packed with explosives approached his compound in Iraq in 2004, he instructed his men to seek cover as he ran toward it. The car exploded, killing Khan instantly. He was awarded the Bronze Star posthumously.

In 2005, The Post interviewed Khizr Khan. "They did not call him Captain Khan," he said of the men his son led. "They called him 'our captain.'"

"We are honored to stand here as the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan," the elder Khan said at the Democratic convention, "and as patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country." He spoke of his son's dreams of becoming a military lawyer and how Hillary Clinton had referred to his son as "the best of America."

Then he focused his attention on Trump.

"If it was up to Donald Trump, [Humayun] never would have been in America," Khan said. "Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country."

Muslim American Khizr Khan, whose son Humayun was killed while serving in the U.S. Army, offered Republican candidate Donald Trump his copy of the Constitution during a speech at the Democratic convention. (The Washington Post)
"Donald Trump," he said, "you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy." He pulled a copy of the Constitution from his pocket. "In this document, look for the words 'liberty' and 'equal protection of law.'" Earlier this month, Trump promised Congressional Republicans that he would defend "Article XII" of the Constitution, which doesn't exist.

"Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities," Khan said.

"You have sacrificed nothing. And no one."

In Iowa, according to The Guardian's Ben Jacobs, Trump was talking about polls.


Khizr Khan pauses at the grave of his son Army Captain Humayun Saqib Muazzam Khan who died while serving in Iraq at Arlington National Cemetery September 10, 2011 in Arlington, Virginia. (Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images)

Muslim or not, he was still occupying scum.

He is not muslim according to islam he was considered as traitor,murtad,kaffir,and crusader

He called his mother on Mother’s Day, May 9, 2004, to assure her that he was safe,according to the Washington Post. A month later, he died in a suicide bombing at age 27. Khan ordered his soldiers to hit the dirt as a taxi carrying explosives drove into the gate of his compound. Khan took 10 steps toward the car before it detonated.

"His colleagues and superiors remembered him for his courage, honesty, sense of humor and grace while in the field, even under pressure. Capt. Khan's colleagues eulogized his exemplary services and praised him for the leadership he provided to his troops," according to his memorial page on Arlington Cemetery's website.

A man who gave his life to protect others, a Pakistani American.

Posts like those quoted are so full of hate, so blind to respect of a fellow soldier no matter which side of a conflict he served, they are unworthy of a military forum and un-Islamic
In response to Trump’s rhetoric about immigrants, Khizr Khan shames the Republican presidential nominee: ‘You have sacrificed nothing and no one’
The father of an American Muslim killed in the US military in Iraq stunned the Democratic convention on Thursday night with a powerful challenge to Donald Trump, who he said had “sacrificed nothing and no one”.
Appearing on stage in Philadelphia alongside his wife, Ghazala, Khizr Khan paid tribute to his late son, Cpt Humayun Khan, describing his family as “patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country”.

Of his son, killed in 2004 by a car bomb after protecting his soldiers by ordering them to drop to the ground while he took 10 steps forward, Khan said: “If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.

“Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.”

The Republican candidate has repeatedly suggested a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US as a way to combat the threat of Islamist terrorism.

In his party convention speech in Cleveland last week, this policy appeared to have been altered to cover “any nation that has been compromised by terrorism”, something Trump subsequently described to NBC as an expansion.

“People were so upset when I used the word Muslim,” said Trump. “Oh, you can’t use the word Muslim. Remember this. And I’m OK with that, because I’m talking territory instead of Muslim.”

Addressing Trump directly, Khan told him: “Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the United States constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy.”

Producing a pocket edition of the US constitution to huge cheers from the crowd, he added: “In this document, look for the words ‘liberty’ and ‘equal protection of law’.”

He went on: “Have you ever been to Arlington cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America – you will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one.”

Departing from his text, Khan concluded: “I ask every patriot American, all Muslim immigrants, and all immigrants, do not take this election lightly. This is a historic election. And I request to honor the sacrifice of my son. And on election day, vote for the leader, Hillary Clinton, not the divider.”

In her speech to the convention accepting her party’s nomination, Hillary Clinton paid tribute to Khan’s son, saying: “A president should respect the men and women who risk their lives to serve our country – including Captain Khan, and the sons of Tim Kaine and Mike Pence, both marines.”
He called his mother on Mother’s Day, May 9, 2004, to assure her that he was safe,according to the Washington Post. A month later, he died in a suicide bombing at age 27. Khan ordered his soldiers to hit the dirt as a taxi carrying explosives drove into the gate of his compound. Khan took 10 steps toward the car before it detonated.

"His colleagues and superiors remembered him for his courage, honesty, sense of humor and grace while in the field, even under pressure. Capt. Khan's colleagues eulogized his exemplary services and praised him for the leadership he provided to his troops," according to his memorial page on Arlington Cemetery's website.

A man who gave his life to protect others, a Pakistani American.

Posts like those quoted are so full of hate, so blind to respect of a fellow soldier no matter which side of a conflict he served, they are unworthy of a military forum and un-Islamic

I am an ex muslim and my post is about expose the hypocrisy of some Muslims who try to say that he is muslim and he died for america while in reality he was not even considered as muslim by islam

They try to show that there are muslims who are willing to die for the infidels but in reality islam doesn't consider them as muslims
I am an ex muslim and my post is about expose the hypocrisy of some Muslims who try to say that he is muslim and he died for america while in reality he was not even considered as muslim by islam

They try to show that there are muslims who are willing to die for the infidels but in reality islam doesn't consider them as muslims

Only a few things take you out of the fold of islam

Such as apostasy or worshipping something other than the one God

People may not agree with a Muslim fighting for the U.S whilst it has a dodgy foreign policy but he was still a muslim
Only a few things take you out of the fold of islam

Such as apostasy or worshipping something other than the one God

People may not agree with a Muslim fighting for the U.S whilst it has a dodgy foreign policy but he was still a muslim
Only the misguided qardawi had fatwa on muslims fighting for the U.S

All the islamic scholars agree that the one who fight with infidels against the Muslims is not muslim
What really boggles my mind is that Republicans are the party of Abraham Lincoln. The president who single handedly change the course of history and one entire race by his emencipation proclamation. And now this party's become the face of fear mongering and bigotry. Where there's no room for any one else but white males.
He called his mother on Mother’s Day, May 9, 2004, to assure her that he was safe,according to the Washington Post. A month later, he died in a suicide bombing at age 27. Khan ordered his soldiers to hit the dirt as a taxi carrying explosives drove into the gate of his compound. Khan took 10 steps toward the car before it detonated.

"His colleagues and superiors remembered him for his courage, honesty, sense of humor and grace while in the field, even under pressure. Capt. Khan's colleagues eulogized his exemplary services and praised him for the leadership he provided to his troops," according to his memorial page on Arlington Cemetery's website.

A man who gave his life to protect others, a Pakistani American.

Posts like those quoted are so full of hate, so blind to respect of a fellow soldier no matter which side of a conflict he served, they are unworthy of a military forum and un-Islamic

He fought in a war which destroyed one of the greatest Muslim nations, he didn't fight to defend his land or his people, he fought against other Muslim's for no reason what so ever other than blind patriotism. Sorry but not sorry, I only feel bad for his parents, not him.
He fought in a war which destroyed one of the greatest Muslim nations, he didn't fight to defend his land or his people, he fought against other Muslim's for no reason what so ever other than blind patriotism. Sorry but not sorry, I only feel bad for his parents, not him.

Sadly Iraq was not a great nation even before the US stuffed things up further, it was the play thing of sadam who killed his own people at a whim and attacked his neighbours. The Iranian members here could give you a better impression of how great it was.
That aside, do you see how your second post is more measured than the first, thank you for that, the reason we fight will always be wrong to some one you dont always get to choose your side but if we hate we can never forgive and if we never forgive there is no chance for a peace, Joe put it far better than i can if you have time please read the below.


Courageous family and his son:pakistan::usflag:
Best moment of election campaign


I am sure there are many Pakistani Ancestry soldiers in US forces , Mr Trump certainly crossed the line on many accounts he has no clue how to be a good candidate

I just wish someone would show Nawaz sharif Pakistani constitution booklet as well , so he would resign for not declaring his source of immense income
Sadly Iraq was not a great nation even before the US stuffed things up further, it was the play thing of sadam who killed his own people at a whim and attacked his neighbours. The Iranian members here could give you a better impression of how great it was.
That aside, do you see how your second post is more measured than the first, thank you for that, the reason we fight will always be wrong to some one you dont always get to choose your side but if we hate we can never forgive and if we never forgive there is no chance for a peace, Joe put it far better than i can if you have time please read the below.


Iraq was brutal towards its enemies, I am aware of that. However, as a nation itself it was developed and successful. Saddam was brutal, but his Iraq was damn successful, and I will take it over some Mr Nice guy who can't rule a country.

As for hating other soldiers, sorry but the enemy is the enemy in my books.
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