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Teen girls gang-raped and hanged from a tree: police


Dec 1, 2008
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By Nita Bhalla

NEW DELHI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Indian police have arrested one man and are looking for four other suspects after two teenage girls were gang-raped and then hanged from a tree in a village in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, police said on Thursday.

The two cousins, who were from a low-caste Dalit community and aged 14 and 15, went missing from their village home in Uttar Pradesh's Budaun district when they went out to go to the toilet on Tuesday evening.

The following morning, villagers found the bodies of the two teenagers hanging from a mango tree in a nearby orchard.

"We have registered a case under various sections, including that of rape, and one of the accused has been taken into custody. There were five people involved, one has been arrested and we are looking for the others," Budaun's Superintendent of Police Man Singh Chouhan told reporters.

Chouhan said a post-mortem confirmed the two minors were raped and died from the hanging. DNA samples have been also been taken to help identity the perpetrators, he added.

The victim's families say the girls were gang-raped and then hanged by five men from the village. They allege that local police were shielding the attackers as they refused to take action when the girls were first reported missing.

It was only after angry villagers found the hanging corpses and took the bodies to a nearby highway and blocked it in protest, say the families, that police registered a case of rape and murder.

A case of conspiracy has also been registered against two constables, said Chouhan, adding that they had also been suspended.

Sex crimes against young girls and women are widespread in India, say activists, adding that females from poor, marginalized, low-caste communities are often the victims.

A report by the Asian Centre for Human Rights in April last year said 48,338 child rape cases were recorded in India from 2001 to 2011, and the annual number of reported cases had risen more than fourfold - 336 percent - over that period.

Women's rights experts and lawyers say rape victims also have to endure harsh treatment from an archaic, poorly funded and insensitive criminal justice system.

Police often try to dissuade victims from complaining and suggest a "compromise" between the victim and the perpetrator, largely because of their insensitivity to sex crimes, but also because police officials are rarely held accountable.

Public outrage over the fatal gang rape of a woman in New Delhi in December 2012 pushed the government into passing a tougher new law to punish sex crimes. This includes sentences of up to two years’ jail for police and hospital authorities if they fail to register a complaint or treat a victim.

(Editing by Douglas Busvine; Editing by Ron Popeski)
That is cold hearted. Rape is one thing but execution? Why did they hang her?
India gang-rape victims left hanging from tree

poor girls, lanat hai in sab tamash-beeno per...
India gang-rape victims left hanging from tree

poor girls, lanat hai in sab tamash-beeno per...
'What is wrong with these animals as it is what they are. And where is Cameron in all this. He told Sunrise TV in February 2013, to quote: 'there is no limit on the number of students who can come from India to study at British universities, no limit at all'. If this is what they could bring to the UK. I say keep them OUT!'

'Nations like India may not consider themselves part of the modern world until they have utterly and completely eradicated these barbaric, women-hating tribal attitudes that belong to the stone age. And as such, western companies investing in them should seriously consider their corporate 'ethics' (if their money-grabbing directors have the balls to do so, to which the answer is: no they don't). For example, why do you give them call centre business? By doing that, you validate the societies that do this. Perhaps we should boycott all businesses that employ staff in India and neighbouring countries. It might be our way of getting our message across.'

'What a backward culture! They treat women like animals. Shame on its government!'

'Can you imagine the uproar in this country if after a crime werevto be committed against either a Hindu or Muslim individual and the authorities came out with the comment 'Boys will be boys'? There would be riots in the streets. But when said in the Hindu homeland, not a peep from any Hindu group there or here, plus a defining silence from our otherwise vocal loony left politically correct politicians. It wouldn't be a case of them being two faced - or a fear of losing votes, now would it? RIP girls, RIP.'

'Worked in India for years through oil & gas. What a backward thinking horrible depressing place. The general populations 'mindset are stuck in the stone age, actually thats probably an insult to cavemen.'

'I think we should be doing some soul searching of our own here. India and Pakistan may appear to be backwards in many ways to Western eyes, but they still have access to the internet and the vilest acts of pornography human beings can think up to debase themselves. Since most of us are hypocrites, especially where religion is concerned, it's my honest opinion that they are watching this filth on their mobile phones and then acting it out on their womenfolk, who, they already consider to be of less value than a beast of the field'

Comments in the UK press today.
Lanat ho aisai wehshio pai jin ko dosro ki betio k sth aisi ghatia harkat karte wai apni maa behno ka khayal nh ata.
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