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Taliban 'rejects' Afghan peace offer

Karzai has realized that the Taliban are not going to go away.

Whereas at some point in time the US will cut and run as their losses mount daily.

If US go away this means Karzai govt. is over which means no more US aid to india in shape of road construction contracts.

Mark my words .... before this happen indain army in Afghanisatn will bomb every construction made by US just to hide their corruption and blame on Talibans.
i mean that as insurgents their supplies (presumably coming from middle east,etc) remain unhampered..what if they are left on their own??

it's not only the middle east but the neighbours too.

i wish afghan people get n exercise their right to live the way they want!

thanks brother.
"Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles."~ Quote Winston Churchill on independent India.

I think this quote will be applicable on Afghanistan too.
"Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles."~ Quote Winston Churchill on independent India.

I think this quote will be applicable on Afghanistan too.
u think india is lost in political squables??n aint that a bit too pessimistic??
u think india is lost in political squables??n aint that a bit too pessimistic??

You don't ??:what:
Within Days of Independence "Indian" leaders who were united against the British ,succeeded in dividing their country in to two and failed to prevent one of the worst genocides in the history of mankind.
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. .
You don't ??:what:
Within Days of Independence "Indian" leaders who were united against the British...succeeded in dividing there country in to two..and failed to prevent one of the worst genocides in the history of mankind.

one thing, i was takin it in present context!
second, our perceptions of success are very different..for u division may b a failure, for me its an achievemnt!

Within Days of Independence "Indian" leaders who were united against the Britishsucceeded in dividing there country in to two
plz check history, i aint going to teach u what happened after n before independence.

plus if u put afg in place of india in the quote, it looks pretty offensive..
back to topic now..
that is the problem, nobody let the people in that country to decide for themselves. either the international powers or regional players have imposed thier will on the people.

but you can't ignore the Taliban, they are a dominant force in Afghanistan and ignoring them can not and will never bring peace to Afghanistan!
Since you want to stay on topic, this will be my last post on the subject.

one thing, i was takin it in present context!
Winston Churchill said the above in context of "pre-independent India"

second, our perceptions of success are very different..for u division may b a failure, for me its an achievemnt!

Well you are entitled to an opinion, but in my viewpoint it was a faliure , on part of both our leaders coz it was not only division of my country, it was division of your country too.

plus if u ut afg in place of india in the quote, it looks pretty offensive..
back to topic now..

Again his words not mine, and if any Afghan got offended, I apologies for that.
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^who ll ensure all supplies get abandoned??:cheesy:

war or no war....Afghanistan cannot imagine to survive without support of Pakistan.
All what they eat or wear come from or through Pakistan.
If Pakistan suspend all air and land transit and transport... Afghanistan will go to dark ages.
No means can match Pakistan's givings to Afghanistan.
It applies same to NATO and US troops they cannot survive for a month without Pak support and can never pay back Pakistan's generiosity.
that is the problem, nobody let the people in that country to decide for themselves. either the international powers or regional players have imposed thier will on the people.
Personally, I wasn't expecting anything great from a bunch of barbarians like these . Now Mr. Ahmad, could you tell me how exactly are the people of Afghanistan supposed to make a joint consensus about how to run their country? I am referring to the inter-tribal and ethnic tensions that are almost legendary from Afghanistan. Your country is comprised of at least 4 different communities: Afghan Persians, Pashtuns, Hazaras and Uzbeks, each of them claiming to be the "actual Afghans".

The concept of democratic system of elections however imposed it might be from international community, I am sure you'll agree is a lot better than Taliban's brutal autocracy. The current strife continues to be there between the internal tribes and the aforementioned communities in Afghanistan. For instance, personally I have interacted with Persian Afghans some of whom are new to Europe. Most of them tell in detail about the dislike they have against Pashtuns, the Tajiks disliking Hazaras, etc.

The borders of Afghanistan are currently held strong only because of the international forces maintaining their presence in your country. From what I have gathered in this forum, I hear of your president Hamid Karzai as a corrupt man. Now picture this volatile mix for once: a corrupt government, a national military in its infancy, country run-over by terrorist organizations, a bunch of barbarians fighting tooth and nail for re-establishing their maniacal ideas once again, porous borders, weak economy, very limited and low rate of civil education within the country.

Now tell me how exactly do you propose Afghans in such a situation to decide what is good for them? All of them are not aware of Democracy's benefits, the country has a severe limitation of infrastructure that most of international community is helping build. The military of Afghanistan is too weak as compared to the Taliban and their backers whoever they might be. There is still a certain level of needless over-conservatism in the name of culture which becomes the weak spot for Taliban and the likes to come an exploit.

In this case, you might want to consider retaining the International forces in your borders because once they leave, it would mean pressing the reset button from what started 8 years ago and I assure you that no country is strong enough to first break all the supply lines into Afghanistan and once again is forced to return, re-making everything it dismantled before leaving.
but you can't ignore the Taliban, they are a dominant force in Afghanistan and ignoring them can not and will never bring peace to Afghanistan!

Look, if we consider a group dominat based on their ability to kill and destroy then the Taliban in pakistan(both the so called panjabi and TTP) are highly dominant. yes, we cant ignore them because they are a destructive force, it is easy to destroy and cause trouble, but building something is the difficult task. the taliban in pakistan are having territories under their control and have effectively cut off parts of pakistan to make a mini state, they are deeply rooted in cities and suberbs etc. there is every parellel in pakistan and afghanistan.
war or no war....Afghanistan cannot imagine to survive without support of Pakistan.
All what they eat or wear come from or through Pakistan.
If Pakistan suspend all air and land transit and transport... Afghanistan will go to dark ages.
No means can match Pakistan's givings to Afghanistan.
It applies same to NATO and US troops they cannot survive for a month without Pak support and can never pay back Pakistan's generiosity.

this stroy might be history now. there is huge number of goods and food supplies come from iran and other countries too. dont forget that the new road constructed in the west of afghanistan have effectively cut the country's dependence on pakistan.
yea, sadly. and that was also due to foreign interference.

The problem is that it has to be rejected by the local warlords and fighters.

No one can interfere without the local support same in our country

Another problem needs to be fixed is that there should be due representation of all sides in the govt or rules so that grievances of all sides are eliminated.

Personally, I wasn't expecting anything great from a bunch of barbarians like these . Now Mr. Ahmad, could you tell me how exactly are the people of Afghanistan supposed to make a joint consensus about how to run their country? I am referring to the inter-tribal and ethnic tensions that are almost legendary from Afghanistan. Your country is comprised of at least 4 different communities: Afghan Persians, Pashtuns, Hazaras and Uzbeks, each of them claiming to be the "actual Afghans".

Everything you said above is true. But lets make a differentiatioin between aid/help and fueling war and terrorism in the country. if the countries and international community is helping the gov to establish bases for the better future then that is someghing else, we shouldnt mix these 2 things. for example those NGOs being busy in the country is also of foreign origin, but they only help people, or countries/the UN which are helping in local and general eletion is also something we need,. no complain about that.

The concept of democratic system of elections however imposed it might be from international community, I am sure you'll agree is a lot better than Taliban's brutal autocracy. The current strife continues to be there between the internal tribes and the aforementioned communities in Afghanistan.

peace and a stable gov which respects the well of people cannot be brought by us, we simply cant do it. we need outside help under the mandate of the UN. that is what everybody wants and nobody rejects it, but the taliban? which sane persoan would want them? yes, they can lay their weapons down and act like the citizens of the country instead of killing their own people and sevring the interests of the others, in this case nobody will have any objection against them, they can make their point(if they have any?) politically.

The borders of Afghanistan are currently held strong only because of the international forces maintaining their presence in your country. From what I have gathered in this forum, I hear of your president Hamid Karzai as a corrupt man. Now picture this volatile mix for once: a corrupt government, a national military in its infancy, country run-over by terrorist organizations, a bunch of barbarians fighting tooth and nail for re-establishing their maniacal ideas once again, porous borders, weak economy, very limited and low rate of civil education within the country.

this is the problem with a country which hasent seen anything but war for the last 30 years. the country has been flooded with weapons from everywhere. nobody can expect anything better than that. but lets hope something good comes out of it in the future.

Now tell me how exactly do you propose Afghans in such a situation to decide what is good for them? All of them are not aware of Democracy's benefits, the country has a severe limitation of infrastructure that most of international community is helping build. The military of Afghanistan is too weak as compared to the Taliban and their backers whoever they might be. There is still a certain level of needless over-conservatism in the name of culture which becomes the weak spot for Taliban and the likes to come an exploit.

trust me they know the benefits of democracy, they headed to polling stations despite all the threats of suicide bombings and attacks. they might be poor and illetrate, but they know it is good to have democracy, it was the taliban who were making their lives difficult in some parts of the south not to vote, in kabul, central, eastern, nothern and westen part of the country there were large ques in polling station. and yes, there are huge problems, no denial about that.

In this case, you might want to consider retaining the International forces in your borders because once they leave, it would mean pressing the reset button from what started 8 years ago and I assure you that no country is strong enough to first break all the supply lines into Afghanistan and once again is forced to return, re-making everything it dismantled before leaving.

i believe majority of people wouldnt want the international forces to leave the country prematurely and hand over things to the taliban, that would be the last thing if people will think of. they simply want peace and stable country, and that can be achieved with strong efforts of the UN and international community to do this, not for the peoople of afghanistna but for themsleves.

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