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The Blood Telegram

Agent Smith

Nov 4, 2014
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Archer Kent Blood (March 20, 1923 – September 3, 2004) was an American diplomat in Bangladesh. He served as the last American Consul General to Dhaka, East Pakistan. He is famous for sending the strongly worded Blood Telegram protesting against the atrocities committed in the Bangladesh Liberation War.

The Blood telegram (April 6, 1971) was seen as one of the most strongly worded Dissent Channel messages ever written by Foreign Service Officers to the State Department. It was signed by 29 Americans. The telegram stated:
Our government has failed to denounce the suppression of democracy. Our government has failed to denounce atrocities. Our government has failed to take forceful measures to protect its citizens while at the same time bending over backwards to placate the West Pak[istan] dominated government and to lessen any deservedly negative international public relations impact against them. Our government has evidenced what many will consider moral bankruptcy,(...) But we have chosen not to intervene, even morally, on the grounds that the Awami conflict, in which unfortunately the overworked term genocide is applicable, is purely an internal matter of a sovereign state. Private Americans have expressed disgust. We, as professional civil servants, express our dissent with current policy and fervently hope that our true and lasting interests here can be defined and our policies redirected.
(U.S. Consulate (Dacca) Cable, Dissent from U.S. Policy Toward East Pakistan, April 6, 1971, Confidential, 5 pp. Includes Signatures from the Department of State. Source: RG 59, SN 70-73 Pol and Def. From: Pol Pak-U.S. To: Pol 17-1 Pak-U.S. Box 2535;)
In an earlier telegram (March 27, 1971), Blood wrote about American observations at Dhaka under the subject heading "Selective genocide":

1. Here in Decca we are mute and horrified witnesses to a reign of terror by the Pak[istani] Military. Evidence continues to mount that the MLA authorities have list of AWAMI League supporters whom they are systematically eliminating by seeking them out in their homes and shooting them down

2. Among those marked for extinction in addition to the A.L. hierarchy are student leaders and university faculty. In this second category we have reports that Fazlur Rahman head of the philosophy department and a Hindu, M. Abedin, head of the department of history, have been killed. Razzak of the political science department is rumored dead. Also on the list are the bulk of MNA's elect and number of MPA's.
3. Moreover, with the support of the Pakistani Military. non-Bengali Muslims are systematically attacking poor people's quarters and murdering Bengalis and Hindus.

(U.S. Consulate (Dacca) Cable, Selective genocide, March 27, 1971)

Although Blood was scheduled for another 18 month tour in Dhaka, President Richard M. Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recalled him from that position since his opposition went against their hopes of using the support of West Pakistan for diplomatic openings to China and to counter the power of the Soviet Union. He was assigned to State Department's personnel office. Government officials in 1972 admitted that they didn't believe the magnitude of the killings, labeling the telegram alarmist. His career was greatly marred by the telegram.
Archer Blood received the
Christian A. Herter Award in 1971 for "extraordinary accomplishment involving initiative, integrity, intellectual courage and creative dissent".
These cables were sent by an American diplomat at the time when American were supporting Pakistan in everything. I have seen a lot of members with Bangladeshi flag supporting Pakistan here. So the question for them is do they accept or deny that pakistani army was responsible for the genocide of millions of their people?
These cables were sent by an American diplomat at the time when American were supporting Pakistan in everything. I have seen a lot of members with Bangladeshi flag supporting Pakistan here. So the question for them is do they accept or deny that pakistani army was responsible for the genocide of millions of their people?

These cables were sent by an American diplomat at the time when American were supporting Pakistan in everything. I have seen a lot of members with Bangladeshi flag supporting Pakistan here. So the question for them is do they accept or deny that pakistani army was responsible for the genocide of millions of their people?
It was actually 100s of billions

Also proof that this isnt forged to benefit American interests after the 90s.

Also proof of the millions killed, they must have relatives or did they just disappear and they had no one around?

What is proven is the genocide of the urdu speakers after the terrorist took over. That is still seen today.
It was actually 100s of billions

Also proof that this isnt forged to benefit American interests after the 90s.

Also proof of the millions killed, they must have relatives or did they just disappear and they had no one around?

What is proven is the genocide of the urdu speakers after the terrorist took over. That is still seen today.

looks like you still don't get it, I was asking Bangladeshis and not you, Your opinions don't matter.

Every Bengali died in the hands of pak army deserved it. Welldone pak army.
Bengalis are worst creatures on earth.

@Riyad @UKBengali @monitor and all Bangladeshi members of this forum, this the view of your Pakistani umma about you and your people.
looks like you still don't get it, I was asking Bangladeshis and not you, Your opinions don't matter.

@Riyad @UKBengali @monitor and all Bangladeshi members of this forum, this the view of your Pakistani umma about you and your people.
I really dont care who you asked it too. You are lying and on top of that, you are lying about Pakistan on a Pakistani forum.

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