Yes, only CIA engages in terrorism. Other intelligence agencies the world over are pure as white snow. Besides, what is there to be surprised about? This is not news.
In terms of US operations in the region, they needed community movement for the start of the Greater ME project. They used millions of people's demands and manipulated them with fake support. However, when the pre-2014 movement showed to willing of its own revolution, it was completely eliminated and two conjugate structures named ISIS and SDF were established in their place. (In the same period, a purge started against the MB movement for other states, which was held responsible for the revolutions in other countries. Seen as an ally of MB, the Turkey was also the subject of a coup attempt in 2016.)
Strangely enough, the fight against ISIS has been the excuse for intervention in all countries, from Russia to the USA, to regional actors. ISIS was not only a tool to enter Syria but also mediated some countries to expel the problem within their borders. For example, in 2015, at the strongest period of the ISIS structure, the entire command structure consisted of Caucasian militants with Russian passports, they were mainly front-line fighters. In Europe, sensational actions have been helpful to redesign the view against Islam. In this respect, right-wing politics in Europe has been put into a fast rising trend. Some countries have adopted Islamophobic laws.
Meanwhile, in the US, some documents were leaked as a wasp hive operation and described how established ISIS. With a strong international campaign, radically oriented people from all over the world tried to go to Syria, passport burning rituals were held for beeing ISIS terrorist. Outside of Syria and Iraq, Turkey is 3rd country where ISIS kills the most civilians and carried out the bombing attack. Still, new cells are identified and tried to be eliminated. Nevertheless, when the Turkish army wanted to conduct an operation on the Dabık (to al-Bab and Cerablus) line, which ISIS attributed holiness to its propaganda activities and called the key to the holy war, its intervention in Syria wanted to be blocked by most of the world constantly.
As a result, 6 million Syrians left the country. Over 3 million Syrians are struggling to survive in tents and containers near the Turkish border which are mostly exiled from regime-held areas or conflict zones. One million Syrians died, or missing, or in regime dungeons. The region has become unpopulated, the demography has been changed and the control has been left to the proxy organizations, not to the Syrians.
Everyone has certain gains in terms of countries that intervene in Syria. Everyone's hands are dirty. It seems that no one cares about the 10 million lives that have disappeared. When I go around military forums from time to time; I can't see any more than ridiculous debates everyone tried to demonized the other side, depending on which organized propaganda activity stronger to there.