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The essence of the facts.......2



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Apr 28, 2012
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Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, said: “purity is half of faith,” reported by Imam Muslim.

Scientists also assert that cleanliness help prevent almost most diseases. When the body remains clean and pure, it gets rid of most of the germs and dust that get stuck with. Such purity prevents several diseases such as skin and mouth diseases.

Moreover, constant cleanliness of the face and the hands entails the decrease of the number of germs that attack the body through the mouth and nose. Hence, the diseases of the respiratory and digestive system are also reduced.

Purity (in body, mind, and heart) is half of faith


A recent scientific study confirms that having lights on when going to bed impacts the biological processes inside the brain and causes disorders that lead to obesity. Consequently, scientists recommend turning lights off at night to protect the body and brain.

Glory to Allah; this advice, recommended by scientists in the 21st century, was long stated by Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him

14 centuries ago. A sound chain of transmission reported: Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, said: "when you go to bed, put the lamps off." The question is: isn’t this hadith sufficient evidence that Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, speaks nothing but the truth?

لماذا تغضبون عندما تتم الإساءة لنبيكم؟ | محمد علي في حوار مع زوار​

سواح أمريكيين: أب وابنته مندهشان من الإسلام​

بطل العالم في الملاكمة تايسون فيوري يعلن إسلامه وسط ترحيب مسلمي أمريكا - Tyson Fury Becomes a Muslim

One of the Prophetic purification methods is the prohibition of urinating in water. It has been proven that human urine contains a number of germs and bacteria that are transmitted form one person to another through water. Urinating in water, particularly stagnant water, causes the spread of many epidemics such as cholera, typhoid, and polio just as it’s the case in public swimming pools. Therefore, Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, forbade it so as to guarantee us, in Allah’s will, a happy, disease free life.

One of the Prophetic purification methods is washing hands as soon as waking up in order to remove the germs and remnants of sweat that get stuck to them while sleeping. Today, scientists emphasize the significance of washing hands in order to prevent diseases. Such emphasis clarifies the importance of the following hadith: “when you get up from bed, don’t put your hand in a bowel (of food or drink) before washing it three times,” reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim. One might wonder: who could have revealed the significance of washing hands to Prophet Mohammad?


One of the purification methods is performing Istinja (cleaning the private parts) after the call of nature as well as cleaning the place of urinating well. A great medical benefit of following such a good habit has been proven for the good removal of impurities (Najasaat) prevents several diseases of the reproductive system.

This was confirmed by Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, when he instructed us to perform Istinja and purify ourselves. Within the Islamic context, believers must have a bath at least once a week, every Friday, so as to clean the skin surface from dirt, bacteria, germs, fungi, and the remnants of sweat thus preventing skin diseases, enhancing its breathing, and maintaining its pores. Once again, one wonders who could have informed Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, about the significance of cleanliness for the prevention of diseases. (Istinja means the removal of dirt that is left on the body after the call of nature: such as urine or faeces)

الاف الجنود الامريكان يدخلون الإسلام Thousands of US Soldiers Become Muslims

لماذا تستنجون بورق المرحاض وليس بالماء؟ - حوار منصور مع ملحدين

Why do you use toilet paper and not water? Mansour's dialogue with atheists

في البداية حولوا المغادرة، ولكن غيروا رأيهم بسبب الإسلام ، زيشان وفتيات التشيك​

رجل يفاجئ هاشم أثناء حديثه وينطق بالشهادة​


Scientists affirm that aging is the best way to end human life naturally; otherwise, any attempt to prolong human life above certain limits would have serious impacts, the least of which is cancer. Besides, they say: “any attempt to become immortal goes against nature.” They have concluded that despite spending billions to treat aging and prolong human life, experiments prove useless. Such a conclusion is exactly what the great Prophet pointed out when he said: “Oh servants of Allah, seek remedy for Allah has not sent down an illness without sending down a cure for it except for one illness, aging,” reported by Imam Ahmad.

Scientists declare that human growth stops after 20 thus disabling the body from getting rid of part of the bad blood. Accordingly, toxins begin to accumulate especially in the back (the non-moving part of the body). The increase of aging blood cells causes a defect in the circulatory functioning thus leading to a defect in the functioning of the body systems. Consequently, cupping is highly recommended since it rids the body of bad blood. Al-Bukhari reported: the messenger of Allah said: “if there is any good in any of your medical treatments, it is in a scarification for cupping.”

جائت لتنتقد الإسلام أصبحت خائفة أن تسلم! شمسي وزائرة ركن الخطباء المتحدثين Speakers Corner​

فتاة بريطانية تقتنع بتعدد الزوجات - ركن المتحدثين​

لماذا الإسلام يحرم الشذوذ! طالبة بريطانية وشمسي​


أعطونى القرآن من فضلكم! فتاة انجليزية ترغب قراءت القرآن، والمسلم يسألها لماذا؟​

فتاة بريطانية للأب، هل حتقبلني لو اسلمت؟ شيخ محمد​

جندي أمريكي أعلن إسلامه فاحضر زوجته واعتنقت الإسلام! الشيخ عثمان فاروق​

ابتسامة كبيرة من بريطانية، اسألي عن الإسلام ولكن ليس عمري​

The Treatment of Epidemics:

Scientists say that the perfect method for eradicating a contagious epidemic is to quarantine infected patients or even suspected ones until the epidemic is cured. Fourteen centuries ago, such a medical fact was unknown. However, Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, revealed it when he said: “when you hear that the plague is in a land, don’t enter it. When it arrives in a land where you are, don’t leave it,” reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim. Isn't this hadith sufficient proof that Prophet Mohammad is the messenger of Allah?

Sujud (Prostration to Allah):

Researchers have found out that Sujud has numerous benefits since it activates blood movement in the blood vessels and guarantees pumping blood to the brain. This has a positive psychological impact on people for they feel closer to Allah, the Great Creator. Hence, people's distresses and agonies vanish because Allah the Almighty is greater than this world and whatever is in it. That’s why when one of the companions asked Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, for his (eternal) companionship in paradise, Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, told him: “then help me with plenty of prostration,” reported by Imam Muslim.

Brushing Teeth:

Scientists have discovered that regular teeth brushing strengthens the memory i.e. removing bacteria from the mouth strengthens the immune system. This confirms what Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, said: "If I had not found it hard for my followers or the people, I would have ordered them to clean their teeth with Siwak (toothbrush) for every prayer," reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.

The pastor converted his entire church to Islam

حول القس كنيسته بأكملها إلى الإسلام

رؤيا جعلت من القسيس مسلمًا​

U.S. Soldier Converts to Islam After Trump & Afghanistan War - w. Lourdes Loyola

أنا أريد إعتناق الاسلام ولكن ؟ يوشع ايفانز مترجم

حوار رائع وهادئ بين هاشم وفتاة دانماركية مسيحية

Prophet Mohamed says to his companions : (this subject will reach all places the same as night and day) which means that Islam will spread to reach all places the same as night and day reach every place on earth .

Indeed, today statistics says that religion of Islam is in every place in the world!! As these statistics says that by the year 2025 , Islam will be the first religion all over the world according to number of followers , this is not an exaggerated saying with no doubt these numbers are real , as these figures came from non Muslim scientists.

Statistical experts confirm that Islam is the fastest growing religion and there are Muslims in all countries all over the world but with different ratios. The question, isn’t this the same as what prophet Mohamed said to his companions 1400 years ago?


The prophet said (ground was made for me as a place to prayer and also a method to be pure) [Narrated by Muslim]. in a new research scientists discovered that there are Antibiotics in the soil of earth , these Antibiotics can clean up and kill the most obstinate kind of bacteria , which prove that soil is a Disinfectant.

In a new study scientists said that there are some kinds of soil which can remove the most obstinate kind of bacteria. Today, scientists are looking for manufacturing a killer for the most obstinate kind of bacteria extracted from soil. After many tests in laboratory they found that during 24 hour soil can remove an entire colony of bacteria but the same colony had multiplied 45 times without mud.

Scientists discovered that soil contains antibiotics, and without this feature life would not continue because of viruses and bacteria that may reach human and may eliminate his life and destroy him, but god with his mercy put the cleansing feature to ensure the continuation of our life. We have to thank god for this blessing.

Islam Is the fastest growing religion in the world By sheikh ...

By proofs, Islam is The right way of life ever .Dr zakir Naik - ...

حمزة تزورتزس يغير قناعات ملحد خلال 6 دقائق فقط

حمزة تزورتزس يفحم ملحد ويبين كذبه ما شاء الله Hamza Tzortzis exposes an Academic atheist lying

Hijrah from Mecca to Madinah

order from allah

to the Prophet Muhammad

Peace be upon him

because Quraish hurt the Prophet and the Muslims

Hijrah, in essence, is a process of transfer to a better situation. It is not meant to find a comfortable place where one would relax and stop endeavor (attempt). Rather, it is a search for an environment more favorable to continuous and constructive effort. Immediately after reaching Madinah, the Prophet undertook an all-embracing process to establish a faithful and strong society. This is a significant aspect and important lesson to learn from Hijrah.

In the Glorious Qur'an, Allah, Most High, says, "Those who believe, and migrate and strive in Allah’s cause, with their goods and their persons, have the highest rank in the sight of Allah: they are indeed the successful people. Their Lord does give them glad tidings of a Mercy from Himself, of His good pleasure, and of Gardens where enduring pleasure will be theirs: They will dwell therein forever. Verily in Allah’s presence is a reward, the greatest (of all)." (Al-Tawbah 9: 20-22)

The calendar year of Islam begins not with the birthday of our prophet (peace be on him), not from the time that the revelation came to him (Bethat) nor from the time of his ascension to heaven, but with the migration (Hijra) from an undesirable environment into a desirable place to fulfill Allah's command. It was migration from a plot that was set by the leaders of the Quraysh who were plotting to kill prophet Muhammad, and to destroy the truth that today is being conveyed to mankind everywhere against tyranny and injustice. Their purpose was to destroy the foundation of the Islamic state, the Sunnah of the tradition of the prophet, and to prevent the revelation being delivered by Allah's messenger to mankind.

The Islamic calendar is reckoned from the time of migration (Hijra) of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) from Mecca to Madina. The Prophet's decision to migrate from Mecca came after several years of inhuman treatment of the faithful by the powerful tribes who were united despite all their feuds to stop the spread of Islam.

Prophet Mohammad's decision to leave Mecca coincided with the infidel's plan to assassinate him. In 622 AD, the Quresh tribesmen held a meeting and decided that a band of young men, one from each tribe, should assassinate Prophet Mohammad collectively so that their responsibility for the murder could not be placed on any particular tribe.

On the eventful night, the Prophet asked his cousin Ali Ben Abutalib to take his place in bed to make the Meccans think that he was asleep. The Prophet himself slipped out unobserved alongwith his loyal follower Abu Bakr (who was chosen as the first C aliph after the death of the prophet). They secretly made their way to a cave named Thawr, not far from Mecca and lay in hiding there for a day or two until Abu Bakr's son reported that the search for him had been given up. Then the two set out from Madina on camel back. They reached Quba, on the edge of the Madina oasis, on 12th Rabiul Awwal. With Mohammad's arrival in Quba a new phase of his career and glory of Islam started.

This migration has a special significance in the history of Islam. It ended the Meccan period of humiliation and torture and began the era of success. His own people to whom he preached Islam for 13 years neglected the Prophet of Islam. But he was cordially received in Madina as an honored chief.

In Madina his power enhanced day by day. Here he was not only the religious leader but took the role of a politician and statesman too. Prophet Mohammad expired ten years after his migration to Madina but only in one decade he changed the course of human history.

Our religious calendar is the Hijri calendar. It is important for us to keep in mind the meaning and significance of Hijrah.

Islamic months begin at sunset of the first day, the day when the lunar crescent is visually sighted. The lunar year is approximately 354 days long, so the months rotate backward through the seasons and are not fixed to the Gregorian calendar. The months of the Islamic year are:

1. Muharram ("Forbidden" - it is one of the four months during which it is forbidden to wage war or fight)

2. Safar ("Empty" or "Yellow")

3. Rabia Awal ("First spring")

4. Rabia Thani ("Second spring")

5. Jumaada Awal ("First freeze")

6. Jumaada Thani ("Second freeze")

7. Rajab ("To respect" - this is another holy month when fighting is prohibited)

8. Sha'ban ("To spread and distribute")

9. Ramadan ("Parched thirst" - this is the month of daytime fasting)

10. Shawwal ("To be light and vigorous")

11. Dhul-Qi'dah ("The month of rest" - another month when no warfare or fighting is allowed)

12. Dhul-Hijjah ("The month of Hajj" - this is the month of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, again when no warfare or fighting is allowed)

Hijrah was one of the most important events in the history of Islam. It is for this reason `Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) adopted Hijrah date to calculate years. Muslims chose Hijrah as the focal point to reckon their chronology. In physical terms, Hijrah was a journey between two cities about 200 miles apart, but in its grand significance it marked the beginning of an era, a civilization, a culture and a history for the whole mankind. Islam progressed not only from the physical Hijrah, but because Muslims took Hijrah seriously in all its aspects and dimensions.


Life Of The Final Messenger - Muhammad pbuh (Seerah) - 12 Hijrah (Migration) - Mufti Ismail Menk

Hijra of the Prophet Muhammad SAWS By Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman

Prophet Mohamed spoke very carefully about a scientific fact realized by scientists few years ago. He said ( God will not held day of resurrection unless Arab land returns greens and rivers again ) [Narrated by Muslim.] scientifically, it was proved that one day the Arabian peninsula was full of greens and rivers as satellite photos confirm that there are buried rivers under the sand of Arab land , one of the great scientists of the American space agency (NASA) says that the taken photos for the desert had shown that one day this area was covered with rivers and lakes like Europe and one day in the future it will back again like the past.

NASA scientists confirms that one day desert of Rub ' Al Khali and the Arabian Peninsula was covered with rivers, forests and animals and they confirm that this land will back again like the past , as referenced by the prophetic Hadith.


The Prophetic Hadith about the straight way in Day of Resurrection is considered to be one of the scientific miracles in the prophetic Sunnah. In this Hadith the prophet says: ( don't you see that the lightning comes and back in an eye blink)

[Narrated by Muslim] .there is complete identification between our prophet saying and the most recent discovery concerning the lightning flash as scientists had found that the lightning flash happens when a ray of lightning get out of the cloud toward the ground and back again to the cloud! In that Hadith a sign that prophet

Mohamed (Peace be upon him) talked very carefully about phases of the lightning, and also he determined the time as it is the time of an eye blink!

Scientists had found that lightning has many phases and the most important phases are going down phase and going back phase. Time of the lightning flash is 25 Fraction of a second and this is the same as time of eye blink, isn't this the same as what prophet Mohamed said 1400 years ago?

من مُعادٍ كاره إلى مؤمن محب - رحلة إيمان يورام فان كلافيرين​

The Speed of Lightning...FUNNY Sh. Dr. Bilal Philips...​

When the Moors Muslims Ruled Europe Documentary​

معجزة مرور البرق بين العلم والإيمان​

Recently, scientists had discovered that forelock area (upper and front of the brain) controls right decisions making, so as long as this are is active and efficient ,the taken decisions would be more accurate and wise .prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) says in his supplication (oh god, my forelock is between your hand) [Narrated by Ahmed].

in this supplication there is a full submission from the prophet to his god be he exalted as god is controlling however he wants and is predetermining whatever he wants . Also scientists discovered that forelock area plays a vital role in realizing, steering, problem solving and creation. So that prophet Mohamed had submitted this area for his god.

After long studies for brain activities, scientists had discovered that the most important area is the forelock (forepart of the head ) as this area is responsible for creation and steering operations so prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) confirms that this area is so important , and this is a miracle which testify that the prophet is sincere .

How could he know about that issue in a time when no one knows anything about it? God taught him all of that as god says: (and taught you that which you knew not. And Ever Great is the Grace of Allah unto you) (An-Nisa'- verse 113)


Prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) said: (one of the signs of day of resurrection is the sudden death) [Narrated by AlTabarani]. Certainly, in this Hadith there is a scientific miracle concerning a medical fact which considered being a testimony that Mohamed is god's prophet. United Nations statistics confirms that phenomenon of sudden death appeared in recent days and is increasing despite all preventive procedures.

Heart doctors confirm that phenomenon of sudden death spread considerably in the last few years, despite the development in medicine and number of dead people by this phenomenon are increasing. Isn't this the same as what was indicated in the prophetic Hadith?

عابد للشيطان أمريكي يعتنق الإسلام ويلحق بأبيه​

لهذه الأسباب فإن الإسلام هو الحقّ​

لهذا السبب لا أؤمن بإله الكتاب المقدس - حوار حمزة مع شاب محترم​

ابني صار مسلماً وأريد التعرّف على الإسلام | ومنصّر يقاطع​


سياح اندهشوا من معرفة حقوق المرأة في الإسلام وأسباب تحجّبها​

فتاة رومانية تعتنق الإسلام بعد حوارها مع شمسي​

شاب بريطاني حاول دحض الإسلام فانتهى به الحال مسلماً​

أمريكية تبكي وتعتنق الإسلام بعد الإجابة عن سؤالها​

A person born Christian or Jewish

What will God do with him?

Above all, we know that Allah is good and loves kindness in all things; He is the most gracious, the most merciful,
of a vast mercy which is greater than his anger and revenge, as it is said in the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (peace be upon him) according to which the Prophet (peace be upon him) ) said: “Allah wrote a decree before creating the universe (saying); My mercy prevails over My anger, and it is written with Him above the Throne. »Reported by al-Bukhaari (7554).

A distinction is made between one who imitated his ancestors even if he knows the truth, and one who imitated his ancestors and had no way of knowing the truth.

Both categories exist,
1-therefore he who knew the truth and turned away from it is negligent and has no excuse before Allah.

2-Those who wanted advice and sought it but could not find it because there was no one to guide them. They are the same decision as those who lived in the intervals between the prophets and those whom the calling did not reach.

As for those who were unable to ask and learn, and had no way of knowing the truth,

Allah will judge between his slaves on the day of the resurrection by his wisdom and his righteousness, and he will not punish anyone except those against whom proof is established by means of the messengers. This matter is clear and final.

those whom the call of Islam has not reached and against whom no evidence has been established through the Messengers, they will be tested on the Day of Resurrection. A messenger will be sent to them there, and those who obey him will enter heaven and those who disobey him will enter hell,

Beware of neglecting this principle even for a moment, so beware of discussing the divine decree before understanding it. You must understand that the divine decree is like the sun; when you believe in it and You won't give up on that
, based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, aYour mind will feel comfortable, like one who walks in the light of day

. God will test his creation as he pleases

God who created you and created the universe for you

And you don't thank God!

You must use your mind to choose the right religion
And you're alive before it's too late
Many people have embraced Islam
missionaries, celebrities and footballers
They studied and learned everything about Islam
May allah guide you to the right path

7 مسيحيين يعتنقون الإسلام وينطقون الشهادتين أثناء محاضرة للداعية ذاكر نايك

7 Christians convert to Islam

أحمد ديدات - أين الإنجيل الحقيقى ؟؟​

معلّمة إنجليزية تفاجأت حين تعلّمت هذه الأمور عن الإسلام​

اول معجزة للمسيح في الكتاب المقدس مصيبة​

The first miracle of Christ in the Bible is a disaster

Most of scientists confirm that Senility is the best natural end for human, and any attempt to prolong life above certain limit will cause many effects, one of these effects is cancer. "Lee silver" from Princeton, the American University says:" any attempt to reach immortality is an opposite way against nature". So, it was useless to spend money to treat senility as the spent money was about millions of Dollars. this is the same as what prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) said : (oh you ,slaves of God you have to treat yourselves from ills , as each ill has a treatment except Senility , it has no treatment.) [Narrated by Ahmed]

So science gives us some new facts to verify and prove the truthfulness of the prophet and message of Islam.


Prophet Muhammad’s miracle of water that flowed from his hands

On the day of Al-Hudaibiya (Treaty), the people became very thirsty. After completing the ablution, the people had rushed towards the Prophet ﷺ. He asked what was the matter with them. The replied that they had no water for ablution or drinking except a small pot of water which clearly wasn’t enough for them. So he then placed his hand into the pot and water started to flow from his fingers like a spring. Everyone drank and performed ablution that day.

The people became very thirsty on the day of Al-Hudaibiya (Treaty). A small pot containing some water was in front of the Prophet and when he had finished the ablution, the people rushed towards him. He asked, ‘What is wrong with you?’ They replied, ‘We have no water either for performing ablution or for drinking except what is present in front of you.’ So he placed his hand in that pot and the water started flowing among his fingers like springs. We all drank and performed ablution (from it).” I asked Jabir, “How many were you?” he replied, “Even if we had been one-hundred-thousand, it would have been sufficient for us, but we were fifteen-hundred.”

[Sahih al-Bukhari]

لا أستطيع التخلي عن يسوع | هل سيعتنق الإسلام؟ | ش. عثمان بن فاروق​

محمد حجاب يتحدث عن صحة الإسلام​

مسيحي يحاول إثبات ألوهية المسيح من القرآن​

كلام خطير للعائلة الأمريكية من شمسى، قبل أن تذهبوا أقل لكم هذا الكلام​

Prophet Muhammad’s miracle of the wedding dinner

When the Prophet peace be upon him

consummated his marriage to Zaynab bint Jahsh (may Allah be pleased with her) Anas bin Malik’s mother Umm Sulaim made them ‘Hais’ (a mixture of pure Madinah dates) only enough for the Prophet and his wife.

When the prophet received the dish from Anas bin Malik, He told him to invite so many companions that the narration mentioned about 300 companions were invited that day. He fed all of his guests until they were full.

Once they were done the Prophet told Anas bin Malik to take the dish away. As he took the dish away he couldn’t tell whether the dish was the same when he delivered it or increased in its capacity.

“The Messenger of Allah got married and consummated the marriage with his wife.” He said: “My mother Umm Sulaim made some Hais,

and I brought it to the Messenger of Allah and said: ‘My mother sends you greetings of Salam, and says to you: ‘This is a little from us.” He said: ‘Put it down.’ Then he said: ‘Go and call so-and-so, and so-and-so, and whoever you meet,’ and he named some men.

So I called those whom he named and those whom I met.” I said to Anas: “How many were they?” He said: “About three hundred. Then the Messenger of Allah said: ‘Let them sit around the dish of food in groups of ten, one after the other, and let each person eat from what is closest to him.

’ They ate until they were full, then one group went out and another group came in. He said to me: ‘O Anas, clear it away.’ So I cleared it away, and I do not know whether there was more when I cleared it away, or when I put it down.”


Prophet Muhammad’s Quran is the biggest miracle
Although the miracles listed above are extraordinary, none stack up to the greatest miracle of the Prophet ﷺ, The Holy Quran. No Muslim can disagree that the final revelation from the final Messenger is the undisputed greatest of his miracles. The miracle of the Holy Quran can be proven from multiple perspectives from its historical precision, its linguistic perfection to the many prophecies it accurately foretold. It is a book that was revealed to mankind through the Prophet ﷺ that will remain unchanged until the end of time.

Above all, the Quran presents a challenge to mankind to produce the likeness of it. A challenge that has lasted over 14 centuries uncontested. That is why the Holy Quran is the greatest miracle of the Prophet
Say, “If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur’an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants.”

حدثني عن الإسلام! بريطاني مسيحى ومنصور​

مستحيل هذا في الكتاب المقدس، شمسي يفاجئ نصراني​

ممرضة تريد أن تسلم والزوج ابى فيقاطع الشيخ...أشهدُ​

هذا يعني 'انا احبك' شمسي في حوار رائع مع فتاة اوروبية​

Islam/Quran allows marriage with first cousins, leads to deformities and retardation, not very scientific
The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, warned against the marriage of relatives

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, forbade marrying non-relatives who breastfed several doses of milk from one mother

Recent scientific researches conducted in several American universities, and research laboratories in Germany and Britain, have proven the presence of bodies in the milk of a nursing mother, whose consumption results in the formation of immune bodies in the infant’s body.

After doses ranging from three to five doses.. These are the doses required for the formation of immune bodies in the human body, even in newly born experimental animals in which the immune system has not fully developed.

Thus, there are similar immune bodies between non-relatives infants due to the same milk from one mother

which would show negative genetic recessive traits that are hidden in relatives, and when a negative converges with a negative, it turns into a positive gene. What was confirmed by modern science, which revealed that the marriage of cousins, uncles or relatives in general, leads to the emergence of diseases uncharacteristic of children, including mental retardation, or disability, or any other diseases that are hereditary in the family

Hence, we find the wisdom in this honorable hadith

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, forbade marrying non-relatives who breastfed several doses of milk from one mother

, for the matter is very similar from a genetic and immunological point of view with the marriage of relatives,

while the warning came from the marriage of relatives is not forbidden, but it is not desirable It is preferable to avoid it in order to avoid the emergence of undesirable diseases in children

شاب بريطاني يُفاجئ هاشم ويعتنق الإسلام​

ألماني مسيحي يسخر من طهارة المسلمات فقام منصور برد مفاجئ​

هل سيعتنق هذا الشاب الإسلام؟ | أجوبة مفاجئة​

شاب أمريكي يفاجئ شمسي ويعتنق الإسلام! أدعو له، #لندن


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