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Taliban to Malala : We've prepared sharp & shiny knives for enemy of Islam

Indians just love this. It is great that we won Nobel Price. And an Indian also. I do not go to their forums to make crappy posts. In fact, they not even have the guts to allow us to post there. Just like the fact that Kashmiri have no right to vote for their future... How hollow is the democracy? As hollow as can be.
Taliban have done more harm to Islam that anyone from the west. Let's ask Ehsanullah who is paying him? He is the spokesman for the thugs.
they should give peace prize to taliban instead :lol:
Nobel committee should give the Nobel prize to Taliban :lol:
First prize goes to 'Mullah Omar' and 'Abu Bakar Al Bagdadi':enjoy:

those won't get nobel peace prize directly... but their supporters and propagandists for their masters will... the nobel "peace" prize for 2011 was given to three nato propagandist females, among them that burqa, the ikhwaan promoter, tawakkul karman, from yemen... i would prefer to shoot tawakkul in the head as her deserved prize... it would be most nobel of me... :D

if you look at the list of nobel "peace" prize winners, most of them are direct nato propagandists or are nato tools... be that mikhail gorbachev or dalai lama.

i in no way support Malala, but that is no way to talk, no wonder these idiots are extremists of every kind

malala was used by usa government... she is intelligent but not so sensible... she just became a "useful idiot"... surely, she can be educated on the disinfo that usa government does... surely, she can someday soon speak against usa government and throw away this ignoble prize.

Wow how brave of them to talk tough against a child lol.

how is malala a "child"?? she is 17, not 9.

Taliban have done more harm to Islam that anyone from the west. Let's ask Ehsanullah who is paying him?

of course, from the usa army generals in afghanistan who get money from taliban-controlled opium fields.
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Just like the fact that Kashmiri have no right to vote for their future... How hollow is the democracy?

Kashmiris vote for local panchayat, state govt and National elections. Infact the state govt assembly elections will take place in Nov-Dec. The separatist leaders have fought these elections and have always lost heavily.

The Kashmiris have much higher amount of rights as compared to other indian states under the Article 370 of the constitution of India.
Compared to this in so called Azad Kashmir the "govt" of the state has no rights and is a puppet govt.

Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) is a self-governing state under Pakistani control, but under Pakistan's constitution the state is not actually part of the country as the dispute on Azad Kashmir is not yet been resolved.[clarification needed][1][18] Azad Kashmir has its own elected President, Prime Minister,Legislative Assembly, High Court, with Khawaja Shahad Ahmad as its present chief justice, and official flag. The government of Pakistan has not yet allowed Azad Kashmir to issue its own postage stamps, meaning that those of Pakistan are used instead. Brad Adams the Asia director at Human Rights Watch has said in 2006

Although ‘azad’ means ‘free,’ the residents of Azad Kashmir are anything but, The Pakistani authorities govern Azad Kashmir with strict controls on basic freedoms.[19]

The Government of Azad Kashmir has very little control over its' territory, with its' politicians mainly spending their time in Islamabad.[20]

Azad Kashmir's financial matters, i.e., budget and tax affairs, are dealt with by the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council rather than by Pakistan's Central Board of Revenue. The Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council is a supreme body consisting of 11 members, six from the government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir and five from the government of Pakistan. Its chairman/chief executive is the president of Pakistan. Other members of the council are the president and the prime minister of Azad Kashmir and a few other AJK ministers.
Indians just love this. It is great that we won Nobel Price. And an Indian also. I do not go to their forums to make crappy posts. In fact, they not even have the guts to allow us to post there. Just like the fact that Kashmiri have no right to vote for their future... How hollow is the democracy? As hollow as can be.

Kashmiris vote for local panchayat, state govt and National elections. Infact the state govt assembly elections will take place in Nov-Dec. The separatist leaders have fought these elections and have always lost heavily.

The Kashmiris have much higher amount of rights as compared to other indian states under the Article 370 of the constitution of India.
Compared to this in so called Azad Kashmir the "govt" of the state has no rights and is a puppet govt.

and india and pakistan are otherwise the most just and freedom-loving of nations... :partay:
expected from low life peodophile fcks fighting and killing civilians in the name of islam to save their medevil fctard tribal idealogy ..
Was she an enemy of Islam when she was shot years ago?

How interesting has this world become where the real enemies of Islam claim that they are the saviors.
We should prepare long pikes to hang their heads on for the world to see once these insects crawl out of their caves.
Kashmiris vote for local panchayat, state govt and National elections. Infact the state govt assembly elections will take place in Nov-Dec. The separatist leaders have fought these elections and have always lost heavily.

The Kashmiris have much higher amount of rights as compared to other indian states under the Article 370 of the constitution of India.
Compared to this in so called Azad Kashmir the "govt" of the state has no rights and is a puppet govt.
OK, let's believe you for a moment. Kashmir has extra rights so why there is a complete strike and observance of Black Day in Kashmir on India's Independence Day?
Enemies of Islam?

Do they plan to take their own lives?

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