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Terrorists destroy Mosque, kill Namazis during Jumaah Prayers

Let me tell you guys something the Real Taliban would not dare strike at a Masjid...

The people who are behind this are the people who want to see a Civil war in Pakistan, mainly MOSSAD and RAW.

MOSSAD leaders have always planned for a civil war between Sunnis and Shias in Pakistan...

You're absolutely right. When Taliban ruled Afghanistan they would make sure every Muslim man would attend the Jumma Prayers in a Mosque every Friday.

This war is a war against Muslims. Bush himself called this war a crusade. There's even a hadith that says during the end of times, the world will turn against Muslims.
Pay attention at 1:44. "This crusade this war on terrorism is going to take a while". George W. Bush Jr, Former President of the United States of America (2000-2008).

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You're absolutely right. When Taliban ruled Afghanistan they would make sure every Muslim man would attend the Jumma Prayers in a Mosque every Friday.

This war is a war against Muslims. Bush himself called this war a crusade. There's even a hadith that says during the end of times, the world will turn against Muslims.

if every one in Pakistan think like u ..i hope that soon we will find real draculas nd make a peaceful Pakistan..InshAllah:pakistan:
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S-2 i did not anticipate an explanation from u of this kind, but lets try to get the answers for u shell we,
The Indians are not launching attacks into FATA from eastern Afghanistan. Should you believe otherwise, you need to start providing some real credible evidence to motives that address the true sophistication required here to reach beyond some deadly and fruitless terror exchange.

in first statement(an assertion), u said indians are not launching attacks so u made the decision without any evidence, what prove u have that they are not doing so, and whats the point of spending the amount of $1,000,000,000 in Afghanistan, they have their own people sleeping on footpaths. where did all this money go???????

you talk abt evidences, if i ask u to provide me any credible eviden on 9/11, any credible evidence war on iraq, i say it was a war not even accusation, where are the evidences, which we can share, there are none my friend, if there are they will not be made public any time sooner which i highly doubt. so being an X military man i wonder why is it so hard for u to understand, let put it this way, indians are not our frinds if not enemy, happy:tsk:

They've spent over $1,000,000,000 to date. That's not "pledged" but "spent". Both the projects and efforts have been well-received by their Afghan hosts and doubly appreciated in light of their own human cost. That goodwill shines well upon India.

can u answer me why would india do that? spending the amount u mentioned, they are not rich if not a poor country. why would they do it,? why dont they spends in Somalia, Africa if they are so into humanitarian activities, Afghanistan is not their brother country neither do they share, same values, beliefs, culture and most importantly religion. and where has this all money gone??? my guess is as good as some of the others in the forum except u. obvioulsy u want to close ur eyes then u can:disagree: and at lastly money has bought u, and u have sold my people for $1,000,000,000 .:cry:

We've forty one nations invested in Afghanistan. India likely recognizes the dangers inherent in being bad guests in this specific instance. What do these alleged bombings accomplish that aren't being achieved daily by Pakistanis upon one another while adding to the chaos? Is it really believed at this board that your problems in FATA are the results of the C.I.A., Mossad, and RAW?

they are the bad guests any way, they do not fit any part of profile to be there, neither they have financial resources, nor they share the same goals, and future with Afghanisatan, they also do not share borders, so no impulsive future trade, neither does the Afghanistan has any extraordinary thing to offer to india, they are thier and thier only for one purpose and which is to destablise pakistan, period and this is what they are achiving witht he help of CIA(without evidence), coz Four consulates(if true) will not do it own their on, they want us to remain in state of war with extremist as they can see the devistation caused within my country. USA want their own agenda to be promoted to fight Pak Army against taliban(including who want ot live in peace) so that why USA siding India, which is apparent by urs n other members conversatons.

The Pakistani side of the border is flush with Pakistani, afghan, uzbek, chechan, saudi, egyptian, Libyans, and probably Bosnians, British, and European muslims. The groups of such are uncountable as are the madrassas from which each and all may locally recruit.

Again assertions, where are the proves n evidences, u said it bring to one, i agree there can be elements but not 'Flushed with them' do not exagerate, wil not surve any body purpose except encouraging indians to carry out same activities which we have seen now, becz ur mind and eyes r so obssesed with taliban that u forget every thing else, n u want us to think on the same lines

Finally, to date we've not seen the baluchi insurgency compell your army to defend your Gwadar jewel on behalf of your Chinese masters. Further, as eager as so many are here to claim Indian aggression from the Afghani border into FATA, your army remains resolutely determined to slay wind-mills in your east.

balochi are pakistanis, not balochis, i myself is baloch but muslim first, pakistani second and this is where it stops no Baloch stuff here, so stop ur pathetic claims.:disagree: and Chines, if u want to call our master then be it, i do not bother n only accpet that, becz we have respect for them as a nation, when we need them they stand by us not like u guys. they take us frineds not slave

and your army??? what? i imply that u r refering to Pak army:tsk:, but saying as ur army u speaks the volume of respect u give to the personnel who have fallen so far fighting for u guys(american), if we share the same war, then armies are also shared, so this is our army pakistan+ USA, but Alas, our goverment might say that this is our war, but public knows this is not, u started it and we are dragged alone, and people are giving sacrifices till to this date, as we speak. 70 people are alot, this is not sectarian, this is the result of this war, n people taking advantage of the situation right under ur nose, or shall i say under superior hand of urs, a chain which continues. n u will understand and see wht u want to :hitwall:

Any way, situation might look bleak, n one thing i am sure of , u say that u care for afghanistan, that will stay only till the purpose of urs are accomplishe, then u will ditch them as u have done us.

(civilians, army,- suicide attacks, there are people being mascared here, n u blame us -ISI for this, so we kill ourselve. What??)

yet i pray for u, God bless USA. coz i m not extremist, they have helped us, and i respect american pubilc who do not thik along the same line of urs:usflag:
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You're absolutely right. When Taliban ruled Afghanistan they would make sure every Muslim man would attend the Jumma Prayers in a Mosque every Friday.

This war is a war against Muslims. Bush himself called this war a crusade. There's even a hadith that says during the end of times, the world will turn against Muslims.

There is a speech by Wesley Clark on youtube that I can't find right now where towards the end he speaks of a war being waged on the Islamic faith, not just terrorism. He was very specific about this and spoke of how Americans must stop it at all costs. If I find it I will post it.
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Dear IceCold and Jihad, i share your disappointment over the failure to identify this devil's spawn and drive a mailed fist through its face.

My request is however not to be so disappointed that you see everything as meaningless, i also know that Nawaz and ilk were just riding the lawyer movement for political gains but still some people came out in the streets and without resorting to a militant uprising forced the government to change its stance.

To me this is a big thing because people know they can make some change (even if its a small one) and this also proves to those who have common sense that the Militants/terrorists like TTP are totally wrong in saying that militancy (read terrorism) is the way to change things. If TTP is so popular and supported by public as they claim (Utter BS as far as i know) then they should come out on the streets and hold rallies and protests instead of butchering their countrymen.
Keep hope alive. We need to stick together and we cannot afford to give up on our beloved motherland.

The major concern here is that our people are still not educated on the threat facing us and the extent to which these miscreants would go and still not be satisfied.
Whenever i watch TV and read newspapers i really feel the lack of an organized and cohesive campaign against the miscreants who are setting our country ablaze!
Military action is one part of the campaign and propaganda is an essential part of any WAR. Our propaganda and information assault on these so called Islamic movements is absent and it is absolutely criminal on part of our government to be negligent in this regards since they are quite well informed on the activities of TTP and associated thugs.
Our military is once again being left out to fend for themselves in the accusing eyes of the public who see only US interests in this action.
Military cannot educate the public, they are following orders and giving away their lives knowing that many of their fellow countrymen are not even appreciating their ultimate sacrifice.
I know friends and family who have suffered in this WAR, both military and civilians and it boils my blood to hear of TTP high handedness and brutality.
Whenever somebody mentions that TTP are misunderstood people and they are just being portrayed as miscreants i feel lost and confused as to what will convince our people.
They act like they own Islam...they are extremely intolerant of others.
While they are burning our land we are still thinking that whether they are the real Taliban or not!!!
Whether they are real Taliban or not these guys call themselves the TTP and their leadership has names and identities.
These names should be defamed, declared terrorists and brutally assaulted in Mass Media as well as relentlessly targeted by intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies and ARMY.
Taliban have killed many many innocents in order to occupy our country.
They have no right whatsoever to create a parallel domain in Pakistan so there is no way any true Pakistani should sympathize with them knowing fully well that they are weakening our country and trying to collapse it.
The TTP is not entirely composed of foreigners but many militants and terrorists (rejected from their own countries) from Islamic world and mostly Pakistani men. Even if some foreign agencies help them do we just accept this as a viable excuse on our part not to take meaningful action to put an end to TTP and expose whoever/whatever is behind them.

By meaningful action i mean a full scale and well thought out action involving entire state machinery and even ideological assault on these people who are destroying a county and claiming it to be an Islamic movement.
Suicide is forbidden in Islam, Killing of innocents is forbidden in Islam, fighting Muslims is forbidden in Islam. No Jihad can be fought against Muslims and Jihad is not a license for Muslims to attack whom they please.
With all these things going against TTP why isn't there a strong declaration by the Muslim clergy (world over) that they are anti Islamic elements and should be boycotted by all Muslims and anyone associated with this group should abandon them. This should be done by Muslim world and we can involve the Imaam of Kaaba since that would make it much more authentic in the eyes of the common man.
We should not underestimate the power of such declarations as the common man generally listens to such things.

I am reminded of one of the darkest times in the Muslim History when Halaku Khan was ravaging the country side near Baghdad (Islamic Capital) and there was a debate going on in the city whether OWL was edible as per Islam or not.
Should we keep on engaging in this argument about TTP being true Taliban or not?
Whoever they swear their allegiance to is not something that has any bearing on the fact that they are anti Pakistan and our ENEMY, to be dealt with extreme prejudice!!!

My sincere request is to engage in conversation with all your relatives, friends, associates and start filling their head with the reality of the threat facing us and convince all to look beyond both the anti west and pro west propaganda.
Pakistan should be our priority, it is our Home.
We can make a difference if we try, even the slightest effort makes some difference!
without any proof we cant say that these r taliban or alqaeda even if they beleive in the concept of takfeer..bcz they will prefer then to kill nonmuslims not muslims..have u ever heard that they have attacked on church or temple..no never..have u ever heard about any bomb blast in any mosk of Saudi Arab (Its our holy place)..no ..then y Pakistan??
th problem of takfeer will be discussed later..
suppose if we consider the muslim militants (i dont want to say jihadi militants bcz jihad is a holy thing for muslims) then the real culprits will do more ..bcz they will know already that we will not be blamed...
first look towards ur real enemy thn say anything else.

my friend the talibs are the real enemy of pakistan. they have killed more of our soldiers than the indian army has killed combined in all the wars. they have killed more civilians in their suicide attacks then any wars with india.
My point is that they dont consider us muslims and that is why they trying to kill us.
They did take over the holiest place in Mecca and killed a lot of people during that siege. they killed people inside the Mecca so yes they have killed inside mosque. go and do some research on what happened the in 1979 in mecca you will see how barbaric these people are. they have also attacked churches and temples.
You my pakistani brother my dear dear brother are in denial. Wake Up and realize that they are the real enemy and its time to confront with the full might of your and my great nation
inshalllah they will be defeated and wiped of the face of my great people. :pakistan:
i hope this is not like the rest of the USA , any way we have good as well as bad people in society:usflag:, but the videos and Dialogue can be classed as extreme. we all have extermism in society do not forget.

I know that there are some very good people in U.S. (I would even say most Americans are good people) but when the president of the United States of America calls this war a crusade, and the US forces cheer after they bomb Mosques in a Muslim country...what do you think how the Muslim world will feel about USA? For those who are not familar about the Crusades, it was a series of war waged by Christians against Muslims from 1095-1272.

Today's US foreign policy is really pathetic. Maybe Obama doesn't want a Crusade like Bush did thats why he's ending the war in Iraq but Obama administration has their own agendas and it has to do with China and to get to China you must go through Pakistan.

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Nothing but admiration for your heart-felt earnest words. This information war starts here and I've had two Pakistani kindred-souls ignore my private pleas for their voices with the adage that,

"...I must live here...".

Literally? This is virtual world. Do you all know each by face and thus are potential physical threats? Do you simply fear the assault and ostracization that comes with challenging the mealy-mouthed platitudes of the interminable "one more chance for negotiations" a-holes?

I rue cowardly government officials from your nation who abandon their posts but I understand-the didn't sign up for this particular vision of employment. We too have problems convincing civil servants that they must deploy to an open combat zone and must incentivize our State Dept. employees to find such.

Still, somewhere, sometime, each man must define his values in brutally simple and stark terms, saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Thus there's no point not speaking plainly here at def.pk. That's likely worse than the official fleeing FATAville.

I implore each of you to roll up your sleeves here and call forth the patently obvious supporters of these "miscreants" (a sickeningly empty word). After all, who among you can devise such an information campaign and execute such with depth, verve, and imagination without believing your message?

If you can't believe such message how is it to be sold to your key leaders for support and then your public?

The fight begins right here at this board and S-2 isn't driving this train.

Nope. Just a damned interested observer tossing in my two bits unwanted or otherwise now and again.:usflag:

Great comments, All-Green. I sincerely wish you luck. More of your ilk are needed, stud.
It could be possible that they are RAW supported but still, when will we destroy those Talibs eventually. In 2001, there were many people who liked the Taliban, now, after so many attacks and suicide bombers they are losing support.The Government got the job to protect the people and they aren't doing. If RAW or not, those people have to be brought to justice or killed, we have to show that we cannot need them. To be successful in future, we need a new Government though, our current 'leaders' are useless and not needed. They don't have any long time planning. Also I wanna add, that after so many bomb attacks like Marriott annd so many suicide attacks in Rawalpindi Islamabad....etc I can also believe they committed this attack.Those people are no real muslims and I also think they are agents.
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Denial, a river in Egypt?? You decide

Editorial: Jamrud attack: read the message!

A mosque housing nearly 300 people who were saying their Friday prayers was attacked by a suicide-bomber, killing 70 and crippling 125. The reaction of the political agent of Khyber was that “the attackers could not be Muslims because Muslims would never attack a mosque and that a Muslim would never spill the blood of a Muslim, especially when he was saying his namaz”. This statement flies against the worldwide evidence of Muslims at sectarian and national war with and against each other in many different places and at different times in history. Most regrettably, the conclusion thereafter drawn by some TV anchors was that a “foreign” non-Muslim power had staged the attack to destabilise Pakistan. Of course, one can only read “India” into this allegation, which is not very original.

The political agent said something else of interest without making the necessary connections himself, possibly for reasons of simplicity of mind or just fear. He said the attack came because the mosque was next to the checkpost of Baghiari and that among the people killed were many “khasadars”, or local levies, standing guard at the checkpost, a number of whom had been killed in the attack while praying. Later, a government official, who was less opaque about what had happened, clearly accused the Taliban of having done the job in retaliation against a recent operation by the khasadars and other security personnel targeting a militant group in Khyber that owed allegiance to Baitullah Mehsud, the self-proclaimed leader of the Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan.

When Pakistanis say that “Muslims can’t do this or that” in or out of Pakistan, they are being hypocritical. There are all sorts of Muslims, moderates and extremists, Sufis and Wahabis, and so on. The fact also is that some sorts of Muslims have been killing other sorts of Muslims from Algeria to Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan for the past two decades. They dynamite sacred mausoleums, they blow up mosques and routinely kill other Muslims in the act of praying. What is happening in Pakistan today is serious violence against the state of Pakistan by local warlords who are affiliated with the Taliban who in turn are linked up with Al Qaeda. We may have weak resolve to take on the enemy but there is no validity in the assertion that we don’t know who is killing us.
"We may have weak resolve to take on the enemy but there is no validity in the assertion that we don’t know who is killing us."

Of course there isn't. Everybody knows it's Mossad, RAW, and the C.I.A.:agree:

This writer isn't too good.

Doesn't he know that a RAW agent from Jalalabad paid a poor drug addict who'd lost his way from Allah's (PBUH) good grace and, in his drug-addled mind, was seeking redemption (and a few virgins) by attacking the khasadars and others?

Just thought I'd get a jump on the conversation. I'm sure it'll take this bend anyway so let's get matters rolling.

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