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The coronavirus crisis is turning Americans in both parties against China

Okay, thats Ho's story before he became VN president, he himself may say thanks to CN. But we r talking abt VN be thankful to CN. Sorry, VN didnt owe CN anything.

VN ppl elected Ho as the president in 1946 and demanded Ho to ask help from Soviet, and Ho came to Soviet and ask help first, not CN, got it?

Okay, thats Ho's story, he himself may say thanks to CN. but we r talking abt VN be thankful to CN. Sorry, VN didnt owe CN anything.

VN ppl elected Ho as the president in 1946 and demand Ho to ask help from Soviet, and Ho came to Soviet and ask help first, not CN, got

Pathetic liar, show me the link Ho asked help from Mao before master Stalin demand servant Mao to come out of the cave to support VN ??

In January 1950, Moscow belatedly recognised Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh as the ‘official’ rulers of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh journeyed to Moscow and sought Soviet military backing for his war of independence against the French. Stalin, whose attentions were concentrated on Europe, rejected his overtures. Instead, Stalin encouraged his communist ally, Mao Zedong, to support the Viet Minh.


So basically Stalin didn't care and sent Ho to China instead? lol

It's "encouraged" by the way which means, in the end, it was Mao who had the choice to help or not and he did.

The People’s Republic of China formally recognizes the communist Democratic Republic of Vietnam and agrees to furnish it military assistance; the Soviet Union extended diplomatic recognition to Hanoi on January 30. China and the Soviet Union provided massive military and economic aid to North Vietnam, which enabled North Vietnam to fight first the French and then the Americans. Chinese aid to North Vietnam between 1950 and 1970 is estimated at $20 billion. It is thought that China provided approximately three-quarters of the total military aid given to Hanoi since 1949, with the Soviets providing most of the rest. It would have been impossible for the North Vietnamese to continue the war without the aid from both the Chinese and Soviets.
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So basically Stalin didn't care and sent Ho to China instead? lol

It's "encouraged" by the way which means, in the end, it was Mao who had the choice to help or not and he did.
Yeah, Stalin was busy to expand the communist power in EU and VN is just small nation, so he let some useless guys like Mao who only good at hiding inside the cave to "help" VN.
Yeah, Stalin was busy to expand the communist power in EU and VN is just small nation, so he let some useless guys like Mao who only good at hiding inside the cave to "help" VN.
We hid not in a cave, but a plateau. It's called the loess plateau with houses carved into the soil and enforced with bricks, that's the traditional dwelling of that place. We don't hide on trees like monkeys. If we were vassals like Vietnam, there wouldn't be a SinoSoviet split. Understand? You can lie all you want, without Chinese help, Vietnam wouldn't have been able to fight the Americans, you think you cam fight sticks and throw stones! Where do you think your bullets come from?

Ho Chi Minh begged both China and USSR for help and we helped because we know Vietnam is weak and would have been destroyed by the US.

Look at your behaviour now, US gassed you with agent orange and you are already becoming a dog wagging your tail. Where is your pride. Lucky yr miss Saigon helped us gave em sailors some corona virus. Thank you Vietnam!
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We hid not in a cave, but a plateau. It's called the loess plateau with houses carved into the soil and enforced with bricks, that's the traditional dwelling of that place. We don't hide on trees like monkeys. If we were vassals like Vietnam, there wouldn't be a SinoSoviet split. Understand? You can lie all you want, without Chinese help, Vietnam wouldn't have been able to fight the Americans, you think you cam fight sticks and throw stones! Where do you think your bullets come from?
Aha, then why No CN leaders dare to say "without Chinese help, Vietnam wouldn't have been able to fight the Americans" ??

Bcs they simply can not change the history, Stalin told Mao to "help" VN and bcs Mao owe Soviet a very big debt , so Mao had to do wat Stalin told him to do(without Soviet help, Mao would still be adumb peasant working in a filthy pig farm ).

prove that Xi, Mao dare to say"without Chinese help, Vietnam wouldn't have been able to fight the Americans" , liar :cool:
Aha, then why No CN leaders dare to say "without Chinese help, Vietnam wouldn't have been able to fight the Americans" ??

Bcs they simply can not change the history, Stalin told Mao to "help" VN and bcs Mao owe Soviet a very big debt , so Mao had to do wat Stalin told him to do(without Soviet help, Mao would still be adumb peasant working in a filthy pig farm ).

prove that Xi, Mao dare to say"without Chinese help, Vietnam wouldn't have been able to fight the Americans" , liar :cool:
You can believe whatever you want to have pride, unlike you, China choose to be masters of our own destiny not a Soviet clown or US slave. Now go bck n serve your US masters. Some people are just born slaves.
You can believe whatever you want to have pride, unlike you, China choose to be masters of our own destiny not a Soviet clown or US slave. Now go bck n serve your US masters. Some people are just born slaves.
Pathetic, Cnese is only good at bowing down and beg help from masters (Stalin and then US-Jap in 1978), but u guys can not stop ur stealing behavious (stole missile tech when Soviet sent missile to VN via CN rail road), thats why all masters hate u and willing to punish u guys so hard now.

Even Cambodia also left u when decide to stop selling rice to CN :cool:
Pathetic, Cnese is only good at bowing down and beg help from masters (Stalin and then US-Jap in 1978), but u guys can not stop ur stealing behavious (stole missile tech when Soviet sent missile to VN via CN rail road), thats why all masters hate u and willing to punish u guys so hard now.

Even Cambodia also left u when decide to stop selling rice to CN :cool:
I mean if we are US and Japanese slaves, why would we and SK being the only 2 countries forcing Japan to officially apologize and also if we are slaves, why would US be the first to contact us for an alliance and if we were Soviet slaves, why would we split and fought them in 69? You still haven't answer my questions. All in all Vietnam is the showing servitude to US and USSR.

And now being proud to be linked to Jpn SK. Look at how. Proud you are with the Viets in Jpn.
So basically Stalin didn't care and sent Ho to China instead? lol

It's "encouraged" by the way which means, in the end, it was Mao who had the choice to help or not and he did.

The People’s Republic of China formally recognizes the communist Democratic Republic of Vietnam and agrees to furnish it military assistance; the Soviet Union extended diplomatic recognition to Hanoi on January 30. China and the Soviet Union provided massive military and economic aid to North Vietnam, which enabled North Vietnam to fight first the French and then the Americans. Chinese aid to North Vietnam between 1950 and 1970 is estimated at $20 billion. It is thought that China provided approximately three-quarters of the total military aid given to Hanoi since 1949, with the Soviets providing most of the rest. It would have been impossible for the North Vietnamese to continue the war without the aid from both the Chinese and Soviets.
3/4 of all supports came from USSR.

2,000 tanks, 7,000 artillery guns, 5,000 anti-aircraft guns and 158 missile launchers

I mean if we are US and Japanese slaves, why would we and SK being the only 2 countries forcing Japan to officially apologize and also if we are slaves, why would US be the first to contact us for an alliance and if we were Soviet slaves, why would we split and fought them in 69? You still haven't answer my questions. All in all Vietnam is the showing servitude to US and USSR.

And now being proud to be linked to Jpn SK. Look at how. Proud you are with the Viets in Jpn.
CN split wt Soviet bcs u guys r ingrate ppl. Begging help at all cost for support in civil war and quickly backstabbed Soviet for money when US offerred Mao-Deng some dollar to do that dirty job.

But US-Jp just consider CN as a low life servant, when Soviet collapsed they stop support CN and start destroying CN instead. CN alone is too weak to fight against US even when US is sufferring Covid badly, thats why even Cnese here also think that CN will be in big trouble in 2022 due to US punishment :cool:
3/4 of all supports came from USSR.

2,000 tanks, 7,000 artillery guns, 5,000 anti-aircraft guns and 158 missile launchers


Aww.. Here's your link.


"Chinese aid to North Vietnam between 1950 and 1970 is estimated at $20 billion. It is thought that China provided approximately three-quarters of the total military aid given to Hanoi since 1949, with the Soviets providing most of the rest."

Some more fun stuff.


After World War II, Soviet Russia gave only marginal support for communist movements in Vietnam, which was then outside Moscow’s sphere of influence.

Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin sought to maintain his wartime alliance with the West, temporarily at least, and chose not to antagonise them by backing the Viet Minh in 1946-47. Stalin also had an immovable distrust of Asian communist groups, considering them weak, undisciplined and tainted by self-interest and nationalism.

The Chinese already had a history of working with the Viet Minh. Chinese communists and the Viet Minh had provided each other with cover and material support during their struggles to gain control in their countries.

This relationship was particularly strong in border regions. Chinese communist forces often retreated into North Vietnam, to rest or prepare for further offensives. In return, the Chinese provided the Viet Minh with weapons, munitions and training.

Beijing continued this assistance in the early 1950s, providing significant amounts of military aid to Hanoi, while also supplying North Korea during the Korean War (1950-53). Most Chinese supplies arrived in Kunming in Yunnan province, where they were transported to the Vietnamese border, then carried down a narrow jungle track – a forerunner of the famous ‘Ho Chi Minh trail’.
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Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin sought to maintain his wartime alliance with the West, temporarily at least, and chose not to antagonise them by backing the Viet Minh in 1946-47. Stalin also had an immovable distrust of Asian communist groups, considering them weak, undisciplined and tainted by self-interest and nationalism.

Aha, but at least, Mao admited what Stalin said is true, Mao's army was weak, undisciplined during ww2 cos all of them r just dumb peasants, didnt even know how to fly a war plane :lol:
Aha, but at least, Mao admited what Stalin said is true, Mao's army was weak, undisciplined during ww2 cos all of them r just dumb peasants, didnt even know how to fly a war plane :lol:

Oh and he was proven wrong alright. (By the way, if you can read critically, you'd realized he was talking about the Viet Minh that is weak and so Stalin chose not to give support.)

Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin sought to maintain his wartime alliance with the West, temporarily at least, and chose not to antagonise them by backing the Viet Minh in 1946-47. Stalin also had an immovable distrust of Asian communist groups, considering them weak, undisciplined and tainted by self-interest and nationalism.

By the end of 1949, the situation had changed markedly. US-Soviet tensions were rising and Mao Zedong’s communist victory in China (October 1949) was a radical development in the Cold War.

In January 1950, Moscow belatedly recognised Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh as the ‘official’ rulers of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh journeyed to Moscow and sought Soviet military backing for his war of independence against the French. Stalin, whose attentions were concentrated on Europe, rejected his overtures. Instead, Stalin encouraged his communist ally, Mao Zedong, to support the Viet Minh.

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Oh and he was proven wrong alright.

Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin sought to maintain his wartime alliance with the West, temporarily at least, and chose not to antagonise them by backing the Viet Minh in 1946-47. Stalin also had an immovable distrust of Asian communist groups, considering them weak, undisciplined and tainted by self-interest and nationalism.

By the end of 1949, the situation had changed markedly. US-Soviet tensions were rising and Mao Zedong’s communist victory in China (October 1949) was a radical development in the Cold War.

In January 1950, Moscow belatedly recognised Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh as the ‘official’ rulers of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh journeyed to Moscow and sought Soviet military backing for his war of independence against the French. Stalin, whose attentions were concentrated on Europe, rejected his overtures. Instead, Stalin encouraged his communist ally, Mao Zedong, to support the Viet Minh.

Bcs KMT army was also weak, undisciplined. Thats the reason why Big CN, bigger than JP at least 20 times and the army is 5 times bigger still could not stop Najing massacre
the financier class of Wall Street, the REAL OWNERS of the US,


According to Spectrem Group, the average United States millionaire is 62 years old. Just 1% of millionaires are under the age of 35,



You hit the point. The US is there where Vietnam was there long ago. The US feels betrayed by China. They feel bitterness. We feel betrayed, feel the same bitterness when the chinese under Deng attacked Vietnam in an attempt to save their blood Khmer bro’s in Cambodia.

The US relationship now to the chinese is damaged beyond repair.
Doesn't matter, becos China is enough to stand on its own. US trade war has failed to defeat China, what u think will?

A nuclear exchange will only wipe both out of this world. US need to realise China is a equal partner , a worthy foe. They can be emotional but this is fact.
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