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Thai-China online brawl over Covid-19.


Jul 25, 2016
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by Zaak Garrett

April 12, 2020

“nnevvy” is the Twitter username of actress Veeraya Sukaram, nicknamed New. Veeraya is “rumored” to be dating actor Vachirawit Cheevaari, or Bright, who is the star of the popular TV soap opera 2gether, in which he plays a gay man named Sarawat.

But the hashtag is not trending because fans of the series are disappointed Vachirawit isn’t gay in real life.

#nnevvy currently has nearly two million tweets and still counting, because of a post retweeted yesterday by Veeraya on her private Twitter account that was later deleted. She retweeted a post with a caption questioning China’s credibility and sense of responsibility during the COVID-19 outbreak.

This is the translation of what Veeraya retweeted.

“Wuhan has a lab with more than 1,500 strands of viruses, including the bat-virus that Chinese researchers study to make new vaccines. When the pandemic happened, China dared blame the US that they are the one sending the virus into Wuhan, instead of letting other countries investigate the lab in order to find out if the virus leaked from there.”


The retweet prompted massive backlash from Chinese fans of 2gether: the series, which led to this apology from Vachiravit, who also retweeted the controversial post.


As Thai and Chinese Twitter users went back and forth, the tweets were filled with racism and xenophobia.

Vachirawit’s apology did not calm anyone down. Thai users tweeted criticisms of China and the Chinese and also posted the view that Taiwan is separate from China.

In response, Chinese users tweeted criticisms of Thailand and the Thais, posted about China’s aid efforts to help Thailand during COVID-19 and reiterated their position as a cohesive Republic of China.

Twitter users from Taiwan and Hong Kong then began posting in support of Thai users, reiterating their stance on independence.

As well, due to the popularity of 2gether in Southeast Asia, others have joined in.

For example, users in the Philippines supported Thai users and also pushed their own agenda against China on the decades-long conflict over sovereignty in the South China Sea.

There are many interesting angles in this discussion including the Trumpian Chinese COVID-19 responsibility assignment, Chinese claims of US COVID-19 inception and the alignment of Twitter users from Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries that are overwhelmingly against China.
I see the financier class' plans are all going according to plan.
I agree. China's propaganda department is absolutely laughable. It reflects the general unsophistication of China's population.
what could you expect from a closed society????
what could you expect from a closed society????

China is unsophisticated and quite stupid about propaganda and image control. But it doesn't mean that the virus wasn't a Deep State plot all along. Don't be dumb.
I agree. China's propaganda department is absolutely laughable. It reflects the general unsophistication of China's population.
Like any other countries, China ruling class is a different species from the general population.
Like any other countries, China ruling class is a different species from the general population.

Yes, but China's ruling class is still very insular and unsophisticated when compared to the Anglo-Jewish ruling class. But that's understandable as the Anglo-Jewish ruling class essentially made the modern world and all of its structures.
Yes, but China's ruling class is still very insular and unsophisticated when compared to the Anglo-Jewish ruling class. But that's understandable as the Anglo-Jewish ruling class essentially made the modern world and all of its structures.
True. Closed political environment, like an echo chamber, also fosters inbreeding.
It is shocking that there are stupid little girls who watch Thai TV dramas and chase Thai stars.

Sure enough, none of them took online classes seriously.
True. Closed political environment, like an echo chamber, also fosters inbreeding.

China's main problem is the incapability of understand other cultures, communicating with other cultures, inspiring other cultures and building a good image while refuting negative propaganda. If China were half as good with propaganda as they are with manufacturing, their image wouldn't be so terrible.
China's main problem is the incapability of understand other cultures, communicating with other cultures, inspiring other cultures and building a good image while refuting negative propaganda. If China were half as good with propaganda as they are with manufacturing, their image wouldn't be so terrible.
It is a common issue with any strong culture, which provides enough pull on the people inside away from other cultures.
China's main problem is the incapability of understand other cultures, communicating with other cultures, inspiring other cultures and building a good image while refuting negative propaganda. If China were half as good with propaganda as they are with manufacturing, their image wouldn't be so terrible.
I suggest you remove the China flag, you have Embarrassed our national flag. Chinese is the first victim of the coronavirus. China also go to helping many countries around the world to fight the virus. There are always ignorant people in every country that don't care the fact but just like to blamed on someone. Virus don't care which country, what color of your skin. You just a idiot always blame Chinese for every thing. Only stupid will believe you.

by Zaak Garrett

April 12, 2020

“nnevvy” is the Twitter username of actress Veeraya Sukaram, nicknamed New. Veeraya is “rumored” to be dating actor Vachirawit Cheevaari, or Bright, who is the star of the popular TV soap opera 2gether, in which he plays a gay man named Sarawat.

But the hashtag is not trending because fans of the series are disappointed Vachirawit isn’t gay in real life.

#nnevvy currently has nearly two million tweets and still counting, because of a post retweeted yesterday by Veeraya on her private Twitter account that was later deleted. She retweeted a post with a caption questioning China’s credibility and sense of responsibility during the COVID-19 outbreak.

This is the translation of what Veeraya retweeted.

“Wuhan has a lab with more than 1,500 strands of viruses, including the bat-virus that Chinese researchers study to make new vaccines. When the pandemic happened, China dared blame the US that they are the one sending the virus into Wuhan, instead of letting other countries investigate the lab in order to find out if the virus leaked from there.”


The retweet prompted massive backlash from Chinese fans of 2gether: the series, which led to this apology from Vachiravit, who also retweeted the controversial post.


As Thai and Chinese Twitter users went back and forth, the tweets were filled with racism and xenophobia.

Vachirawit’s apology did not calm anyone down. Thai users tweeted criticisms of China and the Chinese and also posted the view that Taiwan is separate from China.

In response, Chinese users tweeted criticisms of Thailand and the Thais, posted about China’s aid efforts to help Thailand during COVID-19 and reiterated their position as a cohesive Republic of China.

Twitter users from Taiwan and Hong Kong then began posting in support of Thai users, reiterating their stance on independence.

As well, due to the popularity of 2gether in Southeast Asia, others have joined in.

For example, users in the Philippines supported Thai users and also pushed their own agenda against China on the decades-long conflict over sovereignty in the South China Sea.

There are many interesting angles in this discussion including the Trumpian Chinese COVID-19 responsibility assignment, Chinese claims of US COVID-19 inception and the alignment of Twitter users from Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries that are overwhelmingly against China.
Coronvirus started outbreak from Wuhan doesn't mean origin from Wuhan just like Spanish flue outbreak from Spain but not origin from Spain
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