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The day that changed the world.


Dec 30, 2010
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Today has split history as never, before, there will always be a 9/11 etched in our memory.

Today everyone is sharing the loss America faced.

Today lets remember those that were fallen.

Today lets recall where were we when we first heard the news of the attacks

Dedicated to all the people who lost life on this day.

Dedicated to all the firefighters who went in the building knowing the danger

We will never forget!!!
what about the 30 000 pakistanis that died?
world media are showing more sympathi for 3000 people, but forgetting the 30 000?
America should feel itself lucky, look how many, iraq, afghanistan, pakistan and others have lost on their war on terror.
and most of that is collteral murder
I wasn't affected by 9/11 at all.. Americans should of seen that coming when they allowed their country to boss smaller countries around..

The 9/11 attacks are nothing, the real punishment will come from God sooner or later..
what about the 30 000 pakistanis that died?
world media are showing more sympathi for 3000 people, but forgetting the 30 000?
America should feel itself lucky, look how many, iraq, afghanistan, pakistan and others have lost on their war on terror.
and most of that is collteral murder

that is why that day is important.

Its not just those 3000 people but all those who lost life afterwards just because of someone's stupid interpretation of Islam

---------- Post added at 05:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:03 AM ----------

I wasn't affected by 9/11 at all.. Americans should of seen that coming when they allowed their country to boss smaller countries around..

The 9/11 attacks are nothing, the real punishment will come from God sooner or later..

I think I should report you to FBI

---------- Post added at 05:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:03 AM ----------

Not really world has seen many events this is nothing

Well it was the turning point of this century
I wasn't affected by 9/11 at all.. Americans should of seen that coming when they allowed their country to boss smaller countries around..

The 9/11 attacks are nothing, the real punishment will come from God sooner or later..
I have not made any decisions regarding punishments.
The other day I was reading history , and how many events took place , then I see USA making this big deal about 911 and how important or some sorta angelic event it is ....

I mean Tsunami in Japan or Srilanka or other places now that is a big even 200,000 people gone

pff give me a break go read history , there were wars and other events in past where ... 100,000 -200,000 people died in massive battles , 100 ship battles in sea , and hand to hand combat

And who can over look other events like meteor strike that wiped out dinasors

USA is full of it glorifiying every little tiny thing ... and crying crocodile tears daily over it

Look it happened - GET over it ... life goes on ...

You killed 100,000-400,000 and got into 20 trillion dollar in debt GET OVER IT ... it was just a building which happened to be insured by Jewish guy (wink wink) but get over it, one of the planes was a missile .. no plane found ... and similarly other scientific evidence but ... just get over it already

Too much DRAMA QUEEN stuff , pink candles and little teddy bears , like come on just get over it

Look at Japan they had this giant tsunami - YOU KNOW what they are already rebuilding new lives

The sun still comes out same way , sets in same way , rain come and goes and flowers bloom and seasons change ... its not like it was this "biblical act" perhaps ppl want to glorify it to feel important but its just an event like a car accident on road or burglar stealing something form home
The other day I was reading history , and how many events took place , then I see USA making this big deal about 911 and how important or some sorta angelic event it is ....

I mean Tsunami in Japan or Srilanka or other places now that is a big even 200,000 people gone

pff give me a break go read history , there were wars and other events in past where ... 100,000 -200,000 people died in massive battles , 100 ship battles in sea , and hand to hand combat

And who can over look other events like meteor strike that wiped out dinasors

USA is full of it glorifiying every little tiny thing ... and crying crocodile tears daily over it

Look it happened - GET over it ... life goes on ...

You killed 100,000-400,000 and got into 20 trillion dollar in debt GET OVER IT ... it was just a building which happened to be insured by Jewish guy (wink wink) but get over it

:hitwall: Sigh.. Pakistanis..and their logic

I thought this will be one day where everyone will at least try to remember the innocent lives that were lost.
As bad as 9/11 was, the real insult to the victims of that day is how their loss has been exploited by various groups within and outside the US to further their own agenda.
Just was a silly old financial building with bankers who made money from selling crook insurance and other silly antics no one was a saint in that building

The ******** building was so old no one wanted to run it so the Jewish guy took over and put a big insurance policy over it - yeah he got super rich from it

Bottom line - ppl die and ppl move on ... you know what they say ...

You want to forget your old ex , throw away the stuff ... and baggage - US is just in love with girl friend bin laden and it can't get over it

Infact it was / is in so much love that even after the alleged capture it would not share the picture with world

Sometimes I wonder may be his skull is used to do satanic rituals well they did stuff like that with other Captured Indian warriors

And the biggest slap is the fact that all the ppl (first responders) have no medical insurance that is the real face of thsi none sense !! DRAMA

People who should be helped are stuck with medical problems and here we have DRAMA queens doing these silly promos ever year cus it sells newspapers

And all the big news papers hype it up close to September hoping something would happen so they can sell newspapers ... its quite disgusting how every one wants some action to sell newspapers, to get contracts for new security equipment and may be more crazy laws to pass


Only thing remaining is post card company selling post cards to make money

But I get it the world leaders and others ... trying to make financial deals with US so they try to wink wink share the burden ... its all PR crap ...

And one of the buildings had enron black files !! and assets that exposed some criminals go figure !!
A war without end
Syed Fattahul Alim

A decade has passed since the World Trade Centre (Twin Tower) collapsed in a suicide plane attack on September 9, 2001 (9/11). The attack was termed an act of international terrorism. And al-Qaeda, a militant Islamist outfit led by infamous Osama bin Laden was believed to be the destroyer of the Twin Tower.

It was described by the then US President George W. Bush as an act of "evil," an evil that was out to destroy America, a champion of democracy and civilisation. Civilisation because about a decade and a half before the Twin Tower tragedy, the Reagan administration had defined international terrorism as one that is sponsored by a state.

It said, according to the celebrated scholar Noam Chomsky: "State-supported international terrorism a 'plague spread by depraved opponents of civilisation itself' in a "return to barbarism in the modern age' -- I'm quoting [Secretary of State] George Shultz who was the administration moderate."

So, international terrorism was an evil force, something that opposed civilisation and wanted to take the modern world back to "barbarism."

A decade later, it was again an international terrorism, which was, of course, not a state-sponsored one, as the identified perpetrator of the Twin Tower destruction, al-Qaeda, did not represent a state. Since this kind of international terrorism had no state, the "war" against it could not have any particular state as its front. It can be anywhere on earth. That, in other words, is a war without front.

The implication was clear and simple. As the US was spearheading this war, it had the right to attack any state or place on earth if it was found that it was harbouring such force of international terrorism.

And the war being against an evil that is hell-bent on destroying human civilisation, it could not be but just another war, rather it must be a just and sacred war. Now that the US was leading the war, it could claim a universal support for such a just cause.

So, it became the bounden duty of any nation that believed in peace, democracy and as such willing to protect civilisation, to be with the US in the war against terrorism.

To extend the argument, anyone, who was not with the US in this war, was against the cause. And anyone against the cause, anyone not with the US, was by definition against US. A very simple, cogent and convenient logic.

And following the 9/11, the war began first at the end of 2001 in Afghanistan, where the supposed perpetrator of the Twin Tower tragedy was hiding. The US sent bombers, missiles from US fleet in the Persian Gulf and special CIA forces to ferret out the culprit headquartered at Tora Bora. Even with intensive bombing of Tora Bora, a complex of caves in the so-called Safed Koh Mountains, which in English stands for "White Mountains," nothing could be attained.

Though the US forces, along with British commandos assisted by local tribals, were not able to capture Tora Bora, neither a large depot of arms and ammunitions, nor big training centres of the Laden forces could be traced. And Laden vanished as if into thin air.

Since Laden could not be found, the war continued and the blood of the Afghan people was spilled in profusion. The search for Laden and as such the war endured.

The war spread into Pakistan from where the Afghan Taleban, another force against civilisation, (ironically, though, it was created by the US itself to drive the Russians out of Afghanistan), were giving support to Laden's al-Qaeda.

Meanwhile as the war had been raging in Afghanistan, another front was opened in the first quarter of 2003, in Iraq, though under a different excuse. It was that the then Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein had amassed weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and that it was a threat against America, the protector of modern civilisation. The war had already cost US around US$900 billion and more than 4,400 body bags. About Iraqi casualties, though there is no exact figure, yet according to a London-based independent polling agency, Opinion Research Survey Business (ORB) survey disclosed in 2007, the number was more than one million.

So, by 2011, the figure must have risen further, say, to another half a million, since the nature of the engagement is not as intensive as it was in the beginning.

Similarly the Afghan war cost has reached over US$ 117 billion and casualty figure of Afghans at over one million, while those of the coalition forces over 2,700 including 1,700 US servicemen.

But what has been achieved by these wars? Is the world securer now than it was before the collapse of Twin Tower? Now that the most hunted lynchpin of terrorism Bin Laden had been tracked down in Pakistan by the CIA on May 2 this year and was killed, has international terrorism subsided?

Quite to the contrary. It has widened its sphere further. Pakistan is in the grip of worst kind of terrorism and virtually an extended front of the Afghan war. World is now more divided and xenophobic.

War begets, if anything, only war and not peace. And that is the lesson of history.

The writer is Editor, Science & Life, The Daily Star.
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