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The Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistani Navy visited the Russian frigate "Admiral Grigorovich"


Jan 10, 2018
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In the port of Karachi, a ceremony of welcoming the commander of the naval forces of Pakistan, Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niyazi, took place.

The commander-in-chief of the Pakistani Navy visited the frigate "Admiral Grigorovich", which arrived to participate in the international exercises "AMAN-2021". Captain of the third rank Konstantin Aksenov conducted a "demonstration" display of the ship.

During the sightseeing tour, Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niyazi got acquainted with the main complexes of naval weapons and the Ka-27PS search and rescue helicopter. At the end of his visit to the Russian ship, the commander-in-chief of the Pakistani Navy made a memorable entry in the frigate's guest book.
Recall that on February 11 a detachment of ships of the Russian Navy arrived at the port of Karachi to participate in the international naval exercises "AMAN-2021". Yesterday a delegation from the Russian Defense Ministry took part in the opening ceremony of the exercises.

The Russian side is represented by ships of the Black Sea Fleet: the frigate "Admiral Grigorovich", the patrol ship "Dmitry Rogachev" and the rescue tug SB-739, as well as a Marine Corps unit, a demining detachment and a sea-based Ka-27PS deck helicopter. ■

Not good news this, admiral grigorovich is identical to our talwar class frigate.
Imagine telling average Pakistani in 1989/1990 that a Pakistani general would visit a Soviet frigate now 3 decades later

I visited a Sovremenny class guided missile destroyer in 1996 with some other PN officers in Cape Town.
It was a real treat.

Also visited INS Dehli in 1999 at LIMA, the duty officer let us in and showed us around the ship and when his XO learnt that we are PN officers, we were asked to leave the ship, but after spending an hour on-board.
Imagine telling average Pakistani in 1989/1990 that a Pakistani general would visit a Soviet frigate now 3 decades later
its just a visit which russians will use to further milk India, nothing for Pakistan in it!! We are again being used and this time its Russia!
Different weapons and Radar
The Talwar-class frigates or Project 11356 are a class of stealth guided missile frigates designed and built by Russia for the Indian Navy. The Talwar-class guided missile frigates are the improved versions of the Krivak III-class frigates used by the Russian Coast Guard. Wikipedia

In the port of Karachi, a ceremony of welcoming the commander of the naval forces of Pakistan, Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niyazi, took place.

The commander-in-chief of the Pakistani Navy visited the frigate "Admiral Grigorovich", which arrived to participate in the international exercises "AMAN-2021". Captain of the third rank Konstantin Aksenov conducted a "demonstration" display of the ship.

During the sightseeing tour, Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niyazi got acquainted with the main complexes of naval weapons and the Ka-27PS search and rescue helicopter. At the end of his visit to the Russian ship, the commander-in-chief of the Pakistani Navy made a memorable entry in the frigate's guest book.
Recall that on February 11 a detachment of ships of the Russian Navy arrived at the port of Karachi to participate in the international naval exercises "AMAN-2021". Yesterday a delegation from the Russian Defense Ministry took part in the opening ceremony of the exercises.

The Russian side is represented by ships of the Black Sea Fleet: the frigate "Admiral Grigorovich", the patrol ship "Dmitry Rogachev" and the rescue tug SB-739, as well as a Marine Corps unit, a demining detachment and a sea-based Ka-27PS deck helicopter. ■

It is great to see Pakistan and Russia in the spirit of friendship. Regardless of the military to military exchange, a greater feat will be an economic and cultural exchange between the two "nations." It would icing on the cake, when Pakistan and Russia cooperate and work together in fields of science, technology and agriculture.

Pakistan has shown and proven itself to the world with the AMAN Naval Exercises, that it seeks peaceful, growth relationship with other nations. Russia, China, Iran, Malaysia, Venezuela, Indonesia and other nations. Let there be greater cooperation between Pakistan and these nations, in all fields to mutually benefit each other.
Also visited INS Dehli in 1999 at LIMA, the duty officer let us in and showed us around the ship and when his XO learnt that we are PN officers, we were asked to leave the ship, but after spending an hour on-board
I guess at that time you were already retired from PN? Or for what purpose you visited that Indian ship and what you were doing in Lima peru?
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