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The Economist: China has surpassed U.S. in many economic indices

Well, the US is doing several things:

# impose heavy duties on some Chinese imports such as steel, solar, wind tech
# stop Chinese state own companies from purchacing American assets in oil/gas, etc...
# strengthen military presence in East/South East Asia (Japan, S Korea, Philippines)
# building/deploying anti-missile shields (Japan, Philippines, Australia)
# propaganda war against China in media

just to name the few

they are doing all that exactly becuase of the title of this thread

That's rich for a guy that comes from a third world dump like India. I bet you don't even have a job. Just a bum with no life on PDF 24/7 nothing better to do than insulting Chinese.

get used to it mate they are the most shameless people on earth ,have you seen any country with more poor than africa continent caling themselves incredible shinning and world superpower?:rofl:
they are doing all that exactly becuase of the title of this thread
maybe they will change their strategy maybe they want to push china into war with india and japan to stop your economy and military rise i know your army is strong but india and japan are not easy targets especially when the US help them my opinion is for china to improve their relations with india and japan
maybe they will change their strategy maybe they want to push china into war with india and japan to stop your economy and military rise i know your army is strong but india and japan are not easy targets especially when the US help them my opinion is for china to improve their relations with india and japan
I don't know about Japan, India won't go to war with China. We are in crucial phase of our economy. Any such war will just be counter-productive.

Same is the case with China. They are catching up with US and for that pace to maintain they need silent borders and a trade ally like India is a good bet.
Due to China falling gdp the information ministry lowered the 50c quota per post by half, so they have to post double the amount. :D

those baseless personal attack is nonsense,you should've come up with something better than that.I can even leave you my personal information and show you around Beijing if you have chance to visit this city.

So, you sayin' jobless bum Indians have internet access 24/7? :azn:

CAN'T THEY??in China that is taken for granted.
those baseless personal attack is nonsense,you should've come up with something better than that.I can even leave you my personal information and show you around Beijing if you have chance to visit this city.

I might just hold you on your word to that! Hope you can procure some weed though!

CAN'T THEY??in China that is taken for granted.

i think jobless bums in China as well as in India (or anywhere) have problems feeding themselves and probably cannot be bothered with abstract discussion on the internet.

they are doing all that exactly becuase of the title of this thread

Add re-shoring of factories to that list.

get used to it mate they are the most shameless people on earth ,have you seen any country with more poor than africa continent caling themselves incredible shinning and world superpower?:rofl:

I know i struck gold the moment someone says im an Indian, because i know you cannot talk with arguments so you go all ballistic about India.
Do continue if you wish, it does not bother me one bit. I'll keep opening your eyes, and you keep on insulting, fine with me. :china:
but the fact you guys cannot debate openly about China and only know how to bring someone else down, speaks volume about your intelligence. Or maybe you are just not allowed to, i dont know...
An Indian with a European and American flag as his avatar? Poor guy needs treatment, lol.

There is an Indian that pretends to be a 'Korean' and another pretending to be a 'European'. I'm not surprised, why would anyone want to be Indian anyway. They are not proud of being Indian, and I can't say I blame them.

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