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Taliban slaughtering people like animals(WARNING: VERY VIOLENT MATERIAL)18+

who are those people??

I heard Zaid Hamid talking about those things...

disgusting btw.
This video is more than a year old. The website claims that these people originated from SWAT district which is false.

This hideous act was carried out in Waziristan back in 2007 or 2008. And that was when they were roaming around without a district with Shariah law. I can only imagine what they're capable of now. God help our troops and give peace and everlasting blessings to our fallen ones. Aamin.
who are those people??

I heard Zaid Hamid talking about those things...

disgusting btw.

They are Tehreek-e-Taliban members who came to SWAT from outside.

Zaid Hamid was talking about the terrorism and brutality of those people.
Oh and one more thing, I believe everyone in Pakistan should see these videos. Maybe that way they will finally realize what kind of a sick minded enemy we're up against. If we don't deal with the ideology of these teenagers holding decapitated heads of our army personnel with a 'smile' on their face, then that day wouldn't be far when it'll become a bit too personal for us and the people we love the most.

Death to the fascist Taliban!
Such leaked videos containing Taliban atrocities will come out more. They are old may be, but relevant.
This is the most sicking thing I have seen in my life. This makes me sick, I hope somebody will through a cluster bomb on Taliban A@# and they will fee the pain then. This is not Islam or human been they are worst then animals.
absolutely disgusting!!! these people are a disgrace to us, they should be captured and punished severely for their appaling crime...
You can find hundreds of such videos, most of which were made either in Afghanistan or countries like Iraq, but still this menace has creeped in our society.

They need a similar treatment which they have been giving others.

BTW, have anyone seen that video in which that sucker slaughter 14 people in a single sortie with a f**ing knife of a size of 8 inches!!!
I hope people of Pakistan who are in Pakistan are watching this sick $hit, my heart is shattered after watching these videos, i donot have the strength to watch all of them, they are just barbaric.

Where is this **** hole sufi??? Is this the Islam that Prophet (PBUH) tought us??? Why after so much suffering Army won't do anything???

After seeing this if no action is taken in the coming days then i think people should become citizens of Pakistan not just civilians:angry:
Revolting!!! What they do and get away in the name of religion.

I can't help but wonder that these Taliban (who are hell-bent on denouncing anything that comes from the west, close down schools and CD shops, burn television sets, in short send us back to the Stone Ages) actually use a video camera to record these killings and then mail them to the government of Pakistan. Talk about being tech-savvy!

The last time I saw a beheading, it was the army men who had been captured in Waziristan. This is nothing compared to that... these guys are sick in their heads, rather f-u-c-k-e-d up!

@mcuk: where did you get this from?

@ Bezerk: Oh and one more thing, I believe everyone in Pakistan should see these videos. Maybe that way they will finally realize what kind of a sick minded enemy we're up against.

That may just backfire. One wouldn't want a desensitised society.
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