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Thailand Urges Bilatral Talks With China


Feb 22, 2012
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PHNOM PENH : Thailand has urged all claimant countries in the South China Sea dispute to hold bilateral talks to solve their long-term problems.

Thailand believes states that claim ownership of the Spratly Islands should hold talks in line with China's intent, Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said yesterday in the Cambodian capital after a special meeting to discuss the issue.

Four Asean countries _ the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia _ and China and Taiwan claim ownership of the islands.

Mr Surapong said Thailand is ready to talk with China if a joint communique is issued.

Asean foreign ministers yesterday could not agree on a joint communique on the South China Sea because they could not settle on the wording used in the document to show their unity.

The special meeting was attended by Asean foreign ministers and 10 dialogue partners to seek ways of issuing the joint communique.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said after the meeting that officials were still seeking a compromise on the text but no one would be 100% happy.

Mr Natalegawa said Cambodia, as the chairman of Asean this year, would reconvene the meeting so that Asean could have a common position soon.

Asean Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan said the solution for the South China Sea issue still needs to be worked out through future meetings.

"They are still trying to polish some paragraphs to make them literally beautiful," said Mr Surin.

A diplomatic source said Vietnam tried to raise the issue in all meetings to seek support on the use of the term "exclusive economic zone" in the communique, allowing claimant countries to claim their rights over different areas.

The source said the South China Sea issue may also be top of the agenda for debate during the Asean Regional Forum retreat, which will be focused mainly on security issues in the region.

China does not want the South China Sea issue to be raised during today's meeting as it fears that the United States, which will also attend, will intervene.

Claimants urged to talk over islands | Bangkok Post: news
Well, Thailand definitely won't be against China. There is no way Thailand will side with vn and phi in SCS issue, or in any issue I can think of.
Does any body know why vietnam very quickly invited Cambodia, Laos and Burma to joint ASEAN, just right after it joined the group? there are two reasons for that. first is that Cambodia, Laos and Burma will back them, help them weigh more in the ASEAN community itself because these countries are in the same lower level as compared to Thailand and Singrapore, otherwise, there would be only one poor communist country in the Asean. Second, VN wants to take advantage of ASEAN as a shield to hide itself in order to deal with other power as necessary! this may harm the benefit of the whole ASEAN.
Does any body know why vietnam very quickly invited Cambodia, Laos and Burma to joint ASEAN, just right after it joined the group? there are two reasons for that. first is that Cambodia, Laos and Burma will back them, help them weigh more in the ASEAN community itself because these countries are in the same lower level as compared to Thailand and Singrapore, otherwise, there would be only one poor communist country in the Asean. Second, VN wants to take advantage of ASEAN as a shield to hide itself in order to deal with other power as necessary! this may harm the benefit of the whole ASEAN.

No, this countries are inside of South East Asia region. They join in to or not, it depend on their willing.
Does any body know why vietnam very quickly invited Cambodia, Laos and Burma to joint ASEAN, just right after it joined the group? there are two reasons for that. first is that Cambodia, Laos and Burma will back them, help them weigh more in the ASEAN community itself because these countries are in the same lower level as compared to Thailand and Singrapore, otherwise, there would be only one poor communist country in the Asean. Second, VN wants to take advantage of ASEAN as a shield to hide itself in order to deal with other power as necessary! this may harm the benefit of the whole ASEAN.

ASEAN was initially formed to prevent VetCon in the very beginning. When Vietnam begged and finally joined ASEAN it feels that it needs to invite other former communistic countries like Cambodia and Laos. Nowadays these countries choose to side with China instead of siding with Vietnam.
ASEAN was initially formed to prevent VetCon in the very beginning. When Vietnam begged and finally joined ASEAN it feels that it needs to invite other former communistic countries like Cambodia and Laos. Nowadays these countries choose to side with China instead of siding with Vietnam.

You are wrong, they invited us.:meeting:
You are wrong, they invited us.:meeting:

At the beginning, Vietnam just wanted to joint ASEAN for economic benefit and coorperation because it is the only communist country among ASEAN countries. the reason was that Vieetnam didnt want ASEAN politics changed the leadership of its ruling party.

now, they have disputation issue with neighbor, they forgot what they had negotiated when joined ASEAN and put its politics to involve ASEAN. that is how Vietnam take advantage of ASEAN as necessary.
Does any body know why vietnam very quickly invited Cambodia, Laos and Burma to joint ASEAN, just right after it joined the group? there are two reasons for that. first is that Cambodia, Laos and Burma will back them, help them weigh more in the ASEAN community itself because these countries are in the same lower level as compared to Thailand and Singrapore, otherwise, there would be only one poor communist country in the Asean. Second, VN wants to take advantage of ASEAN as a shield to hide itself in order to deal with other power as necessary! this may harm the benefit of the whole ASEAN.

ASEAN operates on the principle of "consensus" and rotating chair. So there is not any country has the right to decide except the "consensus".
If you are from Pakistan, you should not decry Vietnam is poor because WE (VN and PK) are nearly a similar level of development.
We Vietnamese don't expect too much from ASEAN except economic benefits. Currently themselves within ASEAN countries also have problems with each other. That's the problem between Malaysia and Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia, Thailand and Laos, Malaysia and Singapore ...
Vietnam has no problem with other countries in ASEAN, except the Khmer Rouge.

At the beginning, Vietnam just wanted to joint ASEAN for economic benefit and coorperation because it is the only communist country among ASEAN countries. the reason was that Vieetnam didnt want ASEAN politics changed the leadership of its ruling party.

now, they have disputation issue with neighbor, they forgot what they had negotiated when joined ASEAN and put its politics to involve ASEAN. that is how Vietnam take advantage of ASEAN as necessary.

ASEAN is known saying more than action and no ability to make any private opinion. We never expected anything in it except to bring the economic benefits from its common market in the future.
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