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Terrorist RSS ?

Oh gawd... you choose to use Saudi Arabia (you have no idea how Saudi Arabia is like anyway) and Iran as examples? Why not use UAE, or any moderate Muslim countries like Oman?

UAE has only one Hindu temple, one Gurudwara and a few Churches only. No non-Islamic festival is allowed to be celebrated in public level. The government has a modified version of Islamic sharia law and not civic state laws like that of West. None of the Arab countries follow civic laws and have some or the other interpretations of Islamic laws as national regulations. Indian laws are based on British system, meaning that laws aren't taken from Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Tripitaka, Gurugranth Sahib or any of our holy books. Want to compare India still?

This means that if India is to emulate even these "moderate" countries, There'd be only a few dozen mosques and churches allowed in India, Eid/Christmas cannot be celebrated publicly at all and from top to bottom and left to right, beef would be a national taboo. It isn't so. So don't compare without knowledge.

Consider this with the current religious freedom in India. You will never accept it because you're from Pakistan and therefore your own opinion clouds day to day life opinion in India. Unlike you, I LIVE here and FYI I'm not a mainstream Hindu.

Seriously, you have defeated your own argument. In places like UAE or Oman, everyone is treated better than any other moderate country.

Don't compare national laws strictness with religious freedom. I've been to Arab countries as well. It is not like I form my opinions based on a few silly biased articles.

Tolerant India, up yours

You're not the only one with those kinds of words here so mind your language.

Oh, and Iraq was our fault? Palestine was our fault? Kashmir was our fault? Tell me, what are these 'national norms' you speak of?

What has our communities got to do with Iraq or Israel (or Palestinian issues for that matter)? That's your problem with Western countries.. you solve it with them. Why drag us there. Kashmir IS your fault. It is a part of our country and you want to access it with any means necessary and since militarily it is impossible, you chose proxy war-- a taste of which you're getting now everyday in your country.

Yeah, killing children in Kashmir is a trivial issue. And that is done by a state, not some terrorist organization. Media is so hyped about some terrorists that any such killings done by Muslims are repeated over and over again. The Bosnian massacre is largely unheard but how many people have heard of the holocaust? It is a crime to deny the holocaust in many countries.

Kashmir is YOUR problem since your government raised it. Whether teens or adults or old people or women, anti-terrorist and anti-separatist laws are EQUAL for all of people. If parents of these separatist teens cannot teach them two decent things and encourage them to support terrorism, then they shall suffer consequences. This is further blown out of proportion by your media to fuel separatism.

Bosnian side wasn't angelic either. The massacre was a retalition of killings of thousands of Serbs which is conveniently forgotten by people like you. What about Beslan school seige, the daily bombing of Russian civilians, killing of women and children? That's a brave act isn't it according to you? What do you expect Russian military to do? Sit and take it? Naturally they will strike back with full fury.

Denying Holocaust might be a crime in many countries but what about Islamic countries' blasphemy laws? When you have these laws even in your "liberal" countries, then why point fingers at others for having their conservative laws? Isn't this hypocrisy?

Who is blaming who?

Read fighter's comment again and you will see what I'm talking about.

lol. Terrorism from the Muslim's side is done by extremist groups but when it comes from anyone else, it is done by the state itself. Anyhow, I assure you that there will be a war between Muslims and non-Muslims. You can whine when the day comes.

I never said about terrorism. I am talking about the common life here. According to you, India, Russia, USA, Europe, Israel, Thailand, etc are all state sponsors of terrorism, which unfortunatley for you are the worst victims of jihadi terror and world recognizes this.

It is this "war" mentality is what fuels aggression from the other side that you complain about. Stop it really. It isn't helping those Muslims who don't think like you and only giving them further trouble. Because of some people's thinking like this, other non-violent people suffer same bias, which radicals use for propaganda as "bias against Muslim community" which is not true.

As I said, improving your image and adjusting with other communities is in the hands of the entire Muslim community. They alone can take the initiative for this change and no one else.

Oh, by the way, Jinnah was a part of a joint party until he realized that Hindus were obviously going to cheat the Muslims.

I don't care what Jinnah thought or not. The whole point of my response to fighter488 was about within India---why're you dragging Pakistan into this?
UAE has only one Hindu temple, one Gurudwara and a few Churches only. No non-Islamic festival is allowed to be celebrated in public level. The government has a modified version of Islamic sharia law and not civic state laws like that of West. None of the Arab countries follow civic laws and have some or the other interpretations of Islamic laws as national regulations. Indian laws are based on British system, meaning that laws aren't taken from Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Tripitaka, Gurugranth Sahib or any of our holy books. Want to compare India still?

This means that if India is to emulate even these "moderate" countries, There'd be only a few dozen mosques and churches allowed in India, Eid/Christmas cannot be celebrated publicly at all and from top to bottom and left to right, beef would be a national taboo. It isn't so. So don't compare without knowledge.

Consider this with the current religious freedom in India. You will never accept it because you're from Pakistan and therefore your own opinion clouds day to day life opinion in India. Unlike you, I LIVE here and FYI I'm not a mainstream Hindu.

Don't compare national laws strictness with religious freedom. I've been to Arab countries as well. It is not like I form my opinions based on a few silly biased articles.

You're not the only one with those kinds of words here so mind your language.

What has our communities got to do with Iraq or Israel (or Palestinian issues for that matter)? That's your problem with Western countries.. you solve it with them. Why drag us there. Kashmir IS your fault. It is a part of our country and you want to access it with any means necessary and since militarily it is impossible, you chose proxy war-- a taste of which you're getting now everyday in your country.

Kashmir is YOUR problem since your government raised it. Whether teens or adults or old people or women, anti-terrorist and anti-separatist laws are EQUAL for all of people. If parents of these separatist teens cannot teach them two decent things and encourage them to support terrorism, then they shall suffer consequences. This is further blown out of proportion by your media to fuel separatism.

Bosnian side wasn't angelic either. The massacre was a retalition of killings of thousands of Serbs which is conveniently forgotten by people like you. What about Beslan school seige, the daily bombing of Russian civilians, killing of women and children? That's a brave act isn't it according to you? What do you expect Russian military to do? Sit and take it? Naturally they will strike back with full fury.

Denying Holocaust might be a crime in many countries but what about Islamic countries' blasphemy laws? When you have these laws even in your "liberal" countries, then why point fingers at others for having their conservative laws? Isn't this hypocrisy?

Read fighter's comment again and you will see what I'm talking about.

I never said about terrorism. I am talking about the common life here. According to you, India, Russia, USA, Europe, Israel, Thailand, etc are all state sponsors of terrorism, which unfortunatley for you are the worst victims of jihadi terror and world recognizes this.

It is this "war" mentality is what fuels aggression from the other side that you complain about. Stop it really. It isn't helping those Muslims who don't think like you and only giving them further trouble. Because of some people's thinking like this, other non-violent people suffer same bias, which radicals use for propaganda as "bias against Muslim community" which is not true.

As I said, improving your image and adjusting with other communities is in the hands of the entire Muslim community. They alone can take the initiative for this change and no one else.

I don't care what Jinnah thought or not. The whole point of my response to fighter488 was about within India---why're you dragging Pakistan into this?

I wonder, people like you have so much of time to propagate the BS, untiringly! Apart from all the BS, paronia, hatred, meaness and cheap arguments, this single trait really impress me. How you get 30 hours from normal 24 hours? A feat indeed!

As I said, improving your image and adjusting with other communities is in the hands of the entire Muslim community. They alone can take the initiative for this change and no one else.

I wonder, people like you have so much of time to propagate the BS, untiringly! Apart from all the BS, paronia, hatred, meaness and cheap arguments, this single trait really impress me. How you get 30 hours from normal 24 hours? A feat indeed!

The guy you are arguing with is a buddhist,another minority in india.If you didnt understand what he said,please ask yourself,how many terror attacks in india in last decade were done by buddhists,christians,sikhs,muslims and parsis(minority communities of india)If the voilent incidents were extremily high from extrimists of a particular community who has the responsibility for that?
We have seen 35+ bomb blasts,ghodra incident,akshardam temple attacks etc by islamic militants who claims to do jihad against india.Was there any similar incidents from budhists or sikhs or christians in india?I live in one of the most peaceful states of india and in here a college lecturer(a friend of my dad)had his hands chopped off two months back by islamic extremists accusing him of blasphemy.Can we imagine in even in our wildest dreams,of a christian or buddhist doing that?Majority of muslims does not support such kind of acts but it is a sad truth that terror attacks,violent incidents etc committed by muslim extremists are 100x higher when compared to those done by other minorities.It is defenitely the responsibility of muslim community and its leadership to refrain co religionists from the activities that tarnish the image of muslims and islam.
How can you say RSS as a terrorist. RSS is a organization which is Rashtarvadi who loves this country. This is the organization who will be ready to bleed its blood for the sake of my country. Not your congress pary which is here to play politics of vote bank.
In most dictionaries terrorism is defined as the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.If RSS have used violence as a means of coercion they fall under the catagory of terrorists,just like nazis,no matter how patriotic they are.If the ajmer blasts were approved by RSS leadership,is there any wrong in calling them terrorists?
^^^absolutely correct,and most probably the excuse they r going to come up with is that the organisation does not support them
And yes if you dislike Aurangzeb so much than I would love him more! :lol:

Aurangazeb have killed sikh gurus,destroyed many temples,imposed special tax on non muslim subjects etc..You must be glowing with pride..understandable..What is not understandable is when you are minority,the same you are a champion for equal rights,secularism etc(at the same time supporting Islamic rule on muslim majority nations)I am referring to you brother fighter(from what i saw from various posts of yours),not the entire muslim community.
^^^absolutely correct,and most probably the excuse they r going to come up with is that the organisation does not support them

Again, while if RSS is involved in terrorism, they should be called a terrorist organisation, lets not make presumptious statements like yours.
RSS is nationalist,the only organization which stands for India and our tradiitions.

Only people with integrity as opposed to the congress.
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