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Terrain masking


May 29, 2013
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Terrain masking means avoiding radar by positioning the aircraft so that there is natural earth hiding it from the radio waves sent by the radar system. This technique is used by military pilots to fly to their target stealthily, using the topography to mask their approach from radar microwaves.Terrain masking is used sometimes in aerial combat and the act of flying at extremely low elevations upon hilly or mountain terrain to minimize exposure time to anti-air weaponry.
Problems with Terrain masking are not enough room to maneuver,Burning more while flying low,Can't see far and Birds.
CF-104 Radar Display:

Terrian Masking is an old tactic. A radar scanning the ground in a narrow pencil beam pattern can give information for terrain following purposes. PAF also used this tactic by flying low to the ground in the 1965 war avoiding Amritsar Radar. The F-111 uses a special Terrain Following Radar achieve this effect while flying at higher speeds, although aircraft such as the F-15/F-16/A-10 can also do that with the LANTIRN pod.

LANTIRN Pod Display (TF):

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Given the technological advances not sure how relevant this form of flying is anymore.

The emphasis has shifted to non detectable material - stealth .
Given the technological advances not sure how relevant this form of flying is anymore.

The emphasis has shifted to non detectable material - stealth .
Still very relevant and still practiced -- by US. Everyone else are free to ignore this combat technique. Too bad they will not find out how effective is it until too late, of course.

Being low radar observable does not give you a license to be carefree with yourself. The best way to avoid radar detection is NOT to be inside the radar beam in the first place. But in the event that you are caught inside the beam, being low radar observable allows you a margin of escape, or safety, so you can formulate an exit from that trap. It may be difficult to believe, but our 'stealth' pilots STILL practices ingress routes planning via radar avoidance. And terrain is a factor.
French Air Force also trains a lot using low level - automated or not - penetration attacks, especially for the Strategic Air Force (with Rafale B and Mirage 2000N units).

A great executed low level run (French standards are set to 550 kts, 200 ft in automated mode - can go a little lower and faster in semi-automated mode) are an excellent warranty of staying undetected.
India uses Jaguar,one of the best aircraft specialized for deep penetration using this technique.
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