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The endless ideological wars against China


May 31, 2010
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The endless ideological wars against China - People's Daily OnlineOctober 14, 2010

The sum of $1.4 million
is a fairly good price for the West to start an ideological war against China when it awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo. This was bound to happen.

If Liu were not selected, some other Chinese on the shortlist, including Rebia Kadeer, Hu Jia and Wei Jingshen, would have been the recipient.

The West will continue to target China in its ideological war. It seems the Western way has to be the only way and people around the globe should adopt the Western attitudes. In the minds of some Westerners, even if China grows and develops to an advanced level, it still needs to surrender to Western ideologically.

The democracy that the West is trying to export to other countries advocates freedom of choice. Why is it then that the West avidly heralds individual freedoms, but it prohibits political diversity among different countries?

It seems the West does not care about the individuality of other societies when it is trying to expand its political systems to other areas of the world. It only seems to want total compliance and unconditional support from other nations with different viewpoints.

In some situations, based on pure interest, the West would support authoritarian governments.

China has adopted much Western wisdom since its opening-up. But it refuses to be westernized. The rejuvenation of the Chinese civilization is its dream. The more China learns from the West, the more confident it becomes in its own culture.

A rising China with different fundamental principles disturbs the West, which is beleaguered in deep economic woes. Discrediting China is a way to maintain the moral superiority of the developed world, and consequently keep the privilege of the West, which helps maximize the interests of the developed countries.

The Nobel Peace Prize is not a lone voice.
Actually, it is part of a concerto supplemented by various NGOs, economic identities and international organizations orchestrated by the developed countries. They hope to harass China's growth, and press China to surrender more economic interests. They even hope that China will one day collapse under the West's ideological crusade.

From Google threatening to withdraw from China earlier this year, to the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to a Chinese criminal, the ideological war against China is far from over.

Source:Global Times
with power, comes enemies and responsibilities.
An inordinate amount if you happen to be of another race and have been painted as the yellow peril for more than a century.

we are facing the same things that japan was in the 19th century, except we're even more of a threat to the white/jewish global order than japan was, since japan even in the 19th century adopted so many western cultural aspects.

it's like how russia was the outcast of europe for not being as "white" as the rest, how it was isolated even 1 year after the formation of the USSR.

we should start our own prize. make it something like the Eurasian Peace Price and give it to people like the Hawaii Independence Movement or Alaska Independence Movement.
we are facing the same things that japan was in the 19th century, except we're even more of a threat to the white/jewish global order than japan was, since japan even in the 19th century adopted so many western cultural aspects.

it's like how russia was the outcast of europe for not being as "white" as the rest, how it was isolated even 1 year after the formation of the USSR.

we should start our own prize. make it something like the Eurasian Peace Price and give it to people like the Hawaii Independence Movement or Alaska Independence Movement.

We must resist the urge for tit for tat politics. Fact of the matter is this hasn't hurt us and we should just carry on as before. Time is on our side.
On agrees that China may appear to being singled out.

However, China may need to gradually begin to make changes within itself in a manner that suits itself and is sustainable so that issues that are generated by the West are taken care of. This should not be with a view to placate the West but guided by the genuine need for visible and dynamic involvement of the people through elections.

Communist parties in other nations compete with the rest in elections after all.
The way to snuff out ideological wars is to be better off economically, culturally, politically and militarily than your opponents. Then your people would not find their ideologies so desirable.

All of this is pushing china to improve, so they have their uses.
It is the europe cultural sphere nowadays that runs the risk of becoming entrenched in their ways of doing things.

Pure naked capitalism may turn out to be just a fade.
with power, comes enemies and responsibilities.

this is based on what you believe. this is not universally accepted. there is no included in any single international law or treaty.

you are just another piece of solid evidence of what claimed in that article.
Why are we surprised here? Any one remember the Chinese exclusion act? The Chinese were seen as a threat even back in the days of the late Qing Dynasty, when China was at her weakest. The level of prejudice should only go up now that China is much stronger.
The endless ideological wars against China - People's Daily OnlineOctober 14, 2010

The sum of $1.4 million
is a fairly good price for the West to start an ideological war against China when it awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo. This was bound to happen.


I think the Chinese should have higher IQ to fend off Westerners’ offensive.

Per prize amount, I think Chinese authorities should impose their progressive income tax law upon the money, such that 1.4 million will have 70% tax rate per Chinese income level. Thus Chinese treasure can harvest 1 million of the 1.4 million.

Thus, the more foreign awards come in, the merrier Chinese authorities. This is precisely what is in Chinese culture "using 4-ounce force to fend off 1 ton offence" (四两拨千斤) :lol:

Seriously, Chinese system sometimes in some area, especially in bureaucratic fields, has reverse-evolutional phenomena, i.e. the lower IQ/EQ/innovation, the more foolish and petulant (AKA “patriotic”), the higher some people can manage to limber up.

I really don’t understand why Chinese authorities would hate the money that is flowing into China. China must allow Hiu Xiaobo to accept the money, and feels grateful that not Rubia, Mr. Wei, etc. take it.

Any other good ideas?
Why are we surprised here? Any one remember the Chinese exclusion act? The Chinese were seen as a threat even back in the days of the late Qing Dynasty, when China was at her weakest. The level of prejudice should only go up now that China is much stronger.

In Chinese culture, “aren’t we so pleased when having friends from far away?”

In Western culture, “if we don’t hate what we are not, how can we love what we are?”

I think Western culture is far inferior in this aspect. In their culture, they emphasize more civilization conflicts (as demonstrated by Huntington) than civilization cooperation/exchange and mutual-learning/benefit (as in ancient Sino-India case). Thus, I support a non-western force in the world to balance Western forces. China is the ideal candidate. Unfortunately, China is also being westernized gradually…
I think the Chinese should have higher IQ to fend off Westerners’ offensive.

Per prize amount, I think Chinese authorities should impose their progressive income tax law upon the money, such that 1.4 million will have 70% tax rate per Chinese income level. Thus Chinese treasure can harvest 1 million of the 1.4 million.

Thus, the more foreign awards come in, the merrier Chinese authorities. This is precisely what is in Chinese culture "using 4-ounce force to fend off 1 ton offence" (四两拨千斤) :lol:

Seriously, Chinese system sometimes in some area, especially in bureaucratic fields, has reverse-evolutional phenomena, i.e. the lower IQ/EQ/innovation, the more foolish and petulant (AKA “patriotic”), the higher some people can manage to limber up.

I really don’t understand why Chinese authorities would hate the money that is flowing into China. China must allow Hiu Xiaobo to accept the money, and feels grateful that not Rubia, Mr. Wei, etc. take it.

Any other good ideas?

The money flowing into China might be used for anti-China activities.
China is a rising power so it will have a rising list of competitors and enemies. What China can do is slam them back by awarding a huge price to some controversial figure. Down the future China will undergo political reforms and liberalization which will result in sonic boom of China's international power. While the west will continue to dwindle in their balance of payments and poor economy.
I support a non-western force in the world to balance Western forces. China is the ideal candidate. Unfortunately, China is also being westernized gradually…
The whole world is being westernized because we have an inferiority complex. For example, in many Middle Eastern and North African countries, young people prefer to listen to western music or westernized Arabic music, rather than Arabic. Why don't people in the West listen to Arabic, Turkish or Chinese music? Because they don't have an inferiority complex like us. Western cultural imperialism has already conquered the world, I'm afraid. I just don't understand this admiration for western culture (basically anything western), I really don't.
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