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Ten Fictions that Pakistani Defense Officials Love to Peddle

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I though it it Zaid Hamid which is the biggest pain in Indian butt!

I think Indian wants Hussain Haqqani back as ambassador to US.
Zaid Hamid gives pain the ribs to the Indian's, by making them laugh too hard with his humour.
What has ambassador Haqqani got to do with India?

Well, the points do make sense. Pakistan has been adept at using these "American guilt" and "save me or I will shoot myself and it will be a bigger mess" tactics "effectively".

Of course, there is a law of diminishing return that has to kick in at some point.
Some say that Pakistan has become an expert at negotiating with a gun pointed to its own head. Kinda blackmail.
This article exposed Pakistan to bare soul.

Thanks @shuntmaster for posting this intriguing article.
You are welcome mate..
Most of the stuff in the article are already known to people who have been following the Af-Pak region for the past many years. Its probably the first time that an influential US based security analyst, who has the ears of lots of influential people in Washington D.C., has put it in a clear, precise and concise manner.
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Until the unneeded and unwated 1965 India-Pakistan War, the US was increasingly helping Pakistan across the board. In particular I recall a chicken egg productin program sponsored by facutly from the University of Connecticut in suburban Karachi, as but one example.
While some points are "Fair".. Fair here has conveniently left out certain historical facts to prove her point.. making this a rather "unfair" assessment of the situation.

This has already been posted.. OP should learn to search for existing threads before opening new ones.. CLOSED
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