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the comfortable muslims of yesteryears and the pious muslims of now

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As muslims we need to get out of this mindset that we have the authority to grant "certificate" of momin/kafir. That power is for the all mighty alone, we are nothing but dust and to the dust we shall return:

true words, yours and the song... and it is especially sad that islam which came about to simplify life, remove oppression and has practical rules and simple credos to achieve this, has seen this saddening trend from time to time but especially in the last 30+ years, of muslims using anti-intellectual "logic" to impose the dictatorship of the priests upon the muslim masses.

connected to this, your words and the song reminded me of a scene in the satire/educating film "pk" ( aamir khan's ) where pk goes near a college and soon successfully gets the students to fear divine anger ( and subsequent failure in exam ) if they didn't do certain rituals as generally prescribed by the priests... baad ke jannat aur jahannum ke chakkar mey bohot musalmaan yahaan ke jannaton ko jahannum bana dete hain.

and to the point of "we are nothing but dust and to the dust we shall return", it reminds me of similar words which can be related to here - the famous attributed three wishes of sikandar-e-aazam :
The final days of Alexander the Great offer a moral lesson for each one of us.

Alexander, while returning home after conquering many kingdoms fell mortally ill in Babylon. While lying on his deathbed in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II, he realized the worthlessness of his vast hoard of gold, silver, and jewels, accumulated through his conquests with his sharp sword and his mighty army.

He longed to reach home. He wanted to have a last look of his mother’s face before departing from this mortal world. But, he knew that his sinking health would not let him reach his distant homeland. He called his generals and said, “I will depart from this world soon, I have three wishes, please carry them out without fail.”

With tears flowing down their cheeks, the generals agreed to abide by their king’s last wishes.

“My first wish is that my physicians alone must carry my coffin,” said Alexander.

After a pause, the king continued, “For my second wish is I want the path leading to my grave be strewn with gold, silver and precious stones which are in my treasury while my body is being carried to be buried.

The dying king continued, “My third and last wish is that both my hands be kept dangling out of my coffin.”

Though the generals wondered at the king’s strange wishes, no one dared to question or ask him the reason for these three wishes.

One of Alexander’s favourite generals after kissing his hand and pressing it to his heart said, “O king, we assure you that all your wishes will be fulfilled. But could you please enlighten us on why you make such strange wishes?”

Alexander’s favorite general kissed his hand and pressed them to his heart. “O king, we assure you that your wishes will all be fulfilled. But tell us why do you make such strange wishes?”

At this Alexander took a deep breath and said:

“I would like the world to know of these three fundamentals:

I want my physicians to carry my coffin because people should realize that no doctor can really cure anybody. They are powerless and cannot save a person from the clutches of death.

My second wish to strew gold, silver and other precious stones on the way to the graveyard is to let the people know that though I spent all my life accumulating riches, not even a grain of gold will come with me when I leave this world. I want people to understand that it is a sheer waste of time, energy, and peace of mind when one yearns to be rich.

With my third wish of having my hands dangling out of the coffin, I want people to know that I came empty handed into this world and likewise will go empty handed from this world.”

@Mentee spoke above of ijtihad and of muslim history of the last 50 years, ijtihad is need the most now... if it was iqbal 70 years ago, attempt must be made to present the words of his kind at global scale, among muslims and outside.
true words, yours and the song... and it is especially sad that islam which came about to simplify life, remove oppression and has practical rules and simple credos to achieve this, has seen this saddening trend from time to time but especially in the last 30+ years, of muslims using anti-intellectual "logic" to impose the dictatorship of the priests upon the muslim masses.

connected to this, your words and the song reminded me of a scene in the satire/educating film "pk" ( aamir khan's ) where pk goes near a college and soon successfully gets the students to fear divine anger ( and subsequent failure in exam ) if they didn't do certain rituals as generally prescribed by the priests... baad ke jannat aur jahannum ke chakkar mey bohot musalmaan yahaan ke jannaton ko jahannum bana dete hain.

and to the point of "we are nothing but dust and to the dust we shall return", it reminds me of similar words which can be related to here - the famous attributed three wishes of sikandar-e-aazam :

@Mentee spoke above of ijtihad and of muslim history of the last 50 years, ijtihad is need the most now... if it was iqbal 70 years ago, attempt must be made to present the words of his kind at global scale, among muslims and outside.
Nailed it sir. Actually if it was not for IQBAL we would not have seen dr ali shareati, the revolutions in iran , central asia and many more things
The mad man is back. And this time his luminaries of socialism include Bhutto.
bhutto was not a socialist----- an evil genious though-- who knew how to manipulate things----
well, you could have posted your understanding of it. :D
I assumed you knew esp since you used it! Which later you demonstrated you dont actually even know!
I assumed you knew esp since you used it! Which later you demonstrated you dont actually even know!

congrats for your victory of the evening. :D

*cough, cough... cough, cough, cough ( i need strepsils )* did you read the op??
congrats for your victory of the evening. :D

*cough, cough... cough, cough, cough ( i need strepsils )* did you read the op??
Nahh...the title doesnt do it justice.....When you present something with a falsified title why would I waste my time thinking maybe the rest makes sense?
will write something about this tomorrow
In Shaa Allah
This is the conclusion I drew from reading the above.
Every Muslim country that got indepedence, was due to either secular or socialist parties, while they were opposed by the so called "religious parties" and surprisngly once the countries were independet, the same mullahs who opposed it, started to influence the country's policies until


turned into this



turned into this
All leftist neo-liberal terrorists ... Who turned into despots and mass killers

Hehe,,,u came back.
gud to see u here,,hw have u been?
Any progress on tht clockless thingy u wanted to make?
Btw did u come to a conclusion,,i mean,,comfortable thn pious now?
Sorry didnt read op:D
Lol .... this time on Etihad I was witness to Muslim flirting.

Between a Palestinian guy and the airhostess. In Arabic.

I guess he asked her whether she was from Egypt.

She said "al arabiya" ...

Well, she was quite fine for al Arabiya.

Went on off and on through the flight.

@I.R.A @Oscar (you were speaking of flying peacocks on Etihad ....)

Cheers, Doc
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