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Terrorists destroy Mosque, kill Namazis during Jumaah Prayers

would a Hindu fanatic ever bomb a Hindu temple on their holy day of the week? would a Christian extremist ever bomb a Church on Sunday mass?
Probably not.
But mostly because they did not bomb much altogether.
Most Americans are good people but Zionists and Hindus in Washington have made a horrible image of U.S. in the world today and they are pulling U.S. down.

Your hatred is self destructive - i hope so. and there are signs too.

On other ralated news - why can't pakistan stop these people despite all the anger they have against them? Because their security agencies are not honest and accounable?

Today "General David Petraeus, said some of the militant groups had been established by the ISI and that their links continued.

He said there was evidence that "in the fairly recent past" the ISI had tipped off militants when their positions were in danger.

"It's a topic that is of enormous importance, because if there are links and if those continue and if it undermines the operations [against militants], obviously that would be very damaging to the kind of trust that we need to build," said Gen Petraeus in a PBS interview."

BBC NEWS | South Asia | US warns Pakistan on Taleban link
13 pages of typical BS and nothing to add value to the actual incident. To my Pakistanis friend you wana know who the real culprit is, its the GOP, you know why because they are simply incapable of acting in the supreme interest of the country. Now we all know who attacked the srilankan team and who would gain the most out it, yet did we even hear a single word out from the GOP, any complain, any attempt to highlight the issue on the international front, our sovereignty was hit and yet we still have people like Rahman Malik as our interior minister. Nothing could be more pathetic then this.:angry:

Indians are right in saying that if indeed India is involved then why don't we raise the issue where it should be raised, get a ban on Indian organizations the same way they did on ours and till we don't, we have simply lost every creditability to accuse anyone specially India no matter how much they really are involved in destabilizing us. We are equally responsible as any outside hand would be why because we choose this corrupt tola in the first place and voted them in who has no direction to where Pakistan should be lead to and then moreover we have opposition such as Badmash Sharif who has nothing in mind then to reinstate the judiciary because that would make him stronger, to hell with anything else including Pakistan. I was amazed to see the huge crowd gathered during his rally and most were just for hulla huppa and fun(i know many personally) as if Pakistanis have nothing else to do, as if there is no issue left for us to concentrate. We have indeed become a pathetic nation and that is why we are suffering the most and then blamed the most and not even God will help us because God only help those who help themselves.:tsk:

On a side note most Pakistani members will get offended by this post of mine however its time we stand up for what it is worth and learn to make correct decisions on which our future generations would rely on and the decision should be based on cast, but in the supreme interest of Pakistan.
Times are changing... People haven't still forgotten the SL attack. An inept government in Pakistan does not clear your name. Those terrorist camps, aka Indian consulates are just asking for it!

asim...you can walk into an indian consulate anywhere in the world without being shot at...
13 pages of typical BS and nothing to add value to the actual incident. To my Pakistanis friend you wana know who the real culprit is, its the GOP, you know why because they are simply incapable of acting in the supreme interest of the country. Now we all know who attacked the srilankan team and who would gain the most out it, yet did we even hear a single word out from the GOP, any complain, any attempt to highlight the issue on the international front, our sovereignty was hit and yet we still have people like Rahman Malik as our interior minister. Nothing could be more pathetic then this.:angry:

Indians are right in saying that if indeed India is involved then why don't we raise the issue where it should be raised, get a ban on Indian organizations the same way they did on ours and till we don't, we have simply lost every creditability to accuse anyone specially India no matter how much they really are involved in destabilizing us. We are equally responsible as any outside hand would be why because we choose this corrupt tola in the first place and voted them in who has no direction to where Pakistan should be lead to and then moreover we have opposition such as Badmash Sharif who has nothing in mind then to reinstate the judiciary because that would make him stronger, to hell with anything else including Pakistan. I was amazed to see the huge crowd gathered during his rally and most were just for hulla huppa and fun(i know many personally) as if Pakistanis have nothing else to do, as if there is no issue left for us to concentrate. We have indeed become a pathetic nation and that is why we are suffering the most and then blamed the most and not even God will help us because God only help those who help themselves.:tsk:

On a side note most Pakistani members will get offended by this post of mine however its time we stand up for what it is worth and learn to make correct decisions on which our future generations would rely on and the decision should be based on cast, but in the supreme interest of Pakistan.

I have to say, I completely share your views and opinions, sometimes i'm left in shame aswell, it's mainly due to our incompetent government which cannot properly make a case out of something or isn't capable of taking action against the culprits, they are misleading our people, our own people sometimes don't know what's good for them, they just join in the rallies on the streets incase of Sharif, what has changed since then? I thought it was a "historic" event, nothing much has changed except for Chaudhry to be put back in his place, now he vowed to tackle corruption but I have severe doubts about this.
Our own people sometimes simply don't know what to do or which side to pick, often, the political struggle or turmoil is based on people who wish to seize power, for this, they need the support of the people and they'll gather as many as possible and hit the streets, often damaging public property, it's disgusting.
The real cause is Pakistan, we need to concentrate on our main issues, not on the private useless power hungry issues of some of our politicians, it's sick and it puts our nation backwards, you are totally correct when you say that alot of Pakistanis are misleaded and aren't aware that we must focus on the real task at hand instead of being de-railed by a few idiots who are trying to run the show e.g. Sharif, Zardari etc.

It doesn't make me proud, what can we do? Our government promises us so much, atleast during Musharraf's era we had something to be proud of, and that's no lie, we were booming like maniacs, our country was transforming, it wasn't perfect, but it was far better then what we had ever achieved or received.
Why Zardari is president, beats me, shows how stupid alot of our people actually are, he still hasn't initiated any investigation into his wife's death, and that's someone that should lead our country? We don't even know which direction we're going into.
Whenever something happens in Pakistan, our politicians say either this or that, it's India or it's Islamic militants, but where is the proof? Where is the professional handling? Why does India manage to gather their intel and shove it up to Pakistan's throath and we are incapable of doing that? These cases often die out with the people wondering what our government is actually really doing?
Hence why I said before, this current government gets the finger from me, when will our people learn.
The only thing they know are western based standards and the shout for "democracy", fools.:angry:
I have to say, I completely share your views and opinions, sometimes i'm left in shame aswell, it's mainly due to our incompetent government which cannot properly make a case out of something or isn't capable of taking action against the culprits, they are misleading our people, our own people sometimes don't know what's good for them, they just join in the rallies on the streets incase of Sharif, what has changed since then? I thought it was a "historic" event, nothing much has changed except for Chaudhry to be put back in his place, now he vowed to tackle corruption but I have severe doubts about this.
Our own people sometimes simply don't know what to do or which side to pick, often, the political struggle or turmoil is based on people who wish to seize power, for this, they need the support of the people and they'll gather as many as possible and hit the streets, often damaging public property, it's disgusting.
The real cause is Pakistan, we need to concentrate on our main issues, not on the private useless power hungry issues of some of our politicians, it's sick and it puts our nation backwards, you are totally correct when you say that alot of Pakistanis are misleaded and aren't aware that we must focus on the real task at hand instead of being de-railed by a few idiots who are trying to run the show e.g. Sharif, Zardari etc.

It doesn't make me proud, what can we do? Our government promises us so much, atleast during Musharraf's era we had something to be proud of, and that's no lie, we were booming like maniacs, our country was transforming, it wasn't perfect, but it was far better then what we had ever achieved or received.
Why Zardari is president, beats me, shows how stupid alot of our people actually are, he still hasn't initiated any investigation into his wife's death, and that's someone that should lead our country? We don't even know which direction we're going into.
Whenever something happens in Pakistan, our politicians say either this or that, it's India or it's Islamic militants, but where is the proof? Where is the professional handling? Why does India manage to gather their intel and shove it up to Pakistan's throath and we are incapable of doing that? These cases often die out with the people wondering what our government is actually really doing?
Hence why I said before, this current government gets the finger from me, when will our people learn.
The only thing they know are western based standards and the shout for "democracy", fools.:angry:

Bull's eye, mate! :enjoy:
13 pages of typical BS and nothing to add value to the actual incident. To my Pakistanis friend you wana know who the real culprit is, its the GOP, you know why because they are simply incapable of acting in the supreme interest of the country. Now we all know who attacked the srilankan team and who would gain the most out it, yet did we even hear a single word out from the GOP, any complain, any attempt to highlight the issue on the international front, our sovereignty was hit and yet we still have people like Rahman Malik as our interior minister. Nothing could be more pathetic then this.:angry:

Indians are right in saying that if indeed India is involved then why don't we raise the issue where it should be raised, get a ban on Indian organizations the same way they did on ours and till we don't, we have simply lost every creditability to accuse anyone specially India no matter how much they really are involved in destabilizing us. We are equally responsible as any outside hand would be why because we choose this corrupt tola in the first place and voted them in who has no direction to where Pakistan should be lead to and then moreover we have opposition such as Badmash Sharif who has nothing in mind then to reinstate the judiciary because that would make him stronger, to hell with anything else including Pakistan. I was amazed to see the huge crowd gathered during his rally and most were just for hulla huppa and fun(i know many personally) as if Pakistanis have nothing else to do, as if there is no issue left for us to concentrate. We have indeed become a pathetic nation and that is why we are suffering the most and then blamed the most and not even God will help us because God only help those who help themselves.:tsk:

On a side note most Pakistani members will get offended by this post of mine however its time we stand up for what it is worth and learn to make correct decisions on which our future generations would rely on and the decision should be based on cast, but in the supreme interest of Pakistan.
:tup: Great Post! Regardless of religion or country an attack on a place of worship should be dealt with severity. If a place of worship can be targeted, any place is not safe!!! The GOP needs to expose the culprits for its own good and its people.
While emotions run high, the fore most important aspect will be to review Pakistan's intelligence. It has failed yet again. Do something about that first!!! Second regardless of how strongly you point fingers nothing will change since your accusation sound "baseless" without proof.
JAMRUD: A suicide bomber attacked a packed mosque near Bhegari check post at prayer time on Friday, killing 48 people and wounding dozens more, the top local administration official said.

The bombing took place in the town of Jamrud in the restive Khyber tribal region, which is located on a key road used to ferry supplies to Western troops across the border in Afghanistan.

"Forty-eight bodies have been pulled out of the debris and many others may still be trapped under the rubble," Tariq Hayat Khan, the top administration official in Khyber, told Geo news.

"More than 80 people were wounded. There may be many more dead… may be at least over 70," Tariq said.

"The bomber was present inside the mosque and blew himself up when Friday prayers began," he said.

The injured were rushed to Sherpao, Lady Reading and others hospitals in Peshawar where emergency had already been declared.

Source: GEO TV


Wtf these are not muslim militants... 101% these are RAW,MUSAD and CIA ...

Let me tell you guys something the Real Taliban would not dare strike at a Masjid...

The people who are behind this are the people who want to see a Civil war in Pakistan, mainly MOSSAD and RAW.

MOSSAD leaders have always planned for a civil war between Sunnis and Shias in Pakistan...
Let me tell you guys something the Real Taliban would not dare strike at a Masjid...

The people who are behind this are the people who want to see a Civil war in Pakistan, mainly MOSSAD and RAW.

MOSSAD leaders have always planned for a civil war between Sunnis and Shias in Pakistan...

it is time to come out of denial and realize that they are taliban or al qeada. they believe in the concept of takfir. which means that all muslims who dont agree with them are as good as the kafirs and that is why it is ok to kill them even where they pray because they are not muslim.
the army should launch another operation and find out who these people and kill them all.
Let me tell you guys something the Real Taliban would not dare strike at a Masjid...

The people who are behind this are the people who want to see a Civil war in Pakistan, mainly MOSSAD and RAW.

MOSSAD leaders have always planned for a civil war between Sunnis and Shias in Pakistan...

Well maybe so but GOP is too pathetic to move forward with anything because of their own vested interests, Pakistan comes second or maybe even third in their priority list and as long as we have leaders like these we can say good bye to Pakistan.:angry:
I've noticed that a lot of Americans on this forum side with India against Pakistan.

When watching CNN and other U.S. media its obvious that today's U.S. is not the same U.S. of the past that the founder of our nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, adored.

Most Americans are good people but Zionists and Hindus in Washington have made a horrible image of U.S. in the world today and they are pulling U.S. down.

I think Pakistan should look out for its own best interst and the best interst of Pakistanis first. Forget our so called "ally" and if they bully us we bully them back. Its a shame that a Nuclear Power has to be a puppet for today's Zionist USA.

i totally agree with you but also hope that Americans on this forum are indian discent, and does not portray all the americans sentiment.

but if all think the same that india is building its arsenal becz of china and will not use against pakistan, then that is a baby crying for milk stuff. then to hell with allies, they become straight our enemies.

long live :china: n :pakistan:
it is time to come out of denial and realize that they are taliban or al qeada. they believe in the concept of takfir. which means that all muslims who dont agree with them are as good as the kafirs and that is why it is ok to kill them even where they pray because they are not muslim.
the army should launch another operation and find out who these people and kill them all.

without any proof we cant say that these r taliban or alqaeda even if they beleive in the concept of takfeer..bcz they will prefer then to kill nonmuslims not muslims..have u ever heard that they have attacked on church or temple..no never..have u ever heard about any bomb blast in any mosk of Saudi Arab (Its our holy place)..no ..then y Pakistan??
th problem of takfeer will be discussed later..
suppose if we consider the muslim militants (i dont want to say jihadi militants bcz jihad is a holy thing for muslims) then the real culprits will do more ..bcz they will know already that we will not be blamed...
first look towards ur real enemy thn say anything else.
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