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Taliban set up all-women branch of suicide bombers

dont know if this gal is the same who's interview was shown many months back on Dawn News or is it fresh incident .

I was wondering the same the story did sound very familiar.

Though i think i would have remembered this bit,

dramatically revealed by a 12-year-old girl who managed to escape from the clutches of the rebels from near the Afghanistan border.
Meena Gul's brother, a Taliban commander, told her: "You will go to heaven before any of us, if you blow yourself up the way I tell you."

it has to be a new low for a pack of scum i thought could not be worse. What sort of animal straps a bomb to his 12year old sister?
it has to be a new low for a pack of scum i thought could not be worse. What sort of animal straps a bomb to his 12year old sister?
its the promise of 72 virgins and the Salafi school of thought mutated into Taqfiri ideology of declaring every other human a kafir and deserving to be murdered whether or not the victim is also follower of same Quran , Mecca and God is irrelevent.
Looks like that they are running out of their male suicide bombers.

This is really an alarming trend because in our country nobody can check a woman. Now it looks like they have to. We need some women force.
Yes it is a possibility
One question......if every matyr gets 72 virgins....does female matyrs get the same?. Please dont accuse me of blasphemy. This is truly an honest question arising out of genuine curiosity.

yes they should!!!
One question......if every matyr gets 72 virgins....does female matyrs get the same?. Please dont accuse me of blasphemy. This is truly an honest question arising out of genuine curiosity.

I must say your question is on the border lines of naughtiness and can result in a furious fatwa.
actually if you want to make some flamboyant hate preacher shutup then ask this question..

I Have no idea... I think this this version of 72 virgin reward is questionable .. not sure if that is backed up with authentic Hadith and Quran..

what I do know is that all pious men and women are promised equally pious partners in heaven.. there is no mention of a number here.
It was purely out of curiosity. Anyway i will press for the answer elsewhere....i do not want to be flamebait.
hi, i maybe wrong but as far as i understand it..it does not say 72 virgins, its beautiful angels..and angels can be male or female, as for the women...it says they will also get something, its not specific what, but it will be something very special..something we cant get in this world. feel free to correct me if im wrong.
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