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Terrorist group SSP attacks Shia mourners in Karachi.


Mar 30, 2009
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The banned terrorist group attacked Shia mourners from Hazara community. The terrorist can be seen brandishing a gun and shooting at the mourners. Simultaneous terrorist attacks from same group on different locations surely means that these are planned attacks to destroy the peace of the country.

[Edit] Removed the sect. to not offend its followers.
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Theres gonna be concerted efforts by internal and external players to make Pakistanis suffer. Only hope is the masses of this nation continue to reject their meddling.
The banned terrorist group belonging to the Deobandi sect. attacked Shia mourners from Hazara community. The terrorist can be seen brandishing a gun and shooting at the mourners. Simultaneous terrorist attacks from same group on different locations surely means that these are planned attacks to destroy the peace of the country.

This is a 6th generation warfare...these groups don’t belong to any religious sect. They are hired and used by foreign agencies, RAW, NDS and CIA. If you can’t understand this then your brain is smaller than pinenuts.
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In Karachi deobandi terrorists were against a particular "oppressed" minority

In sukkur barelvi terrorists were again against the same "oppressed" minority

In some other city ahle hadees terrorists might be doing something against the same "oppressed" minority

I wonder why? Why all of them have gone against a particular minority? Might be all of them have gone crazy suddenly I think
In Karachi deobandi terrorists were against a particular "oppressed" minority

In sukkur barelvi terrorists were again against the same "oppressed" minority

In some other city ahle hadees terrorists might be doing something against the same "oppressed" minority

I wonder why? Why all of them have gone against a particular minority? Might be all of them have gone crazy suddenly I think

We already have the answer. Terrorist for hire by foreign agencies.

I told you 4 days ago that foreign agencies will use their handlers and go after soft targets. I would not be surpised to see series of attacks in next few weeks and months.
@WebMaster Sir, with all due respect, this OP @cocomo is inciting sectarian violence through his posts by calling Deobandis terrorists. This is his post after I called him out on another post . His comments have stirred sectarian reaction on that post. You can please go through that.

Why is no action being taken against him?

So.....the "innocent " shia are not empty handed. It is highly likely that the "Deobandi terrorist" is protecting his mosque from an attack.
Look at the frame by frame slowed down video.
The guy gives ample warning to the "innocents" before charging out, and even then the "innocents " stand their ground, and only flee when he fires shots.

The banned terrorist group attacked Shia mourners from Hazara community. The terrorist can be seen brandishing a gun and shooting at the mourners. Simultaneous terrorist attacks from same group on different locations surely means that these are planned attacks to destroy the peace of the country.

[Edit] Removed the sect. to not offend its followers.
To be honest this is our own fault. We trained them to fight for kashmir.
When alqaida came they joined alqaida. And after 9/11 they start fighting pakistan and pakistan army.
They settled in Afghanistan.
Some of them joined anti sectarian organisations.
Its very complex. They are what some call punjabi taliban. And they are a meance.
I have a friend in university. He was doing engineering with me. Such nice guy. But he was affiliated with hafiz saeed organization. I.e their family visits hafiz sawed runs mosque and seminaries. That's it.
But when our friendship becomes deeper he pass on the information to me.
One of our teacher who is also a former member of lashkar e taiba and trained their gorilla fighters in warfare(now retired as a teacher) was captured by isi and is now in isi custody. He was released 2 years after. He came back to teaching and on further investigation it came to my knowledge that though retired from let, he was approached by ttp and he accepted and was training their fighters.
Imagine an educated person. A masters in engineering, fights for lashkar(for kahsmir) but later when disenfranchised from the government and army turned against them.
These are worse then ttp. These punjabi taliban. Worse worse. I wonder why isi released him after 2 years of re-education. Such people never reform.
Similarly there are organisations that work toxins in people against shia. And these organisations are filled with former kashmiri fighters who are trained to fight kahsmir jehad, now free as we cannot afford to do disturbance in kahsmir, joined all these organisations according to their tatse.
These frankestines are hurting us so bad. And we have even not been able to stop ttp a brelvi organisation. We have even radicalised them upto the taliban level.
Even former alqaida member ilyas kashmir was trained for kashmir War fare later joined alqaida.
Even the Islamabad red mosque mulla welcomes daish.
We have radicalised these people. There is no solution but to kill them or re educate them otherwise they would spoil our next generation.
Because the ideology they are taught, if they precieve a government a pupet of Usa, or if they see army softening their stance on kahsmir they attack the state.
The very state that trained them to fight for the state.
And some of these fighters later join anti shia organisations too.
And we are not even ready to accept it as challenge. Now the problem lies within punjab and sindh. Kpk has been largely sorted out. The other rebels have been kind of mainstream so they can complain but within the parameters of the state.
And as time goes by people would regect them.
Where so these vermin come from???
To be honest this is our own fault. We trained them to fight for kashmir.
When alqaida came they joined alqaida. And after 9/11 they start fighting pakistan and pakistan army.
They settled in Afghanistan.
Some of them joined anti sectarian organisations.
Its very complex. They are what some call punjabi taliban. And they are a meance.
I have a friend in university. He was doing engineering with me. Such nice guy. But he was affiliated with hafiz saeed organization. I.e their family visits hafiz sawed runs mosque and seminaries. That's it.
But when our friendship becomes deeper he pass on the information to me.
One of our teacher who is also a former member of lashkar e taiba and trained their gorilla fighters in warfare(now retired as a teacher) was captured by isi and is now in isi custody. He was released 2 years after. He came back to teaching and on further investigation it came to my knowledge that though retired from let, he was approached by ttp and he accepted and was training their fighters.
Imagine an educated person. A masters in engineering, fights for lashkar(for kahsmir) but later when disenfranchised from the government and army turned against them.
These are worse then ttp. These punjabi taliban. Worse worse. I wonder why isi released him after 2 years of re-education. Such people never reform.
Similarly there are organisations that work toxins in people against shia. And these organisations are filled with former kashmiri fighters who are trained to fight kahsmir jehad, now free as we cannot afford to do disturbance in kahsmir, joined all these organisations according to their tatse.
These frankestines are hurting us so bad. And we have even not been able to stop ttp a brelvi organisation. We have even radicalised them upto the taliban level.
Even former alqaida member ilyas kashmir was trained for kashmir War fare later joined alqaida.
Even the Islamabad red mosque mulla welcomes daish.
We have radicalised these people. There is no solution but to kill them or re educate them otherwise they would spoil our next generation.
Because the ideology they are taught, if they precieve a government a pupet of Usa, or if they see army softening their stance on kahsmir they attack the state.
The very state that trained them to fight for the state.
And some of these fighters later join anti shia organisations too.
And we are not even ready to accept it as challenge. Now the problem lies within punjab and sindh. Kpk has been largely sorted out. The other rebels have been kind of mainstream so they can complain but within the parameters of the state.
And as time goes by people would regect them.
Musharaf and kiyani both have been attacked Musharaf was 13 times by the people trained for kahsmir jehad later joined alqaida.
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CM should take notice immediately.

There is a covid surge as well. City should be locked down till Chaleeswan.
2 percent minority is declaring Deobandi,Brailvi and Ahle Hadith terrorist which are 98 percent population.
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