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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

So it’s a fallacy to think Biden is a “fair deal” and Trump would have been a “bad deal”.
They're both garbage; for America, for Iran, for planet Earth.
Also the cannibal lowlives backing dump would have scrutinized any deal he would have with Iran and be as harsh with it as much as they would regarding that creepy old pedophile currently in power.
Other than Bernie, everyone else involved in presidential elections in America from 2015 onwards has been a disgusting filthy waste of matter. May they all be devoured alive by cancer and intesitinal worms...
Unrelated to some extent, but recent developments between Russia and Ukraine has caused Biden to order the removal of US air defences protecting SA and UAE probably to redeploy in or near Ukraine.

U.S military position in the region is significantly reducing in strength and deterrence.
Seems like Rouhani has differing opinion and tried to take a different route from that of Supreme Leader under disguise of deal
Seems like Rouhani has differing opinion and tried to take a different route from that of Supreme Leader under disguise of deal

That’s theatrics.

This was supreme leaders deal, but if it flopped he could blame Rouhani. Best of both worlds. He could claim he was skeptical about and if it failed he would be rewarded and if it succeeded he would be rewarded for being flexible.

Just look...a few days ago he says Iran is in no rush to get into the deal and they won’t until US lifts all sanctions. Less than a week later they are meeting tomm with P5+1 to discuss how US can come to deal.

This is typical irani bazi.
That’s theatrics.

This was supreme leaders deal, but if it flopped he could blame Rouhani. Best of both worlds. He could claim he was skeptical about and if it failed he would be rewarded and if it succeeded he would be rewarded for being flexible.

Just look...a few days ago he says Iran is in no rush to get into the deal and they won’t until US lifts all sanctions. Less than a week later they are meeting tomm with P5+1 to discuss how US can come to deal.

This is typical irani bazi.
Contrary to your claim, when JCPOA was signed and some officials congratulated the leader, he denounced them and rejected the implementation progress in the deal, which means traitor Rouhani and Zarif hadn't asked his approval, so leader defined his own conditions, including the step by step implementation which again all of them were ignored by traitor government.

Until few years ago (or should I say few months ago), Zionist/Reformists were saying Iran's leader wants to fight the whole world! or leader has created a fake enemy to justify his incompetency. even when Rouhani was mocking the Ahmadinejad or conservatives, everybody could understand he is indirectly insulting the leader, this is how these traitors fooled the people in elections. so again, contrary to your claim, if JCPOA had succeeded, the leader (and so the whole Velayat-e-Faghih) would appear as a dead-brain towelhead who knows nothing about nothing.

For what has happened during past few days, traitors were syncing their tone with Americans to impose another step by step return to the deal and fool Iranians again, that traitor Rouhani even openly demanded this step by step solution in his speech about a week ago. to increase the chance of fooling people, they even had chosen the Mid-Shaban celebration day to announce this new agreement. Iranian leader revoked their plan, and now the government officials were rapidly saying we have no contact with Americans to reduce their humiliation.

And about the future, Iranian supreme leader has made his position clear, remove of all sanctions (not just JCPOA section) and then verification of it by Iran, and then Iran's return to the deal. traitors have no leverage anymore and wont be able to change nothing, even if it means a swift president impeachment in the parliament.
Contrary to your claim, when JCPOA was signed and some officials congratulated the leader, he denounced them and rejected the implementation progress in the deal, which means traitor Rouhani and Zarif hadn't asked his approval, so leader defined his own conditions, including the step by step implementation which again all of them were ignored by traitor government.

Until few years ago (or should I say few months ago), Zionist/Reformists were saying Iran's leader wants to fight the whole world! or leader has created a fake enemy to justify his incompetency. even when Rouhani was mocking the Ahmadinejad or conservatives, everybody could understand he is indirectly insulting the leader, this is how these traitors fooled the people in elections. so again, contrary to your claim, if JCPOA had succeeded, the leader (and so the whole Velayat-e-Faghih) would appear as a dead-brain towelhead who knows nothing about nothing.

For what has happened during past few days, traitors were syncing their tone with Americans to impose another step by step return to the deal and fool Iranians again, that traitor Rouhani even openly demanded this step by step solution in his speech about a week ago. to increase the chance of fooling people, they even had chosen the Mid-Shaban celebration day to announce this new agreement. Iranian leader revoked their plan, and now the government officials were rapidly saying we have no contact with Americans to reduce their humiliation.

And about the future, Iranian supreme leader has made his position clear, remove of all sanctions (not just JCPOA section) and then verification of it by Iran, and then Iran's return to the deal. traitors have no leverage anymore and wont be able to change nothing, even if it means a swift president impeachment in the parliament.

When the JCPOA was signed I had the impression that the leader's opinions weren't taken into consideration and that a bunch of morons and traitors negotiated the deal and were lying to the leadership and the Iranian people about what was really going on.

Some time after the JCPOA was signed, a member of the negotiating team was found to be an American spy and he defected to America (if I remember correctly).

When people were out in the streets celebrating the JCPOA I told myself just wait and you'll see them regretting the day they negotiated with the west and I wasn't wrong.
which means traitor Rouhani and Zarif hadn't asked his approval, so leader defined his own conditions, including the step by step implementation which again all of them were ignored by traitor government.

When the JCPOA was signed I had the impression that the leader's opinions weren't taken into consideration and that a bunch of morons and traitors negotiated the deal and were lying to the leadership

When people like these two exist who needs Zionists? Suddenly Zarif and Rouhani have more power than the consensus majority of factions of the Republic, Security Council, and IRGC.

Let’s dissect #1 post also known as Mohsen, he claims that Rouhani and Zarif negotiated JCPOA without the approval of Supreme leader. Implying that the deal was not to Supreme leaders satisfaction. Yet Supreme Leader himself said Iran would return to JCPOA if US removes all sanctions it has put since it breached the deal.

So if he hates the “so called” deal why is he willing to come to the same exact deal? He can easily not return at all and continue ramping up nuclear Activities. Answer is he plays both sides. If deal leads to prosperity, then for “heroic flexibility” he can take credit.... if it doesn’t then he can blame those naive for negotiating with Americans.

Let’s dissect post #2 who claims that the Supreme leaders opinion (and that of majority factions) were not taken into account and that Zarif and co lied to leadership even though the JCPOA took 2 years to negotiate and rough drafts in farsi and final version in farsi were available for entire leadership to view.

But of course It’s so much easier to believe that Zarif lied to leadership for 2 years and leadership was either so stupid or illiterate they couldn’t read the legal text of every version that was being updated and amended along the way.

Listen I have called Zarif an idiot probably more than once. But even I realize whatever was negotiated over the course of that 2 years was done with consensus of the vast factions of republic supporting the signing of the deal. It’s possible Supreme Leader didn’t want to sign but that the majority factions wanted it and the major world powers wanted it (Russia and China included) and thus he went with the majority opinion. That could be possible.

What isn’t possible is that Zarif and Rouhani by themselves with a weakened bloc managed to bulldoze ahead without anyone else’s approval. The Republic doesn’t work that way, hasn’t since Khomeini died. Even when Supreme Leader was president he lambasted that the president role in the Republic was a almost a ceremonial position if not a joke, many over the years have felt that way on both sides of the political spectrum.

These two are what I like to call Iranian trumptards, like Trump’s own (American) base they live in their own bubble and reality hating on liberals and finding no fault with conservatives.

One in particular (Mohsen) is so in love with Ahmadinejad yet talks about the “alleged” disrespect that Rouhani did to Supreme Leader but yet curiously when it comes to his lover Ahmadinejad who had go so far against Supreme Leader’s wishes that the man himself was rejected in front of everyone when he went to kiss the Supreme Leader on the cheek.....he is silent. But of course who cares about that.

Ladies and gentlemen, I neither care for reformists nor do I care for conservatives. Doing business I can tell you in them you can find crooks, cronies, and idiots. There are good and there are bad like all of society you cannot paint any group in the republic with a broad stroke of a paintbrush.

But these two individuals are very dangerous to the republic than any so called political party because if you look at America today, it is because of citizens like Mohsen who have caused America to be so divided today and politically paralyzed. It’s literally two sides that blame each other for the country’s woes while taking no share of the blame at all. Seemingly everything is the other sides fault and none of it is there. Hypocrisy runs rampant. They have weakened the country to the point that riots and shootings are now commonplace and hatred for the police is high.

So if you want Iran (a multi ethnic/racial country) to be like American political society today then be my guest blame everything on whatever opposing faction you hate and stay blind to whatever you have allegiance too. But you are making the country weaker and more prone to social upheaval.

If you think the reformist bloc or pragmatic bloc being removed from the Republic will fix Iran’s ills then nothing will change your mind and you are falling into a deep divide.

North Korea, Communist China, Stalin’s Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Chavez Venezuela, etc all had/have 5th columns either in a purely homogenous political climate. So this thinking of one political or two political parties being gone will fix all issues is a fallacy. 5th columns will exist even if the only political party is IRGC affiliated.

The Republic will return to the JCPOA wether under Rouhani or under Conservative president or some dark horse candidate.

I truly hope we get a conservative president so this board isn’t filled with people like Mohsen blaming everything on one person. According to him once a conservative comes to power everything should be fixed and rial will trade at 1000 to 1200 toman for every $1 USD again. Let’s hope so because many foreign Iranians who have poured money into the country will become very wealthy as well as the regular citizens who have seen their savings become worthless in the last decade.

Let’s see what happens in the meantime many here said Iran would never return to the treacherous JCPoA deal and that the deal is forever dead. Well we saw how long that lasted.
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When people like these two exist who needs Zionists? Suddenly Zarif and Rouhani have more power than the consensus majority of factions of the Republic, Security Council, and IRGC.
Typical BS for avoiding the responsibility. IRGC doesn't participate in politics. President is the head of security council and government has the absolute control in it, and in matters like politics only they can vote. factions don't run the country, government runs it. the pro-west propaganda helped them to win the majorities in all the elections and they have been running the country, not all the factions.

Let’s dissect #1 post also known as Mohsen, he claims that Rouhani and Zarif negotiated JCPOA without the approval of Supreme leader. Implying that the deal was not to Supreme leaders satisfaction. Yet Supreme Leader himself said Iran would return to JCPOA if US removes all sanctions it has put since it breached the deal.

So if he hates the “so called” deal why is he willing to come to the same exact deal? He can easily not return at all and continue ramping up nuclear Activities. Answer is he plays both sides. If deal leads to prosperity, then for “heroic flexibility” he can take credit.... if it doesn’t then he can blame those naive for negotiating with Americans.
As I said and you tend to ignore it (for obvious reason), the deal which supreme leader approved was completely different from the deal which was signed by Zarif. Leader set 9 conditions for implementation which greatly strengthened Iran's position in the deal. today he talks about that deal, not the one which was signed by Zarif, and Zionist/Reformists dream about.

Based on the deal which Khamenei demanded and still demands, all sanctions should have been removed (no sanction was actually removed in the deal), and strong contracts and guarantees should have been given to Iran, none of which was taken by the traitor pro-west government. The Arak reactor should have remained a true heavy water reactor, not a light water reactor which has been filled by heavy water (to increase the cost)!

So there is no paradox in supreme leader's words, just a selective memory of yours!
(no sanction was actually removed in the deal),
Is that true? If i remember correctly around 100+ billions of dollars got released to Iran and several French made civilian airplanes delivered. Some sanctions were indeed lifted for that ^^ to happen.

But hold on, i am still not finished with you. You very well know that the moment you are going to sit with the Americans at the table they are going to come up with tons of other demands. What kind of guarantee are the Iranian people going to get that they won't cave in again? Iran is the only nation on earth that constantly negotiates its nuke program in exchange for a few Western breadcrumbs. The fact that you even support negotiation of Irans nuclear program just proves that you are a traitor. What we know for sure is this time Khamenei supports the negotiations taking place. We all know he was never the brightest candle on the cake but i never expected him to cave in so fast after 20 years of sanctions and taking the country to the toilet.
Typical BS for avoiding the responsibility. IRGC doesn't participate in politics. President is the head of security council and government has the absolute control in it, and in matters like politics only they can vote. factions don't run the country, government runs it. the pro-west propaganda helped them to win the majorities in all the elections and they have been running the country, not all the factions.

As I said and you tend to ignore it (for obvious reason), the deal which supreme leader approved was completely different from the deal which was signed by Zarif. Leader set 9 conditions for implementation which greatly strengthened Iran's position in the deal. today he talks about that deal, not the one which was signed by Zarif, and Zionist/Reformists dream about.

Based on the deal which Khamenei demanded and still demands, all sanctions should have been removed (no sanction was actually removed in the deal), and strong contracts and guarantees should have been given to Iran, none of which was taken by the traitor pro-west government. The Arak reactor should have remained a true heavy water reactor, not a light water reactor which has been filled by heavy water (to increase the cost)!

So there is no paradox in supreme leader's words, just a selective memory of yours!

Mohsen you are the village idiot around here:

Fresh off of today’s news headlines

Washington must lift all Trump-era sanctions before Tehran will come into nuclear compliance, Iran's foreign ministry spokesman says

Notice how it says Trump era sanctions not Reagan Era sanctions, not Clinton era sanctions, not George W Bush era sanctions, not even Obama era sanctions.

All Iran wants is Trump era sanctions gone in return to coming back to the treacherous treasonous awful 5th column deal known as JCPOA (sarcasm)

Hilarious, there are no 9 conditions. Trump era sanctions come off and Iran returns simple as that...this time you and the other village idiots can’t claim Rouhani forced you into the deal or that Supreme Leader was sleeping when it was signed or whatever excuse makes you sleep at night.
Don't feed the Ameritard troll.

Stick to the topic and ignore him.

News about the topic:

I don't know if this is just a propaganda campaign or if it is the real deal, but if it happens then Iran might as well give away all its missiles and open a zionist embassy in Tehran
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So why is this ''step into the trap'' allowed by Khamenei?

Don't feed the Ameritard troll.

Stick to the topic and ignore him.

News about the topic:

I don't know if this is just a propaganda campaign or if it is the real deal, but if it happens then Iran might as well give away all its missiles and open a zionist embassy in Tehran

Im a troll spreading propaganda, but then you quote an farsi news article literally going against what you say and aligning with what I say.

So many village idiots on here...

What’s said is when you ask the village idiots what is their alternative instead of returning to JCPOA...it’s dead silence.

Personally I think JCPOA was poorly negotiated. arak reactor should have not been cemented until an alternative reactor was built and a period of time (5 years) had passed so Iran could see if the West lived up to its requirements.

Also research and live feed of gas into r&d centrifuges should have been allowed so Iran could have leverage in case west ever broke their commitments.

There are other things, but those are some main ones.
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