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Tanzania - Christianizing Islam and Israel


Jan 22, 2009
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The Eastern African country Tanzania (population over 40 million) is the result of a marriage between two former British colonies, Tanganyika (Muslims 35%, Christians 30%, and Indigenous 35% - according to CIA’s ‘The World Factbook’) and Zanzibar (Muslims 99%) which took place in 1964. Muslims are found in all of 120 tribes living within borders of Tanzania.

Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922-1999), the first president of Tanzania was a fundamentalist Catholic, who attended Mass on regular bais - and was responsible for toppling of Zanzibar ruler, Sultan Jamshed bin Abdullah by a military coup in 1964. He ruledTanzania till his retire,met in 1985. During his rule he put his fellow members of Christian minority at almost all government sensitive positions. He carried out a systemayic policy of Christianization. Students who refused to follow Christian doctrine in schools were expelled. Islamic missionary activist were harassed or persecuted for being enemies of country’s Socialist Constitution. Learning of Arabic was banned and Muslims wishing to go for Hajj were discouraged by government officials.

Pro-government organizations, both Muslims and Christians, tried to establish a nixed Islamic-Christian dogma under the name of the Islamic Renewal Movement - which basically attacked Islamic Shari’ah and Jihad (military resistance)......

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