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Feb 24, 2008
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Al Qaeda says the American people support their government to opress and kill the Muslims. So kill the Americans and kill them all… !!!

Estimates of the number of Muslims in North America range from two million adults to seven million adults and children. Islam is the fastest growing religion in America alongwith in Europe and Asia at 2.9% and has now become the second largest religion in the United States. So what, if they don’t accept Islam. No one can force them to accept Islam, neither one can kill them for not accepting Islam. I have read the biography of Prophet Mohammad ( Peace Be Upon Him). He never forced a single person to accept Islam. Infact he invited the people with wisdom and mannerliness.
Regarding the question of their support to their government… Generally people have to believe what media is projecting and mainstream media in the US is owned and controlled by five or six major corporate conglomerates. If the media creats havoc, the people have to think about their security. You must respond the same way instead of killing the general public. Use the media and tell the people about Islam. Convince them with wisdom and mannerism. Prophet Mohammad PBUH didn’t use this logic to kill the people, infact he was very kind to the people… e.g. of Taaef who’s chiefs had stoned and wounded him badly. He forgave the people of Makkah and ordered his forces not to harm women, children, aged people and unarmed person.
The same logic they are using to kill the people all over the world. God Almighty said to the Porphet in the Holly Koran:

• O Mohammad if you were stern and fierce of heart they would have dispersed from round about you.(3.159).
• And if anyone of the idolaters seek your protection ( O Mohammad ), then protect him so that he may hear the word of Allah, and afterwards convey him to his place of safety because they are a folk who know not.(9.6)

I know a Sri Lankan pious old man who preached Islam in the US and converted hundreds of Americans to Islam. He died few years back and a shrine was made for him by the American Muslims. He was a regular tax payer. Thus he was supporting the US government to kill and oppress muslims in the world…??? :tsk:
Al Qaeda and Taliban, neither they know what is Islam nor they know how to live in this world.

Now let see from another angle. US had disputes with Japan… nuked it. It had disputes with Veitnam… heavy losses of life. It had disputes with USSR… cold war and tremendous arms race. It has disputes with North Korea… tension exists. It has concerns with China. Lot more examples are there. They all are non Muslims.

Islam emerges in 6th century AD. Americans ARE there but no clash between the two. US comes into being in 18th century, no clash even then, up till 20th century. America has nothing to do with Islam whether all the Americans become muslim (?). See ...

The Islamic Center of Toledo, OH was open in 1983. The center was built as a traditional Turkish Islamic architectural structure.

Masjid Bilal, Cleveland, OH built in 1981. It is the first Masjid built and designed by African-American Muslims. The Masjid reflects the start of new Masajid (Mosques) development under the leadership of W.D. Mohammed.

Albanian American Muslim Community Islamic Center, built in 1965 Waterbury, Connecticut.


The Islamic Center of Washington, DC was open on June 28th 1957. The center was built as a traditional Islamic architectural structure. President Dwight Eisenhower gave the opening remarks at the Islamic Center.

Masjid Muhammad is known as the Mother Masjid for many Muslims in the Washington, D.C. area. It was the first mosque built under the leadership of Hon. Elijah Muhammad in 1960. Masjid Muhammad continues to flourish today under the leadership of Imam War.

Islamic Cultural Center of Manhattan, New York, NY, completed in 1991. The Masjid was designed for the use of Muslims in New York City metropolitan area.

Throughout the 1980's and 1990's there has been much growth in the Muslim community. Today there are many Muslims across the country that are holding elected offices as local City Council members, State representatives, a Mayor, and Judges. We find Muslims in every profession today as Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers and others. We can say US is surely “Daar ul Islam” i.e. house of Islam ( where one can practice Islam freely and openly ) and NOT “Daar ul Harb”.

US government has its own particular agenda. Whoever comes in the way should have same treatment, whether Muslims or not(?).
I must correct you on your definition of "Dar ul Islam" . . . the Shariah definition accepted by the four main schools of Islam define the concept as a place where the security of the state is protected by Muslims and the laws emanate from the Shariah.

As an example, when Syria became part of the Islamic State, the majority of its inhabitants were Christian . . . however, Syria was considered "Dar ul Islam" because its security was guaranteed by Muslim armies and the basis of its laws were from Islam.

Therefore, I'm afraid, the United Staes cannot be considered "Dar ul Islam" for the same reasons that the Muslim World is not regarded as such . . . the basis of the laws/ruling is not Islamic and the security is not guaranteed by Muslims. We can throw Saudia Arabia into this category, despite, the majority of the its population being Muslim.
Most Muslims dismiss the methodology and tactics of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. However, there can be no doubt that there is widespread and mainstream support amongst Muslims for the implementation of Islam at the societal level. This is confirmed in many polls conducted throughout the Muslim World and the rise of political movements with Islam as a political/ideological philosophy . . . whether its Hamas, Hezbollah, AK party in Turkey, the ubiquitous Brotherhood in Egypt or transnational Islamic political parties like Hizb ut Tahrir.

At the same time, most Muslims around the world do not share your benign view of US foreign policy . . . over 100,000 dead muslims in Iraq, the systematic abuse of muslim men/women/children by American troops in Abu Ghraib, Bagram, Camp Bondsteel and Guantanamo Bay has removed any doubt from the minds of muslims about American intentions towards them and towards Islam.

Then, ofcourse, there is "extraordinary rendition" . . . a process by which any muslim around the world can be [illegally] abducted, flown thousands of miles to unknown locations for the the specific objective of being tortured and murdered . . . well outside the protection of any national+international law. At the moment, there is the case of Dr Aafia Siddiqui . . . a US citizen accused of terrorism . . . languishing in American custody . . . the whereabouts of her children [also abducted] unknown and having suffered rape and torture by American soldiers.

Are you, still, complacent about your [fictitious] "Dar ul Islam" in America !?

Can you explain why the American Muslim Public Affairs Committee that represents American Muslims endorsed the candidacy of George W. Bush in 2000 !??!

Why have American Muslims not spoken out against the barbarity and disgrace of the "War On Terror" even as bombs and munitions were being dropped on Iraqi Muslims by the airforce of your "Dar ul Islam" !?

You boast about the numbers of Muslims holding public office in the US and those in the professions . . . what have they done to stop the "War On Terror" [read War On Islam] and why have they not challenged the neoconservatives and their Project for the New American Century!?
You state [correctly] that the US government has its own "agenda" . . . it is an imperial agenda. An agenda designed to keep the Muslim World subjugated under despotic rulers and maintain American hegemony for as long as possible.

Political Islam, too, has an agenda . . . no less than the total liberation of the Muslim World from client regimes and their American master.

The START Consortium in the University of Maryland revealed some very unpleasant realities for US foreign policy. In their poll of strategic countries in the Muslim World, they reveal that 72% of Moroccans/92% of Egyptians/71% of Pakistanis/64% of Indonesians want American troops withdrawn from the Muslim World.

At the same time, regarding US intentions towards Muslims, 78% of Moroccans/92% of Egyptians/73% of Pakistanis/73% of Indonesians believed that America wished to divide and weaken the Muslim World.

Additionally, the poll indicated overwhelming support for the implementation of the Shariah.

No wonder America has lost its "War On Terror". It appears that Muslims [outside of the US] are more politically astute and have greater depth of appreciation for their values than US foreign policy-makers had imagined.
Please give a authentic definition of Daar ul Islam. You won’t be able to give any. Again... a land where one can practice Islam openly and freely is Daar ul Islam. India, China, UK, France, Australia all are Daar ul Islam (in France there was some problem regarding women's scarf but it was limited to educational institutions). And of course the US... it was Daar ul Islam till 9/11, after that the picture seems to have changed a bit.

Yes there have been struggles for islamization in the past and resistance from anti Islamic forces… but such a huge and bold offensive against Islam was never launched before. The disrespectful images of the Prophet by Denmark, distorting the image of great religion of Islam and labeling muslims as backwards, extremists and terrorists, making it hard for the muslims to practice Islam openly and freely, systematic hold on muslim countries and its resources, abduction and abuse of muslim women and children and proving that muslims are unable to hold nuclear technology or weapons.

9/11 attacks and occasionally released videos of Osama and Amen al Zawaheri provided a solid reasoning for all that.

On the way of serving Islam, what purpose Al Qaeda served ??? For this, you’ll have to understand Al Qaeda.
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To be honest, when you say "Muslims practicing openly and freely", I'm pretty much against it too when it comes to organized mass open door prayer gatherings in public places. I suppose a little private individual prayer is alright in public, but sometimes in western countries you occasionally get 100 people invading public places and praying in unison. You get group gatherings of Hari Krishan devotees, and other religions doing that sort of stuff.Very annoying, wouldn't mind seeing them banned. Do I sound pro French? :what:
It is not that kind of thing like Hari Krishan devotees etc. Please read the history of Islam and 'early days of Islam in Makkah' then you will get the right picture... In Makkah, Muslims were not allowed to call for prayer i.e. "Azaan" and were not allowed to go into the masque.

Some acts in Islam are obligatory and are called "Ferdd" like five time prayer, Fasting, Pilgrimage, Zakah(the tax) and expressing yourself as a muslim(Shahadah). If somewhere, these acts are forbidden, that sort of land is called Daar ul Harb.

Otherwise, Islam is not limited to just prayers. If you are following traffic rules, you are actually practicing Islam. If you are brushing your teeth, in fact you are practicing Islam and if you are serving your parents... the same!

Islam is a natural religion. Whatever you do good, you will be practicing Islam.
Hope got the idea.
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Islam is a natural religion. Whatever you do good, you will be practicing Islam.
Hope got the idea.

That is the same case with Hinduism, and probably all other religions. if you look into religion itself, you'll see that it is a method of maintaining order in society. if crimes are commited in the name of religion, the fault lies with the followers of the religion, not the religion itself.
9/11 attacks and occasionally released videos of Osama and Amen al Zawaheri provided a solid reasoning for all that.

Well 9-11 is still a controversial issue. No evidence has yet been produced that 9-11 was done by Al-Qaeda. To my surprise, evidence has started to emerge that it was an internal job. This is something else that Media & Govts have their own plans thats why they don't broadcast facts.
the implementation of Islam at the societal level

What exactly does this mean? If one comes to Islam as a result of a dawa or dawat, that is, an invitation, what is this about "implementing" Islam at a societal level?? Seems you do support Al-qaida and taliban outlook but do not have courage to come out and say so but instead choose to misrepresent.

The Dawa or invitation is to the individual, is it not? So what is this societal level stuff?

What is in Islam that needs "Implementation" at a societal level??

Seems you confuse Islam the religion of FAITH in God with some ideology and the Quran karim with some Red Book.
Please give a authentic definition of Daar ul Islam. You won’t be able to give any. Again... a land where one can practice Islam openly and freely is Daar ul Islam. India, China, UK, France, Australia all are Daar ul Islam (in France there was some problem regarding women's scarf but it was limited to educational institutions). And of course the US... it was Daar ul Islam till 9/11, after that the picture seems to have changed a bit.

Practicing Islam is not just offering prayers. It is to adpot the teachings of Islam in all the possible manners and that definately requires a Muslim govt that can make it possible with establishment of authority.

Govts in western countries don't have any interests with Muslims practicing Islam "at their best", so how can you call these countries Dar-ul-Islam?
Dr Umer

Practicing Islam is not just offering prayers. It is to adpot the teachings of Islam in all the possible manners and that definately requires a Muslim govt that can make it possible with establishment of authority.

Govts in western countries don't have any interests with Muslims practicing Islam "at their best", so how can you call these countries Dar-ul-Islam?

Practicing Islam requires a muslim Government? if yes, then Al-Qaida and taliban are quite correct in their assertion that it is not Pakistan but NaPak-istan, is this not so, after all the Pakistani government wages war against those who seek to "implement" Islam in Pakistan does it not? And what of Saudi Arabia, is it not also part of dar ul kufr because it too wages war against those who seek to "implement Islam? and does the same not apply to Iran?

Is any place safe from those who seek to "implement Islam" while enjoying the benefits of living in a West that does not have the best interests of Muslims at heart?

I think you are not being fair if you are implying the above.
the islamic nations are example of average dictatorship. How can the islamic nations ask equiality in the west if all they show is bad management?
Saudi Arabia, is it not also part of dar ul kufr because it too wages war against those who seek to "implement Islam? and does the same not apply to Iran?

Is any place safe from those who seek to "implement Islam" while enjoying the benefits of living in a West that does not have the best interests of Muslims at heart?
What the hell what more of Islam you want to implement in Saudi and Iran?
What kind of Islam would teach to burn girls school, kill civilians in sucide acts?
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