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The 'activities' of foreign powers are increasing in Bangladesh, the ruling party is worried, Kolkata is also on Dhaka's radar!


Dec 31, 2010
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The 'activities' of foreign powers are increasing in Bangladesh, the ruling party is worried, Kolkata is also on Dhaka's radar!

According to Dhaka's administrative sources, the American embassy is in contact with various people known to be anti-government. Kolkata has been chosen along with Dhaka.


Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina. file image.

Anamitra Chatterjee
Dhaka Last Updated: 08 April 2023 07:18

The Bangladesh government has recently taken a tough stance on a so-called 'mistake' in the online edition of an influential daily newspaper in Bangladesh. After a late night search at the concerned journalist's house, the police arrested him and sent him to jail under the controversial Digital Act. A case has also been filed against the editor under the same law. Not only the opposition, but also a section of pro-government prominent people consider this move unnecessary. But the question is, why is the ruling Awami League giving so much importance to this incident, that some of the leaders of the party have to take the various branch organizations into agitation even in the month of Ramadan?

General elections in Bangladesh this year in December or next month. Before that, the politics of that country became very eventful. In Bangladesh, all political programs are usually closed during the month of Ramadan. In response to this question, why do they want to enter the field? An important leader of Awami League claimed that intelligence sources have informed the top leadership of the government that suddenly a foreign power has become hyperactive in the elections of Bangladesh. According to the ruling party leadership, the influential newspaper group has "participated" in such activities by foreign powers at various times in the past. So they are assuming that their 'mistake' is part of a larger conspiracy. As the Awami League, led by young leaders Biplab Barua and Tarana Halim, has taken various organizations of the party to the streets against the newspaper, the administration is not making concessions either.

What activities of foreign powers caught the attention of the rulers of Dhaka? According to Dhaka's administrative sources, the American embassy is in contact with various people known to be anti-government. Kolkata has been chosen along with Dhaka. Recently, a renowned economist, who is dissatisfied with Hasina's government, went to the American Embassy in Kolkata and held a meeting. His presence at a conference in Assam's Kokrajhar is also viewed with a crooked eye. Some leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami are also seen in Kolkata. A senior officer of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Bangladesh has recently visited Kolkata after receiving the news.

On January 11, 2007, after the caretaker government and the army chief seized power in a bloodless coup, it is alleged that the American embassy was active in forming the government under the leadership of this renowned economist of Bangladesh. Awami League and BNP - both parties rejected the proposal, so it was not implemented. After that, Sheikh Hasina came back to power. But the economist's relationship with his government was not normal. A petition signed by several prominent people of the world asking him to be treated 'appropriately' was recently printed as an advertisement in an American newspaper. The Prime Minister himself expressed his anger by referring to this advertisement. Awami League alleged that this Dhaka newspaper group was in favor of the coup plotters at that time. There is no question of believing them this time either.

In Dhaka, the month of sacrifice and sacrifice, mistrust and enmity are flowing.

The 'activities' of foreign powers are increasing in Bangladesh, the ruling party is worried, Kolkata is also on Dhaka's radar!

According to Dhaka's administrative sources, the American embassy is in contact with various people known to be anti-government. Kolkata has been chosen along with Dhaka.


Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina. file image.

Anamitra Chatterjee
Dhaka Last Updated: 08 April 2023 07:18

The Bangladesh government has recently taken a tough stance on a so-called 'mistake' in the online edition of an influential daily newspaper in Bangladesh. After a late night search at the concerned journalist's house, the police arrested him and sent him to jail under the controversial Digital Act. A case has also been filed against the editor under the same law. Not only the opposition, but also a section of pro-government prominent people consider this move unnecessary. But the question is, why is the ruling Awami League giving so much importance to this incident, that some of the leaders of the party have to take the various branch organizations into agitation even in the month of Ramadan?

General elections in Bangladesh this year in December or next month. Before that, the politics of that country became very eventful. In Bangladesh, all political programs are usually closed during the month of Ramadan. In response to this question, why do they want to enter the field? An important leader of Awami League claimed that intelligence sources have informed the top leadership of the government that suddenly a foreign power has become hyperactive in the elections of Bangladesh. According to the ruling party leadership, the influential newspaper group has "participated" in such activities by foreign powers at various times in the past. So they are assuming that their 'mistake' is part of a larger conspiracy. As the Awami League, led by young leaders Biplab Barua and Tarana Halim, has taken various organizations of the party to the streets against the newspaper, the administration is not making concessions either.

What activities of foreign powers caught the attention of the rulers of Dhaka? According to Dhaka's administrative sources, the American embassy is in contact with various people known to be anti-government. Kolkata has been chosen along with Dhaka. Recently, a renowned economist, who is dissatisfied with Hasina's government, went to the American Embassy in Kolkata and held a meeting. His presence at a conference in Assam's Kokrajhar is also viewed with a crooked eye. Some leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami are also seen in Kolkata. A senior officer of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Bangladesh has recently visited Kolkata after receiving the news.

On January 11, 2007, after the caretaker government and the army chief seized power in a bloodless coup, it is alleged that the American embassy was active in forming the government under the leadership of this renowned economist of Bangladesh. Awami League and BNP - both parties rejected the proposal, so it was not implemented. After that, Sheikh Hasina came back to power. But the economist's relationship with his government was not normal. A petition signed by several prominent people of the world asking him to be treated 'appropriately' was recently printed as an advertisement in an American newspaper. The Prime Minister himself expressed his anger by referring to this advertisement. Awami League alleged that this Dhaka newspaper group was in favor of the coup plotters at that time. There is no question of believing them this time either.

In Dhaka, the month of sacrifice and sacrifice, mistrust and enmity are flowing.

For the future of the country, the BAL party must change its position in favor of an unbiased election next time under caretaker govt.

Only yesterday Hasina Bibi was lamenting in the Parliament about the US interference. Give a fair election and wait for the result. Without a CTG the BAL party came out with 153 uncontested seats in the last election.

How horrible for BAL that it came to power last time with Indian suppor. The election will be different this time.Brace for it.

It should not expect similar miracle this time as well. So, re-establish the CTG, contest the election and come out with a majority to form a govt after the election.

BAL idiots should not expect similar treatment on the expectation of the Indian help. India does not understand that fake elections are changing the BD face to another North Korea that the US will not accept.
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