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Taliban’s next target is India


Jan 20, 2013
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Lengthy piece by Nina Gopal, who is a very respected Indian commentator on Foreign Policy issues. She has a long trackrecord of writing on issues that affect Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Nina makes an extremely serious revelation: according to her, the attackers of both Taverna du Liban and another recent attack had been prisoners at the Bagram military base who were released on the Karzai's demand. I have not seen another news source confirm this -- but having someone of Nina's caliber make this statement carries significant weight. If true -- what-the-f#!% is going on in Kabul?

Original article here on the Asian Age, excerpts below:

The suicide bomber, who detonated himself last Friday at the entrance of the Taverna di Liban, in Kabul’s tony Wazir Akbar Khan neighbourhood, killing 21 people in the popular watering hole, and the man behind the microphone bomb attack at a mosque in Logar, that killed urbane Canada-returned 47-year-old governor, Arsala Jamal in mid-October last year, had one thing in common. Both Taliban assassins had been released from jail at the US-run Bagram military base, at the personal behest of Afghan President Hamid Karzai.


There was no mistaking the message sent out by back-to-back bombings this week in Kabul, Bannu and Rawalpindi. This wasn’t just payback for the US drone attacks on Taliban bases on either side of the Durand Line. It was far simpler. Divided as they are, the Taliban is done talking...


...Could Delhi start negotiations by offering President Karzai a safe haven?
Dreaming about target and acheiving it is a different ball game.......:lol::lol:
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The title of her article is a bit misleading -- the article focuses on Afghanistan and then Pakistan

India has always been Islamist's target.

Hindus are among the worst heretics in Their version of Islam after all, Idolators.

The plane hijacking case too springs to mind. The Taliban are like rabid dogs, they need to be put out of their misery.
I don't think that india could be that Important , A country of 1.23 billion is kind of Impossible task, No one dares to get involve in full wage war against that amount. I think they always try to avoid wars in populated places and just focus on targeted attacks. That is how they are operating in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
I don't think that india could be that Important , A country of 1.23 billion is kind of Impossible task, No one dares to get involve in full wage war against that amount. I think they always try to avoid wars in populated places and just focus on targeted attacks. That is how they are operating in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Exactly but how will they cross one of the most dangerous border without getting killed......
Exactly but how will they cross one of the most dangerous border without getting killed......
Remember , Why punjab remains least touched by terror attacks in recent years? That answer also hidden in population, any guerrilla fighter organization need space and local support as well. But I'm optimistic about Indian army involvement in Pakistan's bordar region once they see Taliban controlled regions near Indo-Pak bordar.
Remember , Why punjab remains least touched by terror attacks in recent years? That answer also hidden in population, any guerrilla fighter organization need space and local support as well. But I'm optimistic about Indian army involvement in Pakistan's bordar region once they see Taliban controlled regions near Indo-Pak bordar.
Thats impossible in the first place......
So you are saying that you posted it without reading.......:hitwall::hitwall:

No I read the article several times actually -- I'm not sure how you arrived at that conclusion.

The title is simply what the publication has.
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