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The early success of Ottoman Sultanate

I think you've misunderstood what the author was getting at. This is in my opinion, a simple compilation of facts and writings regarding one aspect of the successes of the Ottoman Empire, the author is discussing the practical use of one particular arm of these forces and why it helped them militarily, it's a good read and very straight forward. I think you're reading too much into it.

This whole 'looking back to see the future thing' I don't get how you're talking about it in the context of the article.

A good read, yes, but rather pointless. A good description yes, but what does the author wants us to do after reading it? Clap, or think? Or nothing?
Its a good read. The ottomans were the last of the muslim superpower and their strength stood in their naval strength as well. Their war ships were amazing and their tactics on the sea were flawless which characterized the way for the next two super powers of britians and the french and regional powers like spain since The world was heading towards accessibility and the ottomans with their naval routes controlled the paths of europe. Its the point where the mughals failed at. They focused on land forces rather than naval strength and the result was they have no naval strength and had no idea How advanced the world was becoming. One can say that their naval strength and the razing of venetian ports and strongholds which was said to be one of the strongest navy in europe at that time paved the way towards becoming an amazing super power.
Who had the palladins??
I saw those in age of empires game.

Paladins were the first knights- the mounted nobility of emperor charlemagne.
Charlemagne was the first holy roman emperor and greatest european monarch of the middle ages,he unified large parts of the former western roman empire..he was the grandson of charles martel,who defeatd the arab invaders at poitiers in 732 saving europe.The holy roman empire in name at least lasted till 1806 until napoleon dissolved it-around a thousand years.Charlemagne is thus the first german emperor(he ruled over both france and germany,being king of franks as well..the political divide of france and germany took place after his death)
Charlemagne's HRE is called the first reich.
The german empire proclaimed in 1871 after the unification of germany under bismarck is the second reich.It was dissolved in 1919 after first world war.
Finally we have hitler's third reich.
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