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The Bara sit in/protest at the Peshawar Governor House

@Safriz : Whatever it is, it has the propensity of getting ugly & this isn't something we need - nay, can afford, right now !
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@Safriz : Whatever it is, it has the propensity of getting ugly & this isn't something we need - nay, can afford, right now !

Thats why my change of opinion that the area should be left on their own and let USA have their way.. and PA should pull out completely.I do support proper investigations..
PA's operations will be seen as ethnic operations or as if PA is there to take out enmities....But Drone strikes wont be taken as such

Y In Risalpur they used to make us do pushups on burning tarmac for hours at end. Did I shoot the senior cadet who was giving me that punishment?

You my friend .. just reminded me of sleeping on trees for days on end... as part of training :)
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@Safriz : Whatever it is, it has the propensity of getting ugly & this isn't something we need - nay, can afford, right now !

You think situation is not ugly as it stands today? It’s a full-fledged war that army is fighting and every unit that has been deployed in the forward area has taken casualties at the hands of these so called 'our own people'

ye log pak sarzameen kay dushman hain

and these people who are hurling threats that things can get really bad and fear this or that, it’s time to call out their bluffs and in fact they should be put under close observation , in kay peechay 'I' kay banday laganay chahiyan , their phone calls and emails should be monitored and their movements need to be checked.

The story of Pakistan's tribal area is like that of an ill-mannered child. The parents know that their child is rotten but they try to keep his misdeeds under wraps just so that the name of the house doesn’t get spoiled.
This rotten child acts like a ghunda of the neighbourhood but one day a bigger badmash (USA) comes to town , and this bigger badmash kicks in the teeth of the rotten child , stunned at the beating he got at the hands of bigger badmash the rotten child turns on his parents!

He comes back home, torn and angry and starts breaking things in the house pushing and shoving siblings and parents. Accusing them that they never looked after him, even though they gave him his own purpose built enclave where he smoked charas, kept illegal weapons, extorted money from the parents and from time to time black mailed them that they have not been looking after him and he might leave the family.

Anyhow the big badmash (USA) conveys to the house that this rotten child of yours through his enclave is intruding into my area of influence so either take owner ship of his enclave, which is under your name, or else we'll smash it to bits.

The parents get worried and they are forced to send over the other siblings over to the rotten child’s enclave so that they can keep him in check and also keep the big badmash from smashing the enclave to bits but the rotten child is way too rotten and only wants things his way, he wants to have his cake and eat it too, he attacks his siblings for coming to his enclave

The big bad mash has a very long stick with which from time to time he spanks the rotten child from a large distance and every time the rotten child is spanked he breaks things in his parents’ house!

Apart from the big badmash there is another low life that lives right next to the household. This low life is a big hater of the house hold in question. He doesn’t really have the guts to do much but he sees in this rotten child an opportunity to bring down the house that it has hated since its foundations were laid.

This is the story thus far …. Here is what I would like to see further in this story

One day the parents and other siblings have an open chat about the rotten child , recount his misdeeds , which include among other things murder of family members and then they finally come to terms that he is beyond redemptions and way too rotten and that they have to confront their demon after all.

They finally tell the rotten child ‘ENOUGH!!’ enough of your tantrums either you live by the rules of the house or get lost, you have had your way since birth and we turned a blind eye to your misdeeds but not anymore, it’s not just about you you and you it’s about all of US! Either live by the rules of the household or forever be banished from the household.
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You think situation is not ugly as it stands today? It’s a full-fledged war that army is fighting and every unit that has been deployed in the forward area has taken casualties at the hands of these so called 'our own people'

ye log pak sarzameen kay dushman hain
kaun pak sarzameen key dushman hain? all tribal people?

and these people who are hurling threats that things can get really bad and fear this or that, it’s time to call out their bluffs and in fact they should be put under close observation , in kay peechay 'I' kay banday laganay chahiyan , their phone calls and emails should be monitored and their movements need to be checked.
They are asking you a simple question, "kia hum pakistani nahi hain, but you are suggesting that victims families should be harassed by ISI.

The story of Pakistan's tribal area is like that of an ill-mannered child. The parents know that their child is rotten but they try to keep his misdeeds under wraps just so that the name of the house doesn’t get spoiled.
This rotten child acts like a ghunda of the neighbourhood but one day a bigger badmash (USA) comes to town , and this bigger badmash kicks in the teeth of the rotten child , stunned at the beating he got at the hands of bigger badmash the rotten child turns on his parents!

He comes back home, torn and angry and starts breaking things in the house pushing and shoving siblings and parents. Accusing them that they never looked after him, even though they gave him his own purpose built enclave where he smoked charas, kept illegal weapons, extorted money from the parents and from time to time black mailed them that they have not been looking after him and he might leave the family.

Anyhow the big badmash (USA) conveys to the house that this rotten child of yours through his enclave is intruding into my area of influence so either take owner ship of his enclave, which is under your name, or else we'll smash it to bits.

The parents get worried and they are forced to send over the other siblings over to the rotten child’s enclave so that they can keep him in check and also keep the big badmash from smashing the enclave to bits but the rotten child is way too rotten and only wants things his way, he wants to have his cake and eat it too, he attacks his siblings for coming to his enclave

The big bad mash has a very long stick with which from time to time he spanks the rotten child from a large distance and every time the rotten child is spanked he breaks things in his parents’ house!

Apart from the big badmash there is another low life that lives right next to the household. This low life is a big hater of the house hold in question. He doesn’t really have the guts to do much but he sees in this rotten child an opportunity to bring down the house that it has hated since its foundations were laid.

This is the story thus far …. Here is what I would like to see further in this story

One day the parents and other siblings have an open chat about the rotten child , recount his misdeeds , which include among other things murder of family members and then they finally come to terms that he is beyond redemptions and way too rotten and that they have to confront their demon after all.

They finally tell the rotten child ‘ENOUGH!!’ enough of your tantrums either you live by the rules of the house or get lost, you have had your way since birth and we turned a blind eye to your misdeeds but not anymore, it’s not just about you you and you it’s about all of US! Either live by the rules of the household or forever be banished from the household.
Though i sucks at story telling but still I am telling it from another perspective , Once upon a time a foreigner( British) kidnapped a child (tribal areas) from his Parents(Afghanistan), he intended to make the kid his loyal and subordinate servant/slave like other kids(punjab, bengal etc) but the kid(tribal area) was brave , honorable and of independent nature like his parents, he refused to bow his head to farangi master, refused to polish his boots and instead of taking lashes like other slave kids, he used to slap and kicked the slave-owner instead. Farangi master failed to exercise any influence/control on this brave kid.
One day the farangi master decided to return back to his home and returned his servants/slaves back to their families. But the brave kid was not handed over to his real parents (Afghanistan), he was given to another muslim family(pakistan). The brave kid thought that as his adopted parents are also muslims like his genuine parents (Afghanistan), so he is cool with it. His new family manipulate the simple-minded kid by singing the songs of his bravery, allowed him to keep the gun in the house, and told him to do the duty of watchman free of cost. His first task was to free a person Kashmir. Though the brave kid was not given pocket money like rest of kids, but he was happy that papa didnt not snatched his gun from him and that new Mamma and papa love him so much that they are telling him to do the duty of watchman at the gate. His step-brothers went to school and used to eat burgers while the brace kid was never encouraged to study and had to eat dry rotti instead of burger.
one day Mamma and papa told him that his real family(afghanistan) are attacked by bears, they are in trouble, he should go and help them. actually His parents(pakistan) and their lord (america) themselves were afraid of bears, they administered steroids and some controversial drugs(jihadism/religous extremism) into the body of the kid and sent him to fight bear... the kid fought alongside his real fathers and brothers against mighty bears and killed it. The proud kid returned to his home happily. but after some time the adverse effects of drugs started appearing in him, he was in pain, his head was bursting, he started breaking things in his house out of insanity, instead of admitting the kid in hospital for treatment, his mamma and papa started beating him with sticks, rods, knives, fists and kicks.....The kid is not only ill but is also bleeding profusely due to injuries inflicted by his parents on him.

@Sher Malang , @Armstrong, @Safriz
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@Monkey D Luffy You are actually good at story telling especially than these so called real life experiences told by people here on PDF.

I don't know how much bad blood you guys have against each other but I know one fact for sure, rest of the people are responsible too for this mess. Even in India, many internal factions picked up gun against the State because they were oppressed for decades. No one herd their cries but when they turned to violence, which is bad, entire nation thought that they are wrong. Of course, violence is wrong but like you said, they were fed with steroids by selfish people and they became extremists. Fortunately now, the educated class has opened drug rehabilitation center and telling them to get their rights by constitutional means.

I hope in this kid's case, he learn to fight his adopted parents through constitution otherwise his step brother will consider him as bad person as they don't realize that their own parents were the reason for violence of the kid at first place.

Hope, people will take this post for its meaning, not for any sort of revenge talking.
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kaun pak sarzameen key dushman hain? all tribal people?

They are asking you a simple question, "kia hum pakistani nahi hain, but you are suggesting that victims families should be harassed by ISI.

Though i sucks at story telling but still I am telling it from another perspective , Once upon a time a foreigner( British) kidnapped a child (tribal areas) from his Parents(Afghanistan), he intended to make the kid his loyal and subordinate servant/slave like other kids(punjab, bengal etc) but the kid(tribal area) was brave , honorable and of independent nature like his parents, he refused to bow his head to farangi master, refused to polish his boots and instead of taking lashes like other slave kids, he used to slap and kicked the slave-owner instead. Farangi master failed to exercise any influence/control on this brave kid.
One day the farangi master decided to return back to his home and returned his servants/slaves back to their families. But the brave kid was not handed over to his real parents (Afghanistan), he was given to another muslim family(pakistan). The brave kid thought that as his adopted parents are also muslims like his genuine parents (Afghanistan), so he is cool with it. His new family manipulate the simple-minded kid by singing the songs of his bravery, allowed him to keep the gun in the house, and told him to do the duty of watchman free of cost. His first task was to free a person Kashmir. Though the brave kid was not given pocket money like rest of kids, but he was happy that papa didnt not snatched his gun from him and that new Mamma and papa love him so much that they are telling him to do the duty of watchman at the gate. His step-brothers went to school and used to eat burgers while the brace kid was never encouraged to study and had to eat dry rotti instead of burger.
one day Mamma and papa told him that his real family(afghanistan) are attacked by bears, they are in trouble, he should go and help them. actually His parents(pakistan) and their lord (america) themselves were afraid of bears, they administered steroids and some controversial drugs(jihadism/religous extremism) into the body of the kid and sent him to fight bear... the kid fought alongside his real fathers and brothers against mighty bears and killed it. The proud kid returned to his home happily. but after some time the adverse effects of drugs started appearing in him, he was in pain, his head was bursting, he started breaking things in his house out of insanity, instead of admitting the kid in hospital for treatment, his mamma and papa started beating him with sticks, rods, knives, fists and kicks.....The kid is not only ill but is also bleeding profusely due to injuries inflicted by his parents on him.

@Sher Malang , @Armstrong, @Safriz

Why you quote safriz?.. he is the same whom you replied.. yesterday Hyperion challenged pakdefenders post safriz popped out for apology .. he cant even use his brain while using double ids... anyway good story telling on this thread..
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Why you quote safriz?.. he is the same whom you replied.. yesterday Hyperion challenged pakdefenders post safriz popped out for apology .. he cant even use his brain while using double ids... anyway good story telling on this thread..

I quoted the four individuals for different reasons, as for why i quoted safriz? Because in addition to Pakdefender , my post is also directed towards him, both have developed some intense hate for tribals.
Safriz is a staightforward anti-pashtun, i am surprised why he is apologizing now.
That @Oscar once gave me infraction for "attacking other nationality" when i said that enviroment in film gangs of wasseypur remind me of karachi. Now safriz and pakdefender are attacking entire community, and he is silent and not taking any action, he might be even enjoying this new wave of anti-tribal sentiments.
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Jinnah had made three commitments with the people of the tribal areas during his visit to the area in 1948, namely:
"all troops will be withdrawn from the area; steps will be taken for uplift of the population through provision of better services and opportunities without intervening into their internal affairs; and if any change has to be made in the status quo, it will be brought in place in consultation with the people of the area"

The thing is you cant deal with tribals by use of force. Tribals should never have been told to settle foriegn militants as their guests, on american demand you asked them to hand over their guests while you know exactly that Pashtuns give their lives for guests under their protection. You started military operations in tribal areas under american pressure and turned a calm FATA into a warzone. You killed one civilian by mistake, and his relatives joined the available plateform of talibans to take revenge on Pak army. Chain reaction started More civilian casualties, more anti-army talibans. These people cant move on without taking revenge.
They should be atleast admired that despite of so much bloodshed, they have not raised foriegn flag or call for independence like balochs. They are saying "kia hum pakistani nahi hain" . With one military operation east bengal compeletly turned anti-pakistani. While in FATA operations are going on since decade, yet they have not given up on pakistan and members here are questioning the loyalty of tribals to pakistan.
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