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The CIA is a Terrorist Organization

sensational title, the CIA is also known to operate airlines as well as other business.
I am unable to watch the vid as it says it is a age-restricted vid.

Will watch later. But agree with the title.

sensational title, the CIA is also known to operate airlines as well as other business.

As cover for its nefarious activities and for logistics support.
As cover for its nefarious activities and for logistics support.
who knows, what I do know is they use to have an airline here in the 50s. but pulled out , maybe after losing market share

Communism is the enemy, not because out hatred of some -ism. Communism means the capitalists can't loot the place and impoverish the majority of the people, while the capitalist investors become billionaires BECAUSE of mass suffering of the people.

That is why capitalists hate communism. How the heck do you concentrate wealth in the hand of capitalists when the system does not allow capitalist investor money to control business and governments and foreign policy, while the masses suffer from want and the capitalist rich have 50% or more of world's wealth.

cia not only did 9/11... cia tortured people to confess doing 9/11 so the blame was not on Washington:

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IRGC likes to be called terrorists too.
Your freedom fighters, my terrorists, vice versa. It only depends on who are they fighting for.

But by any common sense, ISIS is terrorist group, while many countries backing them, including US.

This is immoral.
Only dumbasses accusses US is behind isis. If it's not for the US, isis is now in Basra and Damascus already.

The amount of money, weapons, airstrikes poured by the USA alone was unmatched by any anti isis coalition combined.

When Marawi was attacked by isis southeast asian wing, the US sends ammo, drones, as well as smart bombs to fight back, the chinese on the other hand only supplied simple assault rifles and they make a PR stunt out of it.
It pulled out during Sukarno's time ?


I dont know, what I know is that one CIA plane was gone down in Maluku island by Indonesian Armed force when they were about to support the rebellion there
I dont know, what I know is that one CIA plane was gone down in Maluku island by Indonesian Armed force when they were about to support the rebellion there

Is it related to this set of incidents ?
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