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Taliban Reach Chaman Border Gate. Shake Hands with FC Troops

The american backed and facilitated indian terrorism against Pakistan from Afghanistan was FAR FAR worst than ANYTHING the Afghan Taliban have ever done to us. NEVER forget that.
This is subjective verdict and a narrative to absolve Taliban from their crimes.

Taliban [are] responsible for suffering of numerous Afghans and Pakistani nationals by virtue of accomodating terroristic Al-Qaeda Network in the region (Cause). Al-Qaeda Network was akin to a ticking time bomb; it was very likely to blow up on the faces of their hosts and damage Af-Pak region by extension. 9/11 happened and US-led forces invaded Afghanistan to topple Taliban-led government, and to defeat Al-Qaeda Network (primary objective), and a number of unpleasantries followed with them (Effect).

Taliban-led government had extremely poor global standing due to being a bunch of hardcore extremists and were unable to develop a sustainable economy for Afghanistan.

Do you honestly expect a bunch of hardcore extremists to develop any country? They cannot because they do not understand modern systems of growth and are unwilling to change and/or pay heed to sane voices.

Al-Qaeda Network managed to seduce Taliban by offering funds to them and brainwashing them with jihadi narratives. Taliban and Al-Qaeda Network became bhai bhai (embraced each other) because unproductive minds think alike in the end.

Durand Line and surrounding areas used to be lawless lands and it was easy for Al-Qaeda Network to operate in these regions and brainwash Pakistani nationals by extension. Musharraf administration sought to FIX this problem after 9/11 and it took Pakistan many years to establish Law & Order in these regions. TTP emerged to resist this effort on the other hand.

TTP are natural allies of Al-Qaeda Network and the sort. Some members of TTP co-founded ISIS-K in Afghanistan as well.

USA helped Pakistan degrade TTP whereas Pakistan helped USA degrade Al-Qaeda Network in the region. Assumptions to the contrary are baseless.

Iran used to be very close to both India and Northern Alliance back in the days. Iran made it possible for Indians to reach Afghanistan and support Northern Alliance. Indians managed to infiltrate Pakistan via Iran as well. Remember Kulbhushan Jadhav?

USA had no choice but to join hands with Northern Alliance to topple Taliban-led government and fill resulting vaccum until democratic reforms could be introduced and implemented. Taliban rejected democratic system however.

Ashraf Ghani might be a dheet insaan in person but he does have his vote bank to look up to.

He will not hand over Kabul to Taliban until he has exhausted all options at his disposal. This is expected on his part. Whether WE like him or not, is irrelevant in the face of his reality.

Wasn't Pakistan pushing for the Intra-Afghan Dialogue in Afghanistan in official capacity? Whatever happened to it?

Taliban [are] responsible for their bad image [themselves], nobody else is. UN have disclosed that Taliban still have relations with Al-Qaeda Network. Isn't this alarming? Is the region back to square one after 20 freaking years of effort to curb terrorism and so many lives lost?

This is a lengthy debate and I do not wish to be dragged into it. However, I will strongly object to mocking of Pakistani educated class for not liking Taliban on PDF and elsewhere as have happened in this thread. Pakistani educated class is the single greatest asset of the country - no ifs and buts.

REPEAT: What kind of a society Pakistan would be where educated people are questioned but power-hungry militant forces are romanticized?

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