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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

Yes i could google raw specs but maybe i want to hear opinion from people who might know more?

Right. Most are basics. The very interesting and unique specifications you can’t read on wiki.

For example the asymmetric specification of F-35. Maybe some countermeasures systems we don’t know.
  • Service Ceiling: >55.000 ft
  • Engine Power: >2x20.000 lb (not 2x27.000 lb ???)
  • Max. Speed: 2 Mach
  • Combat Rabius: >600 nm
  • MTOW: >60.000 lb
  • Lenght: 19 m
  • Wingspan: 12 m
  • Wing Area: 60 m²

  • Service Ceiling: >65.000 ft
  • Engine Power: 2x26.000 lb (Dry trust) 2x35.000 (with afterburner)
  • Max. Speed: 2,25 Mach
  • Combat Rabius: 460 nm
  • MTOW: 83,500 lb
  • Lenght: 18,92 m
  • Wingspan: 13,56 m
  • Wing Area: 78,04 m²
Good enough. Infact it would be quite impresive if those paramaters are achived. Esspecialy cause Turkey has limited expirience in the field, doing it from scratch, going from trainers to 5th generation fighter...
I know they are many detractors, like, coud they do it, etc... They said wallls of Constantinopole are impertable.


I read somewhere that 2x20.000 lb is the minimum treshold required by the airforce for the engines.
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>20.000lb ; that means more than 20,000. Ej200 was not accepted because it did not meet the needs.

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Turkey needs to set up a engine R&D facility

Having all these aviation's programmes is great until someone embargoes you

As recently seen with T129 and Pakistan

Without full independence over Engine Turkey will struggle
Turkey needs to set up a engine R&D facility

Having all these aviation's programmes is great until someone embargoes you

As recently seen with T129 and Pakistan

Without full independence over Engine Turkey will struggle

If you follow this thread, you'll see that is exactly what Turkey has done.. However, we have to be realistic as well, Turkey is decades behind the established aero-engine manufacturers, License Production or partial-ToT is the only way TFX will meet its deadline in 2030...
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