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The Exploding China-Hating Activity on PDF China & Far East Section

I think we need more Chinese to join PDF.

On a side note, I miss SinoChallenger, too bad he is banned. :)
You cannot overcome prejudice with reason because it is not based in logic. You cannot educate the bigotted because their ignorance is not due to lack of understanding. BoQ77 is a prime example.
I simply love to see more anti-China hatred topics, because the stronger China gets, the more burning hatred from the haters.

I always enjoy to watch the anti-China haters burning out of rage.


just don't get too full of yourselves okay.
When I first to come to western media,I am puzzled and angry,too.And then,comparing with Chinese media,I found they are the same.
Every media want to tell their people,that other countries are
under chaos,and your own country is great,you should love she and adopt your life to make your country better.CCTV,BBC,Wall Street Journal and the times of India,ect are doing that.
So,keep ourselves calm,to understand else points under their situation,and learn to think independently.

India and China seem to be two tigers on one mountain,strategy conflict between gov and public can't be avoid.So their media tend to report Chinese bad news.
America doesn't want another superpower to threat their dominant-hegemonic position,but huge amounts of trading means she indeed need China as well.So China threat theory is promoted.they want others to challenge us.
Russia want to expand its territory and keep influence on global.The grizzly bear need us fat panda.So more and more good news from China with goodwill released.

Others anti-China strength like the Vietnam and the Philippines are just like monkeys.Don't care much about that.I don't think they are real threaten because they don't have the wisdom to obtain benefits under balance.Foreign relations of Singapore is a great paragon to develop under super power.America like them,China like them,too.

In words,one person can't dance with their rival is stupid,one person can't understand their enemy is ignorant.Chinese history of 5000 years told us many many stories about this.


What's more,try our best to make friends with others.
Friendship and negotiation will make this world better.Anti-war is my standpoint.
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You cannot overcome prejudice with reason because it is not based in logic. You cannot educate the bigotted because their ignorance is not due to lack of understanding. BoQ77 is a prime example.

By calling out a specific user, all you are doing is inviting another flame war. In this thread, of all threads, what were you thinking? We are trying to lower the tensions, not raise them.
As China's role in the world expands, so will the hatred for her. Trust me, we Americans know that to be true. :agree: We Americans deal with it by not only not caring what other countries think of us.

Every media want to tell their people,that other countries are
under chaos,and your own country is great,you should love she and adopt your life to make your country better.CCTV,BBC,Wall Street Journal and the times of India,ect are doing that.

Hmm. I wonder if you have read the WSJ if you've come to that conclusion. One of the main goals of the WSJ is to criticize the US government and call for it to be reduced in size.

So,keep ourselves calm,to understand else points under their situation,and learn to think independently.

I fully support this.

India and China seem to be two tigers on one mountain,strategy conflict between gov and public can't be avoid.So their media tend to report Chinese bad news.
America doesn't want another superpower to threat their dominant-hegemonic position,but huge amounts of trading means she indeed need China as well.So China threat theory is promoted.they want others to challenge us.
Russia want to expand its territory and keep influence on global.The grizzly bear need us fat panda.So more and more good news from China with goodwill released.

Others anti-China strength like the Vietnam and the Philippines are just like monkeys.Don't care much about that.I don't think they are real threaten because they don't have the wisdom to obtain benefits under balance.Foreign relations of Singapore is a great paragon to develop under super power.America like them,China like them,too.

In words,one person can't dance with their rival is stupid,one person can't understand their enemy is ignorant.Chinese history of 5000 years told us many many stories about this.

This is an example of what not to write. It's a well done example of the sort of trolling we should not be engaged in.

What's more,try our best to make friends with others.
Friendship and negotiation will make this world better.Anti-war is my standpoint.

I completely agree. Why are we here, if not to learn from each other?
If you notice threads created for the purpose of defaming China, you can report or report in GHQ. They will be deleted.

There is a difference in genuinely discussing something and something just created to defame and troll a particular country. Some of the multiple ID Indian trolls are expert at this.

Wow @WebMaster! Not even the pretense of neutrality? I guess that's one way to go. Right now there's a thread by Pakistan's favorite son @RiazHaq which started out as "If India attacks Pakistan" and has now degenerated to Mr. Haq's favorite obsession, open defecation. There's another one by @Chinese-Dragon about Nehru being smarter than Modi or something like that where every one of his posts calls Modi a mass murder. Not to mention such gems as India is going to break apart, Indians are ugly, India is not a country (by the dude with chick's picture and bad English few posts above mine), cow piss drinkers, monkey worshippers or your Think Tanks like Donatello who in all the time I've spent here, has never had a single intelligent or constructive thing to say. How about @engineer saad who posts pictures dead indian soldiers with glee or qamar1990 who on hearing the news of a Kashmiri policeman's death, posted an unsolicited comment about how he didn't don't care 'cause he was working for the enemy. Let's not kid ourselves, when comes to trolling, Indians posters cannot hold a candle to such PDF legends as Icewolf, RazPak, hiptullha, Donatello, RiazHaq, luca1. The list is endless.

@TaiShang I agree with you that there should a higher level of discourse and that's one of the reasons I joined PDF. I wanted to see things from other people's point of view. When I signed up, I didn't realize that it was an out and out troll forum. But if you're hurt by things that are said about China, you should see what the Chinese and Pakistani posters have to say about India. It might not raise the level of discourse on PDF but you're gonna feel a bit better about your situation
Most of the China-hatred is done by Indians because they are incredibly jealous of the status China has in the world while India being a similar population to China don't have the same power and status of China. India is essentially a poor man's China.

Indians have thought of themselves as superior to China but have been forced to accept being inferior after being fully colonised by the British, then once India as a country came into existence they lost the 1962 war to China, China has veto power in the UNSC while India don't, China has a manned space program while India don't (India wanted respect so they quickly did the Mars mission with NASA to boast to China that they did something China haven't done and that the world should view India as a superior space power to China), China does incredibly well in Olympics competing with the US while India can't even win a gold medal, China has a much bigger economy, China has a far more power military, China has far better infrastructure, China has far more brands in global lists, China more supercomputers than India, the list goes on and on.

China is just a more powerful country overall and a country that is more important to the world than India. Since India is viewed as an afterthought to China in most things, this infuriates the hell out of the Indians that have viewed themselves as superior to China in their own delusional minds. That's why they say things like "we gave you Buddhism" to massage their bruised ego.

Indians thought they don't need a manufacturing sector and went straight to a service sector economy while laughing at China that has a strong manufacturing economy and even in this the Indians claimed some sort of superiority (now India wants a manufacturing sector).

Indians thought their political system as being far superior to China's political system and that would allow India to easily become more powerful than China.

Indians also view China as a barrier to dominating South Asia and Asia eventually and China (being such a powerful country) provides a check on Indian hegemonic ambitions in South Asia and supports Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

India also views China as a threat as China goes around the world buying up the world resources with the cash China has and these resources will be needed by India eventually.

The West still looks at India as a mere pawn they can use to contain China. India is never looked at as a power in itself like they view China or Russia.

No wonder the Indians hate China so much. In the minds of brainwashed Indians, China has essentially taken the place that Indians believe belong to them.

Truly delusional bunch these Indians. Indians are the most arrogant and obnoxious people you will ever come across in business and in life. There are a few good Indians but their number is small.
Trolling can be seen in every section, at some sections it has been done by Indians, at some sections It has been done by Chinese and at times in Pakistani's....... Now I have come across few threads in middle east, there the trolling is much worse than the ones i mentioned above...... I think the best way to deal this is to ignore or single out the troll post (irrespective of nationality) and as a senior or sane member, try stopping others from responding to such troll posts.....There are several threads on indian toilet issue, most of them are opened with the intention of trolling, but i have seen meaningful discussion happening in those threads.......
Every troll want to be responded, and counter trolled, the best treatment for him is Ignorance.............

Use the ignore & report option to your advantage........
Hmm. I wonder if you have read the WSJ if you've come to that conclusion. One of the main goals of the WSJ is to criticize the US government and call for it to be reduced in size.

I fully support this.

This is an example of what not to write. It's a well done example of the sort of trolling we should not be engaged in.

I completely agree. Why are we here, if not to learn from each other?
Thanks for your part agreement.:cheers:
I read some unfair news in WSJ,so I think so.Maybe I should read more and take more estimate.
By calling out a specific user, all you are doing is inviting another flame war. In this thread, of all threads, what were you thinking? We are trying to lower the tensions, not raise them.

He has been notorious for being a bigot and spammer. It is not that I disagree with him, it is that he has repeatedly violated forum rules.
I have noticed, dear fellow members, recently, the Indians (and to lesser degree the Vietnamese) are on a hate-message posting fever on PDF's China & Far East section. Their tactic is:

1. To continuously open new threads that amount to extreme China-hating, citing certain Indian media and/or overseas anti-China media that are known to have their own political agenda.

2. To troll the threads that talk positively or "constructively-negatively" about China's social, political, and economic development.

3. To post one-liners continuously so that certain inflammatory threads would stay on the front page while more constructive posts are drown in the crowd.

Now, first time since I joined this forum, today, I checked the Central & South Asia, and not surprisingly, I noticed that:

1. The section remains overwhelmingly Indian.

2. Chinese members do not show any interest to post new threads or leave comments there. There is not such concerted anti-India hate posting unlike what we observe in this section.

3. There is no such extreme anti-India activity on that particular PDF section. At least, there is none started by members who identify themselves as Chinese.

4. Overwhelming amount of the news in that section are positive and/or constructive, and there is no slander or hate-attack on India by the Chinese.

Now, considering these two aforementioned empirical facts, I surmise that,

1. Indians on China & Far East section are on a concerted attack mode to disseminate anti-China hate messages,

2. Indians may be controlled and guided by certain interest groups and/or anti-China organizations, as part of, or in extension to, the geopolitical situation in Hong Kong.

3. Indians may hope to conceal the dire situation of their own nation by mounting concerted attacks and slanders, ignoring in the meantime, basic ethics of personal conduct and dialogue.

It is agreed that Chinese and China-friendly members may at times have responded in a harsh manner to the posts by Indian members, but, it must be remembered that this is all happening in China & Far East section, not in Central & South Asia section where Chinese members show almost no interest.

It is thus natural that Chinese members will come out strongly to respond to the hate-attacks to their own nation.

Now, the Chinese members and those who are friendly/constructive toward China, may be required to take decisive action to end this nonintellectual, unethical, destructive, hate-driven and disrespectful concerted Indian activity.

Thus I kindly call on every Chinese members and those who are respectful and constructive toward China on this section,

1. to ignore the threads started by Indian members with obvious anti-China and anti-Chinese agenda. I also call on the members to not to participate, respond, or in any way engage in those obvious anti-China and anti-Chinese Indian members.

2. to report all the posts that are not constructive, agenda driven, based on questionable academic credibility, published in obvious anti-China news outlets and insulting to the Chinese nations' history, culture and national sensitivities.

I also want to kindly request Mr. @Hu Songshan and @WebMaster to radically deal with the Indian hate activity, keeping in the perspective the fact that Chinese members are overwhelmingly uninterested in Indian affairs while Indians are almost choking the China & Far East section with slander and hateful and disrespectful posts.

It must be remembered that this activity does not lead to any constructive dialogue. Quite the contrary, it further reinforces the mutual enmity and misunderstanding.

What we need in this section is constructive dialogue regardless of nationality, gender and world view. Constructive critique is to be encouraged, for sure, however, this should be honest, non-agenda driven, and respectful of the others' particular sensitivities. In this particular time frame, however, none of these seems to be achievable.

@Chinese-Dragon , @Xunzi2 , @Edison Chen , @kalu_miah , @Nihonjin1051 , @LeveragedBuyout , @tranquilium , @cnleio , @cirr , @Grand Historian , @JSCh , @FairAndUnbiased , @Beidou2020 , @Kyle Sun , @jkroo , @aliaselin , @SinoChallenger , @senheiser , @Raphael , @Genesis , at al.


Its called opinion , get used to it :D
Most of the China-hatred is done by Indians because they are incredibly jealous of the status China has in the world while India being a similar population to China don't have the same power and status of China. India is essentially a poor man's China.

Indians have thought of themselves as superior to China but have been forced to accept being inferior after being fully colonised by the British, then once India as a country came into existence they lost the 1962 war to China, China has veto power in the UNSC while India don't, China has a manned space program while India don't (India wanted respect so they quickly did the Mars mission with NASA to boast to China that they did something China haven't done and that the world should view India as a superior space power to China), China does incredibly well in Olympics competing with the US while India can't even win a gold medal, China has a much bigger economy, China has a far more power military, China has far better infrastructure, China has far more brands in global lists, China more supercomputers than India, the list goes on and on.

China is just a more powerful country overall and a country that is more important to the world than India. Since India is viewed as an afterthought to China in most things, this infuriates the hell out of the Indians that have viewed themselves as superior to China in their own delusional minds. That's why they say things like "we gave you Buddhism" to massage their bruised ego.

Indians thought they don't need a manufacturing sector and went straight to a service sector economy while laughing at China that has a strong manufacturing economy and even in this the Indians claimed some sort of superiority (now India wants a manufacturing sector).

Indians thought their political system as being far superior to China's political system and that would allow India to easily become more powerful than China.

Indians also view China as a barrier to dominating South Asia and Asia eventually and China (being such a powerful country) provides a check on Indian hegemonic ambitions in South Asia and supports Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

India also views China as a threat as China goes around the world buying up the world resources with the cash China has and these resources will be needed by India eventually.

The West still looks at India as a mere pawn they can use to contain China. India is never looked at as a power in itself like they view China or Russia.

No wonder the Indians hate China so much. In the minds of brainwashed Indians, China has essentially taken the place that Indians believe belong to them.

Truly delusional bunch these Indians. Indians are the most arrogant and obnoxious people you will ever come across in business and in life. There are a few good Indians but their number is small.

most of this seems condescending.
maybe they are mad since Pakistani members keep bringing up China :unsure: I know you two are basically BFF but it get's annoying :stop:
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