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Teen girls with stones are the new threat in India’s Kashmir conflict:Washington Post

Bad news for them
Women Police Battalion To Deal With Stone-Pelters

Yeah, that was bound to happen. That action would have a similar reaction. However, the point that women are not holding back (considering that sometimes they aren't as active as men in some conservative themes) is very interesting. Very interesting. It shows how much things have escalated (more like written it on the wall; we already know how much it's escalated).
But thier pellet gun and lathis will
That will just further lose India those hearts and minds it desperately needs to win. It's an insurgency, man. They aren't suppressed just by force; look what happened in Cuba.
We don't need heart, kidneys blah blah of 500 bucks per day terrorist stone pelters. We just need our holy land Kashmir.
Oh, the Indian army definitely needs to win the hearts and minds. Otherwise there's no use for that "stability"
We don't need heart, kidneys blah blah of 500 bucks per day terrorist stone pelters. We just need our holy land Kashmir.

a) You need hearts and minds to win any war, look at the many examples of military occupations in the world, without any facilitation from the locals the foreign army always loses. Afghanistan is a good example, back when the communists took over, and even today with NATO.

b) You seriously believe that Pakistan pays stone pelters? :lol:

c) Kashmir is not your holy land, don't try and turn your occupation into some kind of religious war.
So under this narrative... the kashmiri girls are the new malalas and the Indian army the TTP.
The entire population of Kashmir is hitting back on India. India is gradually losing it's grip on Kashmir. It is a civil war already in Kashmir.

There are clashes hitting the Valley every day.

The youth are getting in the liberation of Kashmir. These youth will be old and the new ideology will last for centuries to come.

This is a chain reaction no one can stop. It has started and it is gaining ground every day.

Kashmiris are chanting Pakistan openly. Today COAS has also answered the call by saying he supports the political struggle of Kashmiris.


New Delhi: While pelting stones by Kashmiri youth has become a matter of serious concern for the state government, in a shocking incident, a woman who pelted stones at police recently said she wanted to play football for India.

According to a report in The Times of India, Afshan Ashique, Kashmir's first female football coach, said even though she pelted stones on CRPF personnel, she wanted to represent the country in football.

“Yes, I pelted stones yesterday. But that's not what I want to do. I want to play for India," the 21-year-old said.

The report adds that Afshan was on her way to a playground for practice with 20 other girls when they saw a group of boys pelting stones at police across the road, near Srinagar's Pratap Park.

While Afshan asked the girls not to panic, things went out of control when one of the cops misunderstood them as stone pelters and slapped one of the girls.

“I told the girls not to panic and asked them to wait. Police misunderstood and assumed that we were there to pelt stones. A cop walked up to us and slapped a girl and called her names. That enraged us. I wanted to stand by the girl, so we all started pelting stones at police," Afshan added.

The police however had a different version as one of the officers said, “Police and CRPF have been maintaining maximum restraint, which is evident from the fact that no student was hurt."

While the government is to find an end to the ongoing crisis, Afshan strongly believes that sports could be the solution.

“I am clear in my mind that our future is with India. I debate with stone-pelters and try to persuade them to come to the field and play football instead. The solution to the conflict might emerge from sports," she said.

Afshan has been playing football for the last five years and has been training over 30 girls under a state government initiative.

Meanwhile, Mehbooba Mufti is said to have met the top brass of multiple security agencies asking them for counselling of the youth.

The mind of the Kashmiri youth's is not a football to kick around and play with... Kids should be spared of this nonsesnse, let them focus on studies, development rather than baiting them to be used as pawns in this useless conflict.

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WASHINGTON, April 30 (APP): Schoolgirls in the Indian occupied Kashmir have now taken to the street to fight to join male protesters in a sign that fight for freedom from the Indian is spiraling out of control.
According to a Washington Post report, the new wave of violence that broke out in April and saw killing several Kashmiri Muslims is now taking a new turn as young girls wearing headscarves and school uniforms have now come out and joined the protest.
“A lot of these boys have been killed…..Now girls will go out and protest for freedom,” the report quoting Nisha Zahoor, 18, a senior student, said.
The new turn in the freedom struggle comes at a time when Indian
troops have become more brutal, killing young Kashmiri boys and use of pellet guns have left hundreds of protesters blind. An incident that involves use of a Kashmiri boy as human shield by the Indian troops has sent a wave of anger across the valley.
While Indian officials are hoping to control this new wave of violence, the report said that many see the presence of the young girls in protest as a sign that the security situation in the valley is getting out of control.
The present wave of violence erupted in July last year when Indian
troops killed a young Kashmiri freedom fighter Burhan Wani, leading to the death nearly 100 more protesters by the Indian forces.

New violence hit the region after Indian Army soldiers beat students
in a school that have continued this month leading to the death of several more. This incident provoked more violence and included girls for the first time, the report said.
“It’s a new form of protest because you have this other gender being a part of it now,” Sadaf Bushra, an assistant journalism professor at Central University, said.
Kashmiri girls are just like normal girls who like music, but growing
up in one of the more heavily militarized areas as taken its toll. They call security forces “black dogs” and “Indian dogs,” the report said.
Only one of the Kashmiri girls, according to the report, said she
wanted to remain part of India. One student described police raids in her neighborhood every night and another Kashmiri girl tearfully told how her 16-year old brother was killed by the Indian troops.


I am surprised that Washington Post is taking on Kashmir issue! We don't hear much about Kashmir on MSM media. Just imagine what global media frenzy we would be seeing had PLA killed more than 100 Tibetans, "Mass murder", "Massacre", "Genocide", "Ethnic Cleansing"?
“A lot of these boys have been killed…..Now girls will go out and protest for freedom,” the report quoting Nisha Zahoor, 18, a senior student, said.

Just don't know what to say about Kashmiri people man i just have no words for them...

InshAllah they will be free soon.
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