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Ten years on, how they rebuilt Aceh from the mud of the Tsunami


Nov 20, 2014
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Ten years on, how they rebuilt Aceh from the mud of the Tsunami

The Boxing Day tsunami in 2004 killed more than 230,000 people in 14 countries, when waves up to 100ft high swept in over Southeast Asia, displacing millions and destroying infrastructure worth billions. The worst hit country, the archipelago nation of Indonesia, suffered more death and destruction than any other, when the Indian Ocean earthquake was followed by a tsunami on December 26, 2004.

Ten years later, communities in Indonesia's Aceh province have rebuilt their homes, towns and villages, rising from the mud of the single worst tsunami in human history.


Aceh province, 2004-tsunami affected area in Indonesia.


The district of Banda Aceh in Aceh province, located on Indonesia's Sumatra island, just days after the massive Boxing Day tsunami of 2004, and below it the same location photographed on December 1, 2014


The top photograph was taken on January 8, 2005, and shows of two fishing boats beside a commercial building in central Banda Aceh, which had been carried into the city by the massive wave, and then, bottom, last month


The top photograph was taken with a telephoto lens on January 16, 2005, more than two weeks after the tsunami, showing a partly damaged mosque in the Lampuuk coastal district of Banda Aceh, staining alone in the debris, and photographed again, below, this month


The first photograph was taken on January 9, 2005, just over a week after the tsunami, showing a of a street which had been cleared, but still had huge piles of debris on either side, in Meulaboh in Aceh, and the same location photographed on November 29 this year


The left photograph shows debris scattered across the grounds of Banda Aceh's Baiturrahaman mosque in Aceh province, two days after the tsunami, and right, taken on November 27 this year, shows the renovated grounds


The top shoto was taken just days after the 2004 tsunami, and shows heavy debris spread across the grounds of Banda Aceh's Baiturrahaman mosque in Aceh province, and the same location photographed on November 27, 2014 (bottom) showing the renovated grounds


The top photo was taken on, January 9, 2005, of the impassable main coastal road covered with debris in Aceh Besar district, in Aceh province and the same location photographed on November 29, 2014, showing the new highway

musium sunami.jpg

Tsunami Museum built on 2007, open for public for the 1st time on 2009
@haman10 @rmi5 @Serpentine @New @Ostad

This is what happens when a terrorist dictatorship isn't in control. Arge Bam, Khoramshahr, Ardebil etc... are all still the same after their natural and man made disasters, yet we brought in over a trillion dollars over the past 2-3 decades from oil sales. Now compare those cities to these Indonesian examples (Indonesia isn't even a developed country so you have no excuse Haman).
Without forgetting the pain inflicted, tsunami has been a gift and a great lesson for Aceh and Indonesia. It brings people together and it allow peace agreement achieved.


Helsinki Agreement between Indonesian Government & GAM (Aceh freedom movement)


6th Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono & Aceh Governor


We also give our thanks for the World, ASEAN, and UN community that have bring much the help we need to construct and rehabilitate Aceh province from its tremendous destruction.
Great execution...
Nice to see a very good revival ...
its great.:tup:
Very good job ! :tup: God Bless Indonesia ! :)
Great execution... Nice to see a very good revival ...
Sign of Strong Nations....Best wishes for Brotherly Nation....:tup:

I say thanks to Vietnam and ASEAN countries, also for India, Pakistan, Iran, Usa, Aus, China and all the friendly countries involve in the rehabilitation of our destroyed province.

This is what happens when a terrorist dictatorship isn't in control. Arge Bam, Khoramshahr, Ardebil etc... are all still the same after their natural and man made disasters, yet we brought in over a trillion dollars over the past 2-3 decades from oil sales. Now compare those cities to these Indonesian examples (Indonesia isn't even a developed country so you have no excuse Haman).

What happened to the cities you mention? and how the condition now?
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Arge Bam, Khoramshahr, Ardebil
well arge bam and ardebil have been repaired and i think you're talking from your me'deh .

abt khorramshar , unfortunately u r right , they still need development and rebuilding (although its 30 years after the war) .....

@pr1v4t33r congrats mate :tup:

wish you and your country the best
This stupid law is in Singapore too and Singapore got a very high suicide rate, most probably it should be highest in Asia or World in percentage :-/

errr... Wrong thread to replay mate...

well arge bam and ardebil have been repaired and i think you're talking from your me'deh... abt khorramshar , unfortunately u r right , they still need development and rebuilding (although its 30 years after the war) ..... @pr1v4t33r congrats mate :tup: wish you and your country the best

Great cultural city.. arge bam, the largest adobe building in the world. wish speedy reconstruction for all the city you mention.. peace & prosperity for all..
Arge Bam, Khoramshahr, Ardebil, IRAN
Dude, you should read the book "Mein Kampf" to see how a devastated country can emerge into a global power just in few years.
Within just 10 years, Aceh manage to rebuild the city from the catastrophe brought in by the tsunami. It is an impressive development.
Within just 10 years, Aceh manage to rebuild the city from the catastrophe brought in by the tsunami. It is an impressive development.

With peace already settled in place. Supported by clean & powerful reconstruction agency under president authority, speedy recovery can be achieved. Hope the best for philippines cities affected by typhoon haiyan and most recently typhoon ruby.
God Bless Indonesia! Good to see the development of Banda Aceh.

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