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The Anarchic Republic of Pakistan

" This is a country isolated and friendless in its own region "

Who told u that, this country is Isolated, i think u are forgetting China and Iran are also our good neighbours which we have good relations....except only one country that is India we have not good relations.....
Its seems like you are also speaking the same language that US or West media is saying....Don't write such long articles by taking material from others....you need to have information or region and about countries and their past history to talk about that.... and i think you lack in this.
your Alias describe you perfectly! First of all try to fix Afghanistan rather to point fingers on us. Posting some anti-pakistani stuff wouldn't make you feel better!:sick:

We will fix our problems, we have faced worse in past but we know how to get out. It's not your concern if we decided to have mid-term elections or which goverment we have.
Stop making things personal and leave the pottiness aside, it only shows weakness. This thread has nothing to do with anti-Pakistaniness etc. What is wrong with you people? Argue and rebute his analysis and I an others will be be happy to learn. Iran liking Pakistan - yeah ok.lol
The PPP and politicians using the once convenirnt judiciary have ravaged Pakistan since the Musharraf regime which halved the poverty rate when it was power, yet, for Mr. Rashid and his 10 experience as a militant fighting the state as an armed rebel, it the patriotic armed forces that are to blame for the anarchy Pakistan finds itself in - that by itself challeneges the intelligence of readers and Mr. Rashid, while a keen observer, cannot get past his seemingly terminal hostility towards the armed forces.
There is no reason for author to malign Pakistan Armed Forces which consists of the most patriotic people of Pakistan.Pakistan has done far well domestically (in terms of economy ) under military regime (Musharraf) then a civilian regime.Musharraf literally doubled our GDP from 75 billion dollar to 165 billion at the same time we were also fighting War.We are not isolated as the author like to point out.We have several friends and strategic partners.
True Strategic Partner : China It always lend us diplomatic support and giving us maximum military supplies to protect Pakistan.
Friends: Turkey & Saudi Arabia.
Other Countries are neutral with us except for 1) India 2) Afghanistan so 2 enemies are not going to make difference to us.We've faced India ganged up with far tougher enemy before (SU).So Afghanistan is not gonna make any difference (A country that virtually runs on drugs and has a GDP of mere 9 billion).
We also have a strong backer which continues to arm us and help us increase our security environment that is US.
At the end of the day, We don't need friends or partner for security - We have strong Armed Forces, Intelligence Agencies, Nuclear Weapons for a reason .
Afghans can enjoy all they want but Pakistan won't remain weak forever.Pakistanis are critical of themselves and are realizing that we have many enemies and we need to take care of them (Firstly to deport Haramkhor Afghan Refugees).You see the crucial difference between Pakistan and India/Afghanistan is we don't reply on Yankee Dicks.We have our own and when we need to do something we go and do whatever needs to be done for our strategic interests.Afghanistan will always be crushed should it try to meddle with Pakistan.Just because NATO is providing it protection does not mean much.Condom can break anytime.
There is no reason for author to malign Pakistan Armed Forces which consists of the most patriotic people of Pakistan.Pakistan has done far well domestically (in terms of economy ) under military regime (Musharraf) then a civilian regime.Musharraf literally doubled our GDP from 75 billion dollar to 165 billion at the same time we were also fighting War.We are not isolated as the author like to point out.We have several friends and strategic partners.
True Strategic Partner : China It always lend us diplomatic support and giving us maximum military supplies to protect Pakistan.
Friends: Turkey & Saudi Arabia.
Other Countries are neutral with us except for 1) India 2) Afghanistan so 2 enemies are not going to make difference to us.We've faced India ganged up with far tougher enemy before (SU).So Afghanistan is not gonna make any difference (A country that virtually runs on drugs and has a GDP of mere 9 billion).
We also have a strong backer which continues to arm us and help us increase our security environment that is US.
At the end of the day, We don't need friends or partner for security - We have strong Armed Forces, Intelligence Agencies, Nuclear Weapons for a reason .
Afghans can enjoy all they want but Pakistan won't remain weak forever.Pakistanis are critical of themselves and are realizing that we have many enemies and we need to take care of them (Firstly to deport Haramkhor Afghan Refugees).You see the crucial difference between Pakistan and India/Afghanistan is we don't reply on Yankee Dicks.We have our own and when we need to do something we go and do whatever needs to be done for our strategic interests.Afghanistan will always be crushed should it try to meddle with Pakistan.Just because NATO is providing it protection does not mean much.Condom can break anytime.

Ok Chinese dicks ......... happy now.:rofl::pop:
Ok Chinese dicks ......... happy now.:rofl::pop:
Last i checked we did not cry and go to Chinese Governemnt to save us from India after Mumbai in fact it was India that went to Yankees to pressurize us.I still remember how much you indians cried post Mumbai here how we will punish Pakistan and what not.:rofl:.Our Armed Forces were on alert and you could not dare put a single boot inside Pakistan.Same thing with Parakaram We did not go to Chinese.We simply put our Armed Forces on full alert.Your Soldiers pissed on border for 11 months and 50+ died just standing on the border and went back home without firing a single bullet.Must be pretty embarrassing to be afraid from a country 10 times smaller then your country and still showing your country a huge middle finger.You see for us the only problem is internal problem - As far Afghanistan or India is concerned we can take them on.
Last i checked we did not cry and go to Chinese Governemnt to save us from India after Mumbai in fact it was India that went to Yankees to pressurize us.I still remember how much you indians cried post Mumbai here how we will punish Pakistan and what not.:rofl:.Our Armed Forces were on alert and you did dare put a single boot inside Pakistan.Same thing with Parakaram We did not go to Chinese.We simply put our Armed Forces on full alert.Your Soldiers pissed on border for 11 months and 50+ died just standing on the border and went back home without firing a single bullet.Must be pretty embarrassing to be afraid from a country 10 times smaller then your country and still showing your country a huge middle finger.

Do we need to put a foot on your land to actually win a war i dont think so. We are still reaping the benefits out of it. You became the most suspicious nation and we became the most resilient. This art is actually taught in Chanakya neeti.

see where you ended up
you have floods but dont have aid
you have nuclear bomb but have the world suspicion.
you have your maximum people killed and you are the most suspected one

Do some introspection before pelting stones at others. I am not supposed to bring this crap here but your sexual comments were sort of offensive.
Do we need to put a foot on your land to actually win a war i dont think so.

Really then what happen last time you came ? You saw the PAK army and ran like little girls.

People listern these Indian only dream of stepping a single foot n PAK soil. They need to wake up and smell the coffee.
you have floods but dont have aid - Sorry to bust your bubble but UN has raised the 460 million it needed.AID is coming in from Saudi Arabia, US, China and several other countries.
you have nuclear bomb but have the world suspicion. - So?Do we care what goras think about us?You see the fundamental difference is Indians think if gora says it is right then it must be right - We don't think so.
you have your maximum people killed and you are the most suspected one - See above.
Pakistan had same problems earlier but we went through the problem eventually.You see after 1971 we ensured that nothing bad happens to Pakistan externally and buddy trust me you can't do ****.You literally wet your pants during Mumbai attacks which was not even done by Pakistan and imagine what happens if you attack Pakistan.We're strong enough to defend our key strategic interests >Of course Press Rhetoric against Pakistan can be stepped up but it wont make a damn difference.
Last i checked we did not cry and go to Chinese Governemnt to save us from India after Mumbai in fact it was India that went to Yankees to pressurize us.I still remember how much you indians cried post Mumbai here how we will punish Pakistan and what not.:rofl:.Our Armed Forces were on alert and you could not dare put a single boot inside Pakistan.Same thing with Parakaram We did not go to Chinese.We simply put our Armed Forces on full alert.Your Soldiers pissed on border for 11 months and 50+ died just standing on the border and went back home without firing a single bullet.Must be pretty embarrassing to be afraid from a country 10 times smaller then your country and still showing your country a huge middle finger.You see for us the only problem is internal problem - As far Afghanistan or India is concerned we can take them on.

why should we go and kill pakistan when it is eager to kill itself
see how nicely taliban which was created by isi is know killing pakistanis(every day at least 10-15 people on it list and one suicide will go off) now flood
today terrorist beggars are going begging all around the world. but no one seam to care,
you have floods but dont have aid - Sorry to bust your bubble but UN has raised the 460 million it needed.AID is coming in from Saudi Arabia, US, China and several other countries.
you have nuclear bomb but have the world suspicion. - So?Do we care what goras think about us?You see the fundamental difference is Indians think if gora says it is right then it must be right - We don't think so.
you have your maximum people killed and you are the most suspected one - See above.
Pakistan had same problems earlier but we went through the problem eventually.You see after 1971 we ensured that nothing bad happens to Pakistan externally and buddy trust me you can't do ****.You literally wet your pants during Mumbai attacks which was not even done by Pakistan and imagine what happens if you attack Pakistan.We're strong enough to defend our key strategic interests >Of course Press Rhetoric against Pakistan can be stepped up but it wont make a damn difference.

lol how many times u had to show ur begging bowl to the world to do that do u remember....

as far as mumbai is concerned if u remember there was panic in pakistan when PA starting flying over Islamabad out of fear of war. As far as wetting pants are concerned what have we lost in the wars with you though we have gained although.

as far as diffrence is concerned you guys are under the watch list of everyone. this impacts the trade and the countries associated with you. you cannot live like north korea. you need the world else you will end up becoming another north korea.

as far gola kaala sync we take this way that we make goras think what we think...

and for your information your side of taliban has just attacked the aid workers...
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