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Terrorists may attack cricketers in India too

Screaming Skull

Mar 12, 2009
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March 14, 2009 16:35 IST

The attack on the Sri Lankan players in Lahore is part of a bigger conspiracy to isolate Pakistan in international cricket and if the terrorists succeed in their mission, they would carry out similar operations in India and other Asian countries, fears former Pakistan Cricket Board Chairman Nasim Ashraf.

Ashraf said if Asian countries, particularly India, didn't support Pakistan cricket at this critical juncture, terrorists could also try to target cricket in their countries to scare away foreign teams and players.

"The attack on the Sri Lankan team in Lahore is clearly a part of a bigger conspiracy by elements to isolate Pakistan as a sporting nation. There is no guarantee that they will not target other Asian countries as well," said Ashraf who resigned as the PCB Chairman in August last year.

"If such elements succeed in their aim of turning Pakistan into a no-go country for foreign teams in terms of security, there is no guarantee they will not try to do the same with India as well and try to scare teams away from playing in India," he said.

Ashraf said it was imperative for India and other Asian countries to support Pakistan and ensure that the 2011 World Cup matches were not shifted out of the country.

"If India and other Asian countries stand by Pakistan cricket I have no doubt it will not be long before international cricket is revived in Pakistan but it will take at least 12 to 18 months for this to happen.

"I would advise the Pakistan board to concentrate on keeping their share of the World Cup matches and for this intense lobbying and a government diplomatic offensive is required," he said.

Ashraf said PCB must now start working with the International Cricket Council on preparing a uniform security plan which is acceptable to all countries.

"Pakistan needs to take steps to ease apprehensions about the security among other countries and India can play its role in helping Pakistan do this," he added.

He said despite the political tensions between India and Pakistan, it was necessary for both cricket boards to work together to ensure the subcontinent does not become a no-go area in international cricket.

Ashraf also called on the government to hold an impartial inquiry into the incident with the Sri Lankan team and spare no effort to bring the culprits to justice.

"And if security mistakes were made we must admit them and ensure they don't happen again," he added.
Do you think terrorists will attack cricketers in India or are all the security related apprehensions blown out of proportion? Can India successfully host the IPL simultaneously with the 2009 General Elections. The Home Ministry and State Police seem jittery.

Will it be wise for us to invite all the players if we cannot ensure proper security? Even an incident of a small magnitude can spell doom for cricket and other big sports tournaments in India.

On the other if hand, if we do pull it off some how then it will allay all apprehensions of many countries and sportsperson regarding security situation in India.

What should India do? Please share your thoughts in this thread.
Do you think terrorists will attack cricketers in India or are all the security related apprehensions blown out of proportion? Can India successfully host the IPL simultaneously with the 2009 General Elections. The Home Ministry and State Police seem jittery.

Will it be wise for us to invite all the players if we cannot ensure proper security? Even an incident of a small magnitude can spell doom for cricket and other big sports tournaments in India.

On the other if hand, if we do pull it off some how then it will allay all apprehensions of many countries and sportsperson regarding security situation in India.

What should India do? Please share your thoughts in this thread.

1.Get a bullet-bomb proof bus to transport the players.

2.Dont ignore security warnings

3.Dont change the civil admin a day before the match

4.Send more then a couple of vanload of police to guard the bus

and finally make sure the bus driver has a brother who fought in kashmir.
Do you think terrorists will attack cricketers in India or are all the security related apprehensions blown out of proportion? Can India successfully host the IPL simultaneously with the 2009 General Elections. The Home Ministry and State Police seem jittery.

Will it be wise for us to invite all the players if we cannot ensure proper security? Even an incident of a small magnitude can spell doom for cricket and other big sports tournaments in India.

On the other if hand, if we do pull it off some how then it will allay all apprehensions of many countries and sportsperson regarding security situation in India.

What should India do? Please share your thoughts in this thread.
There are many reasons why terrorists will strike India... Simply put...

Why not?
Do you think terrorists will attack cricketers in India or are all the security related apprehensions blown out of proportion? Can India successfully host the IPL simultaneously with the 2009 General Elections. The Home Ministry and State Police seem jittery.

Will it be wise for us to invite all the players if we cannot ensure proper security? Even an incident of a small magnitude can spell doom for cricket and other big sports tournaments in India.

On the other if hand, if we do pull it off some how then it will allay all apprehensions of many countries and sportsperson regarding security situation in India.

What should India do? Please share your thoughts in this thread.

If possible, tell your govt to pick up the players from the airport using an army chopper and then flying to the stadium directly drop them like para troopers right on the playing ground before the game starts.

Or your govt can also make a bullet proof, bomb proof, water proof, air proof underground tunnel as they did for the safety of the Indian terrorist Kasav from the army air base right up to the stadium's players' room and then the players can go to the stadium through the underground tunnel.

Both efforts will show the might of Hindustan to the world.
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If possible, tell your govt to pick up the players from the airport using an army chopper and then flying to the stadium directly drop them like para troopers right on the playing ground before the game starts.

Or your govt can also make a bullet proof, bomb proof, water proof, air proof underground tunnel as they did for the safety of the Indian terrorist Kasav from the army air base right up to the stadium's players' room and then the players can go to the stadium through the underground tunnel.

Both efforts will show the might of Slumdog Millionaire to the world. :chilli:

Lemme tell you a story....

A turkey was chatting with a ox.
'I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree' sighed the turkey, 'but I haven't got the energy.'
'Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?' replied the ox.. They're packed with nutrients.'

The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree.
The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch.
Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree.
He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.

Moral of the story:
Bull **** might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there..

For Mods : You certainly will delete this post. But let others enjoy for a while. And one thing is certain - this post is less off-topic than the one above it. ;)
The solution to this whole headace lies in the fact that IF INDIA shows a lil character and sends its team to Pakistan and they Play 5-10 ondays or t-20s then the situation might ease up a bit at both ends but i am really not hopefull for anything hapening like that in near future. INDIA has to take bold descision or else you never know where the conspiracy is gona end.
Besides it is the Indian cricket which is booming these days not the PakiCricket so help keep it booming and help Pakistani Cricket to boom again.
If anything happens in INDIA it wod be a great blow to the whole subcontinental cricket and the next worlcup will be played in Australia. I personally dont like the sound of it coz there is no other worthwatching game then the game of cricket and specially of PAK VS INDIA . Every second of it is full of adventure.

India has alot of loopholes and every body knows that.
The whole conspiracy wod not benefit subcontinent but it will benifit the Ausies.
we all know the famous quote " DEVIDE and CONQURE " . I think this is the name which should be given to this whole conspiracy.
It wod be a disgusting feeling for all of us if WORLDCUP is being played in AUSTRALIA.
ya i agree with ya it certenly dosent keeps you at the top and infact the farmer has shoot down that turkey
There are many reasons why terrorists will strike India... Simply put...

Why not?

And ofcourse why have they succeeded till now? But there is new phenomenon in their attacks govts have take actions to counter them.

Hope terrorist do not succeed anywhere.
Lemme tell you a story....

A turkey was chatting with a ox.
'I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree' sighed the turkey, 'but I haven't got the energy.'
'Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?' replied the ox.. They're packed with nutrients.'

The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree.
The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch.
Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree.
He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.

Moral of the story:
Bull **** might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there..

For Mods : You certainly will delete this post. But let others enjoy for a while. And one thing is certain - this post is less off-topic than the one above it. ;)

Hey you... just leave aside all your sentiments and listen to me now, never ever commit personal attacks to me. I am not a soft target, better to remember that. And do not think I cannot insult others. But I do not do that as I follow the forum rules and as I promised that I will restrain myself from doing so. If you find my posts off topic, then report that post to the mods and they will do the justice. I could have showed you my another face, but again I respect the rules and I will abide by them. My previous post was not meant for any personal attack and is not off topic.
well for any terrorist, the main essence of his/her success is, willingness and ability to die in the cause and then no amount of security can grant 100% security to any area/person.

so build anything but the willingness to loose life on terror side will see damage done nevertheless
And ofcourse why have they succeeded till now? But there is new phenomenon in their attacks govts have take actions to counter them.

Hope terrorist do not succeed anywhere.
You must do all you can do prevent it! Trust me, losing cricket is like losing limb! Pakistanis are already paying the price for not arranging sufficient security.

Remember the terrorists must've already gotten an idea. The first time Mumbai attacks happened the ICL was canceled and the IPL delayed. The impact on Indian cricket would be far worse than it has been for Pakistan. We hardly had any cricket anyway.

Not to mention the obvious blame is going to fall upon Pakistan...
India got to respond positively, as Nasim Ashraf puts. got to support pakistan, play cricket in pakistan and encourage others to do so as India has resounding voice in ICC,

crickets down in Pakistan ultimately will cast negative effects in India, Imran khan was the players who encouraged Wasim, Waqar to bowl, and there emmerges, shoaib, and Asif and this is how chain links and carry on to move on. and these were not only pakistanis who love fast bowlers, it helped india to find some talent in this department such as Irfan Pathan, Ishant sharma.

this is not the only reason, the compteteive cricket both coutries play, and the zeal and enthusiam it brings to people to play cricket is another factor. thats how team learns and improve. if pakistan is not there any more, then it would definately effect the mental strength, the motivation and commitment to fight, and learn from experiences in case of new players, such as Ishant shamr, Suresh rana who has immense future ahead of them etc. yet this can also be done by playing against australia, but any how that would be a different bowl game.

any terriorist activities in India will not further escalate the problems in subcontinent but will render pakistan as definate no-go area for some considerable time, so this is again the worst case scenario we are looking at.

Conclusively india got to come up with postive thinking. play some cricket here, and save their own and subcontinent cricket
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