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Testing Missile Defense-Shield


Jun 7, 2011
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Testing Missile Defense Shield 4/14/2012


Awesome shots. I just saw the video too. I have goose-bumps whenever I see such advanced weapons.
I saw something strange too. Again don't go bashing me. I just have a doubt as I am not a military guy. I would love some analysis.
Can someone explain what's the object in the circle. It seem to be fairly in the same trajectory of the original missile.
Actually I've seen another one like this with the HQ-9.
Pakistan also need such a missile defense system to counter the Indian Missile THREAT !!!

I'm wondering if these missle defense-shield is fully operational or still prototype test...Pakistan should be the next to have this:cheers:

This test might responds to Indian Missile test...let that arm race open :smokin:
wonderful news!

guys dont worry about indian missiles, those things will fall to the ground quicker than north korean ones.

indian military power is highly exaggerated. they are a weak military with a highly disorganised structure.
india will never be a peer to china, never have been and never will be.
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