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Taliban propaganda video; attack on Maj Gen Sanaullah Shaheed

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yup.. taliban propaganda usually gets deleted..

Just Saw the Video and i dont think thats from Pakistan Because Pakistan Army doesnt use Indian maruti jeeps

Fake Video

possible... what you say seems truthful. thats what I was saying to @batmannow
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yup.. taliban propaganda usually gets deleted..

possible... what you say seems truthful. thats what I was saying to @batmannow

its not about the jeep in whole, but in deed it was TTp sawati chapter hit!
which is clear now, cause they took the responsiblity, which no one else did, & even thier own leadership wanted them to do so, cause then they can say take down sawati plz?
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Is there any taliban apologist still wanting to defend talibans? You still want to talk with these barbarians?

The take away from this video and this event is that these violence-prone terrorist gloat about the fact that they have killed another Muslim, that too, a soldier with a history of defending his countrymen and other Muslims. And the irony is that they think they can decide MAJ .Gen. Sanaullah’s fate in “the afterlife”. Doesn’t Islamic scripture forbid Muslims to pass judgment on whether another person will go to Heaven or Hell, since only “HE”can judge?

In any case, such is the nature of propaganda videos, regardless of whether this video is fabricated or not, their heinous attack that took the life of MAJ Gen. Sanualllah is condemnable at the highest degree. Our condolences to the family and friends and we hope that his death would be avenged by bringing those responsible to justice.

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
Saw the video

Saw a vehicle traveling alone on a mountain road that was un tarmacked , without escorts, Pilots or any other basics that vehicles follow in hostile territory.

How can a Commanding General travel like this ?

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