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The Caliber of Gen. Zia

in kargil we lost to India, so India outsmarted us here too
1947-1948, it was India's kindness
sorry we disown Mumbai attacks
we disown the last one too

Technically speaking yes, Pakistan lost Kargil:

1. War is fought on Objective, The objective of Kargil war was to capture and keep those peeks, Indian objective was to clear those infiltrators. We met our objective, you didn't.

2. Parliament attack and Mumbai attack was done by Pakistani.

3. 1947-48 : was biggest victory of Pakistan when your army took 70% of Kashmir.

@Black Widow, That's the most pathetic assertion dude, activate your grey matter for the thread also has nothing to do with Palestine either and it seems it's your tiny ego which is hurt for we are discussing a personality and not overall history.

Sir Windjammer, This thread is about Zia-Ul-Haq, and he was in command which killed Palestanian, so I am talking sense..

“Hussein (with help from Zia-ul-Haq) killed more Palestinians in eleven days than Israel could kill in twenty years.”

I praise Bhutto, he was a visionary leader, He tried to educate and propagate modern values in Pakistan. But Pakistani chose Zia over Bhutto, Darkness over light, Middle age over modernization,

Where as Rajiv Gandhi focused to push india to 21st century (Telecom revolution, computer education, Higher education, Engineering colleges, medical colleges)

Your Zia focused on Jihad, Madarsas, Assasination, Fiyadin etc...

Who need enemy when one has Zia-ul-haq..
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I praise Bhutto, he was a visionary leader
Nope, Bhutto was just a shrewd politician. The Islamic radicalization of Pakistan and persecution of Ahmadis started during his time, after he amended the constitution to declare Ahmadis as kafirs.
Nope, Bhutto was just a shrewd politician. The Islamisation of Pakistan and persecution of Ahmadis started during his time, after he amended the constitution to declare Ahmadis as kafirs.

No one is perfect, But he was one leader who could have taken Pakistan to 21st century? And yes our Amedi brothers are suffering because of Bhutto, He legalized the crime against Ahmedi brothers.,
@shuntmaster, you are clutching on to straws to salvage some pride, the bottom line is Zia's warning turned Rajiv into a nervous wreck thus an imminent and possibly a catastrophe was avoided.

Probably 0.17 Hornet. What say you, @Windjammer


These kind of brain farts makes me believe that all Pakistanis suffer from micro-Penis syndrome.
Then again according to BBC, it's the poor Indians are the ones worst off. :haha:
Mard-e-Momin Zia-ul-Haq- The Butcher of Palestenians

This is a rarely seen picture of Brig Muhammad Zia ul Haq killing Palestinians in Jordan during what is known to the world as “Black September.” During Black September, the head of Pakistani training commission took command of the 2nd Division and helped slaughter around 25,000 Palestinians. Zia ul haq was later awarded Jordan’s highest honor for the services rendered. Black September resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people, the vast majority Palestinian. Armed conflict lasted until July 1971 with the expulsion of the PLO and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon. Zia remained posted in Jordan from 1967 till 1970 as a Brigadier, where he was involved in training and leading Jordan’s military where he commanded Jordan’s 2nd division. He helped late King Hussain of Jordan in ‘cleansing’ the so-called Palestinian Insurgents, Zia and Hussain butchered many innocent Palestinians in the name of Operation against Black September. Zia’s troops were heavily involved in street-to-street urban fighting and are credited with killing scores of Palestinians. The intensity of bloodletting by Zia ul Haq and King Hussain was such that one of the founding fathers of Israel Moshe Dayan said: “Hussein (with help from Zia-ul-Haq) killed more Palestinians in eleven days than Israel could kill in twenty years.” (Picture courtesy of Mr Muhammad Syed)

That's some caliber of Zia !!
We thank Gen Zia from the bottom of our heart to make Pakistan what it is today :D and Israel thanks him for killing Palestinians for which every Pakistani shed a tear or two on social media these days .
It marked the end of Operation Brasstacks aka Indian pipedream.
Technically speaking yes, Pakistan lost Kargil:
1. War is fought on Objective, The objective of Kargil war was to capture and keep those peeks, Indian objective was to clear those infiltrators. We met our objective, you didn't.
2. Parliament attack and Mumbai attack was done by Pakistani.
3. 1947-48 : was biggest victory of Pakistan when your army took 70% of Kashmir.

dude, we did not accomplish anything there either, it was the tribals of Gilgit Baltistan, our army jumped in too late to do anything useful
Zia ul haq teri azmat ko salam, mard-e-momin mard-e-haq zia ul haq zia ul haq , dushamano ke khelaaf seesa pilaee hoi deewar
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