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Ten dumb things Boston Marathon bombing suspects did after the attack

There was on the younger ones face, look up the pictures online. So they lied about him sitting around?

click on the main,actual article......they have uploaded videos as well..which I haven't upload.
I did and I don't see a video of them after the explosion.

In the days after the bombings, investigators studied all available photos and surveillance videos of the blast area searching for abnormal reactions. The complaint filed in federal court this week specifically cites Dzhokhar's reaction to the first explosion as a giveaway.

"Approximately 30 seconds before the first explosion, Suspect 2 (Dhzokhar) lifts his phone to his ear as if he is speaking on his cell phone, and keeps it there for approximately 18 seconds," the FBI's complaint states.

"A few seconds after he finishes the call, the large crowd of people around him can be seen reacting to the first explosion. Virtually every head turns to the east (towards the finish line) and stares in that direction in apparent bewilderment and alarm.
"Bomber Two, virtually alone among the individuals... appears calm. He glances to the east and then calmly but rapidly begins moving to the west."

well in above para only his facial expressions are mentioned and abnormal movement...and they are claiming that INVESTIGATORS have observed that.....if they haven't uploaded the pic and videos you are asking then how can we still conclude that they are lying?:undecided:
Thanks but I also want to see these videos. I don't think they've been released yet.
The greatest dumb thing they did was taking their frustations out on innocent people.

A bunch of loser *** goons, may they rot in hell.

lol yes....lets see...how dear amreekies are gonna throw this blame on us:bunny:
Sir jee I have been chilling with Anglo amreekies all week, nobody blamed me. :taz:

don't worry...just visit the latest place where bomb was exploded...you will be arrested then.....ooo...and don't forgot to smile at that time...while looking at CCTV camera:omghaha:
They claimed he sat around and acted as if nothing happened.
They also showed you this Photoshopped picture...!!! If you buy this propaganda then you are beleiving in Daj'jaal & we know what will happen to those who will have faith in Daj'jaal... ;)


See the instructors & how they pushed away ordinary civilians as they tried to come for help.
Only insiders were allowed to come near actors...


They also fakes all these injuries & used actors...

That fat lady is seen as make-up artist in video above & was also present on site of explosion & remained there till scene was cleared... She was present through out the drama not doing anything. Probably just instructing actors...(?)

*Much less injured Black lady moved by stretcher while double amputee left on ground ... for photo-op... Later shown on a wheel-chair...
*Positions changed...
*Clothes that were NOT torn suddenly are torn...
*Lady-in-Orange replaced by guy in grey shirt...
*In other pictures (not posted) genuine helpers who were trying to come help were being pushed away from stage area...


Blue flimsy see thru fabric covering fence was totally intact & not shredded or ripped,,, while thighs are blown off (fake) & clothes shredded ...!!! Flimsy wooden fence largely intact does not fit there! It was planted so some damege to fence could be shown by breaking few if those flimsy sticks ...

Then amputees fake leg came off & was quickly fixed.


*Three amputations can be seen... (doctor at Beth Israel Hospital said “at least” two; how can he not know the exact number of amputations if he's incharge & rather use say “at least”???)

*Two ladies looking expired(?) ... (NOT included in announced three official deaths:: one Chinese girl, One kid, & one lady... so what about these 2 ladies looking expired with EMT checking their carotid pulse???)
Moments before above picture... Notice red color on scaffolding...
Look how civilians are attending subjects, while uniformed men are just guarding at periphery...
No one attending the obviously most serious subject...!!! While other “intact” subject receiving attention!!! I guess amputee’s were fully groomed, now it was time to paint “intact” subjects...(?)


Stella Tremblay, New Hampshire Legislator, Says U.S. Government Planned Boston Bombing

"The Boston Marathon was a Black Ops "terrorist" attack. One suspect killed, the other one will be too before they even have a chance to speak. Drones and now "terrorist" attacks by our own Government."


Confession!!! isn't it???
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says her agency knew of Russia trip by alleged Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev despite mis-spelling of his name...

"The government knew that alleged Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev traveled to Russia last year... The system pinged when he was leaving the United States"

& take at a look at how innocent they try bo pretend... "Committee member Lindsey Graham had said ... FBI did not know of Tsarnaev's departure because the Russian airline .. misspelled his name in a passenger record." How naive of FBI.!!! .. liars.


Lindsey Graham 'Something's Not Right Here' On FBI & Boston - YouTube
TSHTF!!! Former FBI employee says the Tsarnaev brothers were RECRUITED BY THE FBI!!! - YouTube



Bag in hand of this white guy matches more with the bag found at the site...

eye-witness saw the "naked-suspect" run over by cops & then shot, while media told you his brother ran him over...

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