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The Afghan Pashtuns and the missing Israelite exiles


May 21, 2006
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Perhaps the “Israelite Spring” is finally upon us. While the path to peace cannot lie solely in defense, it may lie in the active reuniting of roots and dispersed family trees.

The Jewish people see themselves as a people alone in the Middle East, but an emerging elephant in the room may change this mentality. How will Jews respond when they hear that the descendants of the 10 exiled tribes of Israel ended up in Afghanistan and Pakistan, today number at least 25 million, and haven’t forgotten who they are? Recently, our organization, iTribe, polled almost 100 Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Almost all responded that they were told by their grandparents that they are called Bani Israel, the Children of Israel.

The Pashtuns have dwelt in the rugged mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan for thousands of years. Although Muslim today, they live by a code called Pashtunwali which greatly resembles Mosaic law. When Pashtunwali conflicts with the Koran, they follow Pashtunwali. For example, Muslims are permitted to eat camel, but many Pashtuns do not do so. Other Pashtun customs which are not common among Muslims but have a clear parallel in Jewish practice include circumcision on the eighth day, lighting candles on Friday evening, levirate marriage, and many others.

Names of greater Pashtun tribes include the Rubeni, Gadi, Ashuri, Efridi, Shinwari, Lewani and Yousefzai, which clearly resemble the tribes of Reuven, Gad, Asher, Ephraim, Shimon and Yosef. The royal family of Afghanistan traces its origins to the line of King Saul of the tribe of Benjamin.

These facts are not new. The Bible mentions the Assyrians settling the Lost Tribes in Gozan, which is one of the names of the Amu Darya, a major Afghan river, identified as such by Rav Sa’adia Gaon. Medieval writings by Jewish travelers to Afghanistan mentions the Israelite origins of the Pashtuns. In more recent times, the connection between Pashtuns and Israel has been documented and discussed in documentaries by Simcha Jacobovici, as well as books by Rabbi Eliahu Avichail and Israeli president Yitzhak Ben- Zvi. Recently, the Internet has given us the ability to contact Pashtuns directly and do extensive research, which has confirmed the sources above.

Many people are shocked when they first hear of the connection between the Pashtuns and the Jews. They ask two main questions: first, aren’t Afghans radical Islamic terrorists? Second, if they are from the lost tribes, what does that mean? What happens now? Regarding the first question, one of the main issues confronting traditional Pashtun culture is radical Islam. Radical Islam filters into the region from Arabia and Iran, backed by oil money. Many Pashtun tribal elders fear that in a few generations there won’t be a Pashtun nation anymore due to targeted efforts by Wahhabists and other Muslim fundamentalists to erase their Israelite roots. Some of the elders with whom we are in touch are working to educate their clans on their true origins and on the importance of reconnecting with the Jewish people.

As for what happens now, the answer is simple. If a person loses his brother as a child and finds him many years later, the first thing they discuss is not how many times a day each other prays. Rather, they inquire about each other’s well-being, and attempt to help each other. Israel is a world leader in military technologies, medicine and sustainability. If, as it seems, the Pashtuns are our long-lost brethren, we should bring our expertise to bear and help them improve their situation.

We can already see this process unfolding.
This is more like urban legend than fact.

Israelis and Jews have tried countless times to bring Pukhtoons of Afghanistan and Pakistan to their side with these fake claims like they have done to Ethiopians and Kurds.

They have never succeeded due to Pukhtoons following Orthodox Islam and viewing themselves as great defenders of Islam.
A poll with 100 people is hardly a legitimate scientific study, more so, based entire upon hearsay.

There is little to no evidence of Pashtuns being Jewish, and even if they were, it would change little to nothing on the ground. They're so far apart culturally and religiously that modern Israel would never accept them, nor would Pashtuns happily flock on mass to migrate to Israel, where they'd likely be discriminated against, since their both Muslims, and culturally quite different.
Jewish temple in Herat and graveyard

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this is another scrap . who know what happen hundreds of years ago
yes, they are actively working on reunion.

Do current protests in Iran count?

Is this why Mr. Fazlur Rahman is hated on the forum? Can it be declared anti semitism?

Also what about Mr. Khan and his problems with Mr. Fazlur Rahman, is this some ancient civil tribal war?

What about the inheritance laws?

So many questions
Some RSS members remembered some 2-3,000 years later that they are Jewish. It was a good photo op and reason for Hindus and Israelis to celebrate.


Even after coming to Israel, normal Jews don't accept them and no rabbi will officiate marriages between them and real Jews.


Ethiopian Jews brought over are still struggling to be treated like human being.

Some RSS members remembered some 2-3,000 years later that they are Jewish. It was a good photo op and reason for Hindus and Israelis to celebrate.


Even after coming to Israel, normal Jews don't accept them and no rabbi will officiate marriages between them and real Jews.


Ethiopian Jews brought over are still struggling to be treated like human being.

This argument every African Arab jew or localite are raising for last many decades.

And one of them....
Even after coming to Israel, normal Jews don't accept them and no rabbi will officiate marriages between them and real Jews.

not like i care about jews or indian jews, but yes, indian jews do get married to other western asian jews, if you go with the prejudice even among the jews, then, even among the jews, the european ones are called ashkenazi jews/ probably the most superior of the jews and most authoritative while the asian ones are called mizrahi jews esp from levantian areas considering that they probably are closer to the jewish homeland, so there exists racism even among the jews.

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