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Featured Terrorist bomb planting groups unite to target China's Belt and Road

But US declared BLA a terrorist outfit .. so why are you not following your US masters? after you do arm and train them via Afganistan
Masters? We are not the Non-Nato ally that allows the US to bomb our own country.
Masters? We are not the Non-Nato ally that allows the US to bomb our own country.
You repeatedly avoid answering this question during multiple rounds of engagement. Why does India not simply declare BLA a terrorist movement, when Pakistan has directly accused India of collaboration with them in the bombing of KSE? It would be an extremely simple way for India as a state to dissociate itself from a terrorist attack and reduce the viability of any accusations against it. Yet, India does not declare BLA a terrorist group.

Neither does India deny having harboured BLA members in India and providing them with medical treatment. I find that odd at face value alone. It is also odd because USA and UK have declared them as terrorists and politically, India has aligned itself with these nation states.
Masters? We are not the Non-Nato ally that allows the US to bomb our own country.

Hardly US ever bombed inside Pakistan. Yes there was a secret deal on killing terrorists in Islamabad administered mountains of Waziristan because Pakistan didn't had such hi tech, but it is thing of past. FATA/Waziristan is now merged into KPK province and is official part of Pakistan.

But the funny thing is you allow your enemy(China) to kill your terrorists in IOK and allow them to take over the land deep where once you administered. While your govt and army keep fooling you by saying nothing happened. Now that is real shame.
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