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The big power of little Nasr

we have some REAL CHILDISH PDF posters.

what a childish idiotic post.

5 questions to this poster who started the post

1. Who controls the water supply into pakistan = india
2. Whose flag flys over saichen Kargil Sir Creek and Kashmir = india
3. Which country has $380 billion in forex reserves = india
4. Which country has massive lobby with Jews of USA = INDIA
5. Which country will dominate this region in industrail ./ military power next 50 years = INDIA

Pakistan needs to continue with Nasr and Babur as conventional weapons, when time comes they can be nuclear tipped.

Right now it's doing its job in meeting the minimum deterrence policy.
we have some REAL CHILDISH PDF posters.

what a childish idiotic post.

5 questions to this poster who started the post

1. Who controls the water supply into pakistan = india
2. Whose flag flys over saichen Kargil Sir Creek and Kashmir = india
3. Which country has $380 billion in forex reserves = india
4. Which country has massive lobby with Jews of USA = INDIA
5. Which country will dominate this region in industrail ./ military power next 50 years = INDIA


Which country has the higher rate of people defecating in open areas ? = The future Great India...
wtf... first it was bihar now nasr is taking credit for modi U turn?
Pakistan is the only country that has the policy of self nuking itself :lol:

The problem is even if you use nukes inside Pakistan that kills Indian soldiers. India will retaliate with full nukes destroying the whole of Pakistan.

Pakistanis knows the fact that in case of nuclear war the country will be destroyed. Therefore as the nation go down it will make sure there remains no India as well.
The problem is even if you use nukes inside Pakistan that kills Indian soldiers. India will retaliate with full nukes destroying the whole of Pakistan.

I am trying to understand your post in my head. So if you break down the sequence:

1) Pakistan uses flash lights to take out advancing Indian IBG's (which immediately creates a vacuum of any Army on the Indian side as the entire IBG's gone to sleep right away).

2) The Indian side launches a flash light attack on all of Pakistan.

3) Pakistani commanders, after the number 1 above, change their military fatigues, go home after firing Nasar and are enjoying "team party" when the number 2 happens?

Am I missing something, or is your post filled with imagination filled prophecy like the ones you find in Tarot cards around the globe, with a sign "Fortune Tellers" outside the shop????
The indians still think that Pakistan will use Nasr's nuke warheads in Pakistani territory:lol:
But its the neutron warheads Pakistan would use to only neutralize the indian Armored columns/IBGs This way our land wont get affected in long run and even the place can be habitat-ed. In future.
You don't even have the smarts to at least add the name of the Hindutva Bhakt that wrote this inflammatory article !!

Sunil Sharan
Sunil Sharan writes extensively on geopolitics, energy and South Asia.

Pakistani army is steeped in religion. Its soldiers are indoctrinated as ghazis— warriors of the faith— against the infidel, Hindu India. Its forces have time and again been caught with jihadi tendencies,
Nasr is battlefeild nuke and no matter which side India turns its head, there is no shade of comfort against it. That is such a game changer for Pakistan.

I've learned Americans also developed a shoulder launched version tipped with tactical nukes but reversed the program fearing misuse. Now that was such a dangerous thought from them.
Aah, you little beauty, you little Nasr, you have finally brought two major powers to their knees, and that too without firing a single shot.

Out there in the US, there is real consternation that this micro-mini Pakistani tactical nuke will fall into the hands of jihadis who would then use it against the American mainland. Washington has spent hundreds of millions of dollars in securing Pakistan’s big, strategic nukes but to the Nasr it has no answers. Why?

Because the Nasr is a javelin-like structure, deployed in the battlefield against tanks, and under the operational command of a brigadier. Think of how many brigadiers there are in Pakistan’s seven hundred thousand-strong army— two hundred, three hundred, five hundred— and that would be the number of tiny Nasrs floating about in the battlefield.

Pakistani army is steeped in religion. Its soldiers are indoctrinated as ghazis— warriors of the faith— against the infidel, Hindu India. Its forces have time and again been caught with jihadi tendencies, whether it is the PNS Mehran attack or the arrest of the radicalised Brigadier Ali Khan. Its leadership has emphasized that its force is free of jihadi strains but the world at large has remained unconvinced.

A dirty bomb, small enough to smuggle in a suitcase, is America’s worst nightmare. Until now it was assumed that that terrorists did not have the wherewithal to put one together. But Pakistan has solved their problem for them. All a jihadi officer has to do is smuggle the little Nasr to a terrorist and there you have it, America’s worst nightmare will come true.

On bended knees, America is imploring Pakistan to get rid of the Nasrs. But Pakistan must have its pound of flesh. Washington is abuzz with a civilian nuclear deal for the Pakistanis. The contours are faint but it seems to involve access to nuclear technology, as well as membership of the nuclear suppliers group, a facility not yet afforded India.

Pakistan insists that the Nasrs are safe and are only for use against India were the latter to implement its Cold Start Doctrine: a rapid ingress of armoured forces into Pakistan, the destruction of a few jihadi camps, and then a steep withdrawal back into India. But so high is the risk associated with a potential leak of the Nasr, that Washington has put pressure on India to talk to Pakistan about Kashmir.

An India that was only willing to talk terror with Pakistan has within the space of a couple of weeks turned turtle to not only talk Kashmir but all aspects of the relationship. Oh, how the Pakistani military must be gloating.

So the little Nasr has paid off in spades for Pakistan. It has almost swung an energy deal for it, and brought India down to its knees in discussing Kashmir. It is not for the first time that Pakistan has run circles around India. In 1989, India backed the wrong horse in Afghanistan and Pakistan was able to send scores of jehadis into Kashmir. This time round too, India’s Afghan policy seems weak, with Pakistan holding many an ace. The fiasco at Kargil needs no further recounting.

What allows a much smaller nation like Pakistan to push India around? Firstly, a career in the Pakistani armed forces is prized. The best brains in Pakistan want to become a military officer. In return, the state guarantees them cradle to grave welfare, making a military career worth their while. In India though, army officers are treated shabbily. Witness their humiliation over one rank one pension. The Indian armed forces face a current lacuna of 10,000 officers. In a million man force, that is one officer per 100 men. The quality of officers who join, sad to say, are not in the strategic league of their Pakistani counterparts.

Until such time that the Indian government realizes its follies, and restores the sheen of the armed forces, developments like the little Nasr will hem us in, both militarily, as well as diplomatically.
The big power of little Nasr - TOI Blogs
When someone ask india are you afraid of NASR and they be like this:rofl:

Source: The big power of little Nasr
Ulu Hakan Sultan Abdul Hamid Han would have been very proud of Pak Ordusu (Army). He was a special patron of intelligence services and did his best to raise the best trained officers corps with brains. When the British and French Archeologists were digging present-day Iraq to find Mesoptomian civilization (read Satans), but the main aim was to produce a map for oil rigs, the Sultan employed Intelligence officers in disguise of laborers. So, a copy of the petroleum reserve map Brits produced ended up in the Sultan's desk!!
Smart Indian minds are going to science and business expanding Indian GDP. While the smart Pakistani brains in the army have Napoleonic tendencies. The Indian smart brains are fertilizing their fruit tree and it is now giving them even more golden fruits while the Pakistani smart brains in the armed forces are instead cutting the branches of the Pakistani fruit tree which results in even fewer fruits !!

The best brains in Pakistan want to become a military officer. In return, the state guarantees them cradle to grave welfare, making a military career worth their while.
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we have some REAL CHILDISH PDF posters.

what a childish idiotic post.

5 questions to this poster who started the post

1. Who controls the water supply into pakistan = india
2. Whose flag flys over saichen Kargil Sir Creek and Kashmir = india
3. Which country has $380 billion in forex reserves = india
4. Which country has massive lobby with Jews of USA = INDIA
5. Which country will dominate this region in industrail ./ military power next 50 years = INDIA

1.Next PakIndo war will b on water issue.
2.It doesn't matter who's flags fly over a particular area, the thing matter is how you fought a war.
3.With a reserve of $10,000 billion the funny thing is India will not dare to attack Pakistan
4.Despite of massive lobby in USA we still manage to build our Nuclear Program
5.India cant dominate the region without having good relations to Pakistan, and you forgot MIGHTY CHINESE.
Next PakIndo war will b on water issue.
2.It doesn't matter who's flags fly over a particular area, the thing matter is how you fought a war.
3.With a reserve of $10,000 billion the funny thing is India will not dare to attack Pakistan
4.Despite of massive lobby in USA we still manage to build our Nuclear Program
5.India cant dominate the region without having good relations to Pakistan, and you forgot MIGHTY CHINESE.

1. India controls the water supply YOUR WAR threat will not change this . YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH THAT
2. The reserves and the industrial muscle means in indan conventional and nuclear muscle will dwarf yours . THE GAP WILL JUST GET BIGGER AND BIGGER
3. India already dominates this region geographically. militarily , politicall and even socially.

I SUGGEST YOU WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE and see how Pakistani people and leaders are treated tthroughtout the world .

Visa banned for Pakistan in Europe
USA want stop arms supply
no international leader wants to step foot into Pakistan
isolated yout holding onto china with both hands

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