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‘Thank God this didn’t start in India’: Jim O’Neill praises China’s coronavirus response

National Institute of Virology, Pune
High Security Animal Disease Laboratory, Bhopal
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad
Nice, I had no idea.

Thanks for the info.
‘Thank God this didn’t start in India’: Jim O’Neill praises China’s coronavirus response

  • Speaking to CNBC’s “Squawk Box Europe” on Wednesday, former Goldman Sachs chief economist Jim O’Neill said the virus had “brought out the best and worst of the Chinese model.”
Jim O’Neill, the chair of U.K. think tank Chatham House, on Wednesday commended the “fast, aggressive” Chinese response to the coronavirus outbreak, suggesting western countries should follow suit.

Speaking to CNBC’s “Squawk Box Europe” on Wednesday, the former Goldman Sachs chief economist said the virus had “brought out the best and worst of the Chinese model.”

On one hand, O’Neill said the dominance of President Xi Jinping and the diminished responsibility of officials in Wuhan, where the virus originated, may have enabled COVID-19 to initially spread quicker.

“That said — and it’s often like a lot of other things when China got hit with a crisis over the last 30 years — once they realized the scale of it, the system seems to be capable of dealing with it pretty quickly, relative to other places, and pretty decisively,” he added.

Chinese authorities shut down vast swathes of the country’s travel infrastructure and industrial production last month, causing a profound short-term shock to the Chinese and global economy. However, new cases of the virus in greater China have now slowed to a trickle, while Italy deals with a rapid escalation in new infections and a spiking death toll.

“Thank God this didn’t start in somewhere like India, because there’s absolutely no way that the quality of Indian governance could move to react in the way that the Chinese have done, that’s the good side of the Chinese model, and I think you could probably say the same about Brazil too.”

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi convened a government meeting at the weekend and directed officials to identify suitable locations for quarantine facilities and make provisions for critical care. The number of cases in the country has now reached 50, according to the latest WHO figures.

The Indian government has also launched awareness campaigns and imposed a range of travel and visa restrictions in a bid to contain the virus. The Indian consulate in London did not immediately respond to CNBC’s request for comment.

The former commercial secretary to the U.K. Treasury suggested that western governments dealing with outbreaks of their own, such as Italy and the U.K., should look to emulate China, South Korea and Singapore in the swift deployment of aggressive containment measures.

He also argued that finance and economic policymakers must begin treating health policy more seriously and think of it in the same way as other investment spending, and criticized the protectionist agenda of the U.S. and other nations on international trade.

“Unless we get rid of all forms of communication, we are globalized people and we need to think and learn from each other about the right solutions at any moment in time for all of us,” O’Neill concluded.


What Western governments have done with their un-diminished responsibility of officials, to limit the spread of virus in initial days, even after seeing its dangers and spread in China for more than a month?

What they have done is just pointing finger to China. Now the efficiency and humanity of Western-style democracy system has become the world's laughing stock.
normal indians shit on the streets?
Yes. I just went to shit on the street and came back just now. I feel relieved.
Thanks for asking.

On topic though such a great gift to the world (as corona is,) will not come from India because poor Indians can't afford expensive bat soup or pangolin liver (yummmyyyy) for bfast.
Sooo sadd but true. puur indians.

Well he's right. China does have more money and better infrastructure to deal with something like this. They also have a super authoritarian government that can get stuff done quickly, there's a reason why protests and rioting aren't a thing in China.

Not taking a dig at them here. There actually are a lot of good things about having a very strong central authority that can jump to action and do what they need to do without 'political considerations' and other hindrances.
See those who sacrifice essential liberty for so called security deserve neither and get neither.

This is how they play for eg the terror card to create police state (they used that method to make US police so wildly armed, same in russia, same is happening now in india.)

Do you think chinese govt is perfect?? Nope.
Yet strangely there is not a single chinese poster (living in china) who has said anything negative about china. Wonder why? Is that a healthy condition for a society??
We don't take bat soup, dog meat, lizards, rats or pangolin skin or meat. So, there is no way we get primary contraction from animals living in the jungle to Humans.
Your netajis have been issuing statements to eat cow dung and cow urine as cure from ncovid19.

Do you know who talked about the benefits of Camel urine?

We can get bit by bugs, however.

Monkey Fever, just as bad as Ebola:


Not very transmissible, thank god !
There have been secondary contracts like Henipah. Bug bite causing a communicable disease is a big stretch.

I like this Jim oneil guy, one who started the BRICS acronym.Sorry Jim but there was never a chance because we normal indians don't eat bats or other exotic animals. Lol.

I think what he meant was an outbreak of this sort. Not all viruses and diseases come from eating exotic animals. Any number of factors could have resulted in an outbreak in India (or any other country tbh).

It just so happens that he thinks that the Chinese government model is much more capable of efficiently addressing such issues than many others (including India).
Bring what on, you know it already. Everyone knows it.

But Nothing compares to the cow dung and urine somebody's mythology fantasizes about.

Funny you point fingers at the chinese yet you get defensive when your own netaji expliot your culture.
But Nothing compares to the cow dung and urine somebody's mythology fantasizes about.

Funny you point fingers at the chinese yet you get defensive when your own netaji expliot your culture.
I'm not defending anyone. Simply the fact that we never caused any communicable diseases that spread throughout the world as Chinese did twice. And you mocking cow piss is ironic.
lol, praising a system that caused death of thousand people.
Jim O’Neillis is no epidemiologist to speak on matters of diseases. Most Indian states san some very poor states have a robust surveillance system and this is the reason we have overcome polio, plague encephalitis outbreaks in the past. Thing some of our neighbors are still incapable of yet.
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