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Thailand 'sick man of Asia'?

Look who's the terror here...

Obama in Jakarta. Secret Files: Indonesia’s US Backed Special Forces Engaged in “Murder and Abduction”
Yeah, quoting an article from 2010, you are so up to date aren't you?

By the way, what you called "terror" is what we call "making the country stay integrated", after all, people in that list are separatists. Anyway, it's funny because it came from you, I thought chinese citizen know how it feels to have a band of traitors inside the country and how the country deals with separatists, I mean after all that happened in Urumqi and other parts in Xinjiang.
Yeah, quoting an article from 2010, you are so up to date aren't you?

By the way, what you called "terror" is what we call "making the country stay integrated", after all, people in that list are separatists. Anyway, it's funny because it came from you, I thought chinese citizen know how it feels to have a band of traitors inside the country and how the country deals with separatists, I mean after all that happened in Urumqi and other parts in Xinjiang.

Article dated 2010 does not wipe away the blood does it? Terrorist in Urumqi killed innocent civilians, we target these extremist scums under national law, charge them in court & broadcast over national TV. Tell me, what sort of anti-separatist ops Indonesia does by sending sms text death threats, & promised to decapitate one's head and bury it 200 meters deep? Some kind of special Indonesian justice? Don't even try to paint us as the demon when Indonesia hides rotten skeletons in it's closet.
Article dated 2010 does not wipe away the blood does it? Terrorist in Urumqi killed innocent civilians, we target these extremist scums under national law, charge them in court & broadcast over national TV. Tell me, what sort of anti-separatist ops Indonesia does by sending sms text death threats, & promised to decapitate one's head and bury it 200 meters deep? Some kind of special Indonesian justice? Don't even try to paint us as the demon when Indonesia hides rotten skeletons in it's closet.

No, it doesn't, the blood stays, but it is still outdated because what they did before 2010 was in accordance to the situation at that day and not to be compared using today's circumstances. From 1998 to 2010 Indonesia was still recovering from its economic crisis and faced with huge possibility of disintegration, death threats are acceptable for people wanting to take a fortune out of misfortunes of other people.

Anyway, we did that too, we even broadcasted the full video footage during the raid, the police even invited some journalist to follow the raiding units. And then we charged the ones responsibles for the actions accordingly, of course everything was done under media coverage. Don't worry about us having a closed government and controlled media just because you have one back at home.

So tell me, what sort of anti-separatist ops China does by routinely torture the minorities and block all media coverage in Tibet?

Don't even try to paint us back as the demon when China hides rotten sekeletons in its garage (yes garage, you got more skeletons).
Can you provide the link, bro !?
read between the lines
Americans are far away.

China is building up for a show down with the US not Vietnam. We have more people and a rich culture, which matters if you look at the present and now. The expulsion of US from Asia will happen, even you must know that.

When it's all said and done, we will still be next to each other.

south Vietnamese should know this best, as soon as the US pulled out, well, the red flag flys high.

Vietnam achieving a understanding is important, and that is exactly what the government of Vietnam is doing.

Going to war is stupid, ideas of stupid youth who have too much time on their hands.
sorry, but you are simply an idiot. I don´t get what you want to say.

what does your aggression against Vietnam to do with America (oil rig, sinking our fishing vessel)?
both are not related.

dont care, Monkeys, we are gonna be OK
too bad, our tanks had not reached Bangkok last time. perhaps next time.
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Thailand becomes 'sick man of the Southeast Asia' - The Nation

Thai News Agency March 26, 2014 3:16 pm

Thailand is now being branded as 'the sick man of Southeast Asia' given its low economic growth, unstable politics and lack of investor confidence, the director of University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce said on Wednesday.

Ath Pisalvanich, director of the university's International Trade Studies Centre, said 480 of 4,000 small and mediumsized Thai enterprises are planning to invest in neighbouring Indonesia, Myanmar and Laos with a total investment of Bt77 billion.

The political turmoil will compel other manufacturers to relocate from Thailand, he said, adding that about 1,440 Thai operators will possibly move their production bases to neighbouring countries.

Thailand will lose investment opportunities equivalent to Bt46 billion from the relocations, which will be three times higher than the original move, he said.

If the political impasse continues until next year, Thailand's investors overseas will increase to 2,800 operators, at a total value of over Bt200 billion, or seven times higher. With this, Thailand's loss of investment opportunity will be as high as Bt123 billion.

Those contemplating relocation include food and beverage manufacturers, retailers, finance and insurance operators and manufacturers of electronics products.

Ath said Thailand's loss of market share to Vietnam has risen from 13 per cent to 23 per cent from products including rice, tobacco, textile, tea, coffee, spices, cereals, clothing, ceramic goods, steel, glassware, electrical appliances and plastic goods.

The loss is about US$943 million, or Bt29.5 billion, partly due to higher manufacturing and labour costs compared to Vietnam.

Thailand will lose also foreign direct investment (FDI) opportunities of up to US$5.541 billion (FDI) over six year, as other Southeast Asian countries switch investment to Vietnam after the launch of the Asean Economic Community (AEC), Ath said.

It is predicted that FDI in Vietnam will increase to US$240 billion and Thailand will gain only US$170 billion in the next six years despite Vietnam's limitations in public facilities, transportation system, and higher investment and labour costs.

Thailand political unrest due to Thais now don't want to see the chinese descent in power more.

Thailand = Land of Thais, not chinese.
It can be a good lesson for any new democracy in this world, just stick on the game and don't try to take current government power if we loose at previous election. In short, the election is the ultimate political war, don't use street power after loosing it. Just see Ukraine, Thailand, Egypt, as an example......for Tunisian, don't try to follow them and be patience in a current government rule. Democracy needs patience.

I agree with you on the sentiment, but here is the problem, not everyone is a graceful loser and it would be unwise to depend the well being of your country on everything goes smoothly. This is especially true for small nation which are weaker and more susceptible to foreign influences. Heck, even major nations are not above this kind of problem, they are simply better at resisting it.
Its fighting between to family, both came from China, Hakka in origin. When Thai people don't have thier right over the country, then this is problem for Thiland.
Huahahaha, pouring them money is not give them peace, is just give them more resources to continue their conflict elsewhere, that's why boycotting and sanctioning corrupt regime is one of effective reminder how mindless these state and their regime are. Look at Sudan, you dare to say a country who has been split into two parts and both of them in the brink of civil wars is a normal country? Well from your statement i can see a point view of a Russian about their standard of a normal country.

Blame them all you want, but it is the China who support dictatorial regime with their investment and give them more resources to prolonged conflict elsewhere. I want to ask, what is your point about China support over Wa and Kachin rebel in Myanmar?

One thing, not all of Sub-saharan African countries is poor to begin with, some is even richer than South Korea back in 70's.

Huahahaha, pouring them money is not give them peace, is just give them more resources to continue their conflict elsewhere, that's why boycotting and sanctioning corrupt regime is one of effective reminder how mindless these state and their regime are. Look at Sudan, you dare to say a country who has been split into two parts and both of them in the brink of civil wars is a normal country? Well from your statement i can see a point view of a Russian about their standard of a normal country.

Blame them all you want, but it is the China who support dictatorial regime with their investment and give them more resources to prolonged conflict elsewhere. I want to ask, what is your point about China support over Wa and Kachin rebel in Myanmar?

One thing, not all of Sub-saharan African countries is poor to begin with, some is even richer than South Korea back in 70's.
Once again so many nonsenses. It is US leading UN force Sudan to have a national referendum and separate not China. So it is again China's fault? Dictatorial regime? How about you ask your government to sanction Saudi Araibia, UAE, Egypt, and many others? They have a good relationship with most of the countries in the world, so only China to blame?
You use South Korea as evidence? Do you know Hangangeui Kijeok which is lead by Park Chung Hee, the No. 1 dictator in history of South Korea? Do you know the recent success of South Korea is mostly based on trading with China, and our special support to them? So it is also China's fault?
China support Kachin rebel? Then I ask again, why KIA stop our hydro-electric project? You call Wa as rebels? Even Myanmar government doesn't say so. One reason of Myanmar government were sanctioned by US because of their policy to minority. So on one side you welcome sanction to the Myanmar government, and it is China's fault because we support the Myanmar government; on the other side you say Wa and Kachin are rebels, and they are supported by China, and it is also China's fault. This is your logic:omghaha:
Defend yourself, please!
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like Chinese, the Thai had long played dirty potitics against Vietnam.
I don´t mind if their country collapses.

by the way, welcome to the forum. are you really from Japan?

One has to be objective in regional policy, @Viet . I'm sure the past military expeditions the Siamese made into Laos and Cambodia were for their national prerogative, which, was contradictory to the national interests of Dai Viet. As ASEAN member states, its important that Thailand will stabilize, as its a major economy and player in ASEAN. The same goes for your country.

And yes, I'm Japanese but living in the US. Glad to meet you.

Just made me remember, until now, there is no countries with strong economic performances and stable political situations is one of China allies. Heck even Pakistan fared better when under titular patronage of USA than with China right now, the rest is Sudan? Angola? Zimbabwe? North Korea (seriously you got this lot since Korean war and what their status right now? compare with SK), Myanmar? you supporting their rebels and halting their economic growth with allowing corruption going rampant here. Ckck, China is just good at sucking blood from another country, not to build them and made them growing strong.

Hi @madokafc , we should stray away from making brash generalizations. While I'm sure that the Chinese investments in developing countries do benefit China in some way, I believe that they do so also in genuine goodwill. Their non-intereference policy is commendable, as it prevents them from being entangled in costly and burdensome conflicts. The United States, for example, is for all tense and purposes , a guarantor of peace and stability in tense regions ergo, Asia-Pacific, Central Asia, Europe, Middle East...it is a financial and geopolitical strain on American resources. The Chinese, on the other hand, focus more on a 'Chinese first' initiative and international treaties are secondary or tertiary.
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You are being dishonest. Thailand was neutral during world war 2

Thailand was neutral , but did allow the Imperial Army to traverse through their countryside as Imperial forces converged onto Singapore. Yamashita's forces subdued that corredor, sweeped through Eastern Malaysia and converged with the 14th Imperial Japanese Army led by Gen. Masaharu Homma in the conquest of the Philippines.

In addition, the Thais utilized this time period to declare war on the de-factor French government in Indochina; resulting in the conquest of Battambang and minor outposts in Cambodia and Laos. Do read about it.
One has to be objective in regional policy, @Viet . I'm sure the past military expeditions the Siamese made into Laos and Cambodia were for their national prerogative, which, was contradictory to the national interests of Dai Viet. As ASEAN member states, its important that Thailand will stabilize, as its a major economy and player in ASEAN. The same goes for your country.

And yes, I'm Japanese but living in the US. Glad to meet you.
hey...you know well about the history of the region.

exactly, the past military expeditions the Siamese made into Laos and Cambodia were contradictory to the national interests of Dai Viet. We ourselves had plan for the region.

back then in the 18 century, the Kingdom of Siam posed a serious threat for Vietnam. The Thai had defeated the armies of Burma, Laos, Malays and Cambodia and made them to vassals. the rise of Siam as economic and military power was largely contributed by chinese migrants.

From the strategic perspective, Dai Viet was surrounded by two mighty neighbors: China on the north front, and Siam on the west. Vietnam´s military campaign again Siam became unavoidable.


Early territory of Rattanakosin Kingdom
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Thailand was neutral , but did allow the Imperial Army to traverse through their countryside as Imperial forces converged onto Singapore. Yamashita's forces subdued that corredor, sweeped through Eastern Malaysia and converged with the 14th Imperial Japanese Army led by Gen. Masaharu Homma in the conquest of the Philippines.

In addition, the Thais utilized this time period to declare war on the de-factor French government in Indochina; resulting in the conquest of Battambang and minor outposts in Cambodia and Laos. Do read about it.
No doubt. the Thai played smart and remained the only country in SE Asia that was not colonized.
back then Vietnam made the major mistake by following Chinese model of closed door policy.
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