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The Dynastic Republic of Pakistan

The poor are also part of problem as they don't want change and if given chance they will be more or less be the same
But the poor can't be helped. The braaderi voting method is such that entire clans are coerced into bringing the dominating feudal into power.

Shirvan from Caspian Report he is Azerbaijani btw he did a excellent report about when Pakistan did try to insert itself into Eurasia in post Soviet Vaccum of the early to mid 1990s and it failed ver miserably because we had nothing to offer but Tablighis and mullahs no wonder China,and Turkey inserted much easier and Russia despite its demographic decline in those ex republics still sway a lot in terms of geo politics

I doubt it we need new political parties and politicians down with all these parties
This is sad because Pakistan (excluding Afghanistan) is the closest major population centre to Central Asia.
Honestly this idea of "religion as a glue" does not hold water and is a myth that has taken hold. If religion was as people claim then it would dissolve the Durand Line and conjoin us with the Islamic lands to west of us. As you know that is not quite the case.
I believe religion is a major cohesive pillar, but it is not the sole cohesive pillar nor can it be, as is evident by the separation of East Pakistan.

We have many other unitary elements; such as strong historic and ethno-cultural ties with each other, much more so than other post-colonial states, enough to naturally compose a strong national identity, but has purposefully been ignored and discarded by the state.

This excerpt brilliantly mentions some of my points here:

Japanese politics are also dominated by political dynasties. Between 30% to 40% of seats in the Japanese parliament are handed down from father to son then to grandson.

I was watching a Chinese content creator on Bilibilli/YouTube and his idea (not sure how original it was) was that urbanization could solve the problem of political dynasties, because interests of urban residents are dynamic and diverse whereas interests of rural populations are more static. So rural residents prize stability above all else, hence the dynasties.
No one in Pakistan should be allowed to own more than 100 acres of land.
These feudals are cancer.
What was a Pakistani venture to increase trade with Central Asia republics has been warped into a Pakistani grab for power and influence. Quite hilarious. It was the US negotiations failure for the Oil pipeline from the Central Asian republics through Afghanistan with the Taliban that precipitated the attack on Afghanistan. Pakistan's participation in the war indicates that Pakistan had an interest in the pipeline but only when intelligence docs are released will the truth be found out. At the moment Pakistan still does have strong ties with the central Asian republics and has a prosperous trade.
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