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Taliban not the Enemy: Biden - Taliban Confirm Office in Qatar

Mark my words , Now people will start mass believing in this theory too . Because every statement by USA is perceived to be " Gospel truth " .
What???? :undecided: taliban were never their enemy. They Nurtured taliban and ISI in during Afghan civil war. during 1985-2000 they were in continuous talk with Taliban. If you search on net you can see Taliban leaders visiting USA. USA was in process to get deal of many mines in Afghanistan.

In the mean time Al-Quaida did 9/11 and hide behind Taliban's gown. USA asked Taliban to handover OBL. If taliban had handed over OBL and dismantle AQ network, USA wouldn't have attacked Afghanistan/taliban.

So Talibans were not American enemy and moreover OBL is dead, now USA has no reason to keep Taliban as enemy. 90% of Taliban are crushed by American and Afghhani Boots... Cruuuunch...

1) Talibaan were not the enemy (openly declared) of the US before 2001 - Correct.
2) Al-Qaeda was in anyway involved with 9/11 terrorism act - Disputed.
3) USA's demand to hand over OBL - Accepted by Talibaan, but to any other Muslim country.
4) USA wouldn't have attacked Afghanistan if OBL was handed over - Incorrect, they would have found another excuse.
5) Talibaan were not America's enemy - Correct, but America does not fight wars because of enmity, or does she?
6) 90% of Talibaan are crushed - Hmm, then why is the US bending over backwards to bring the Talibaan to the negotiating table?
7) Cruuuuuush?? Think again!!!

---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 PM ----------

Mark my words , Now people will start mass believing in this theory too . Because every statement by USA is perceived to be " Gospel truth " .

Ofcourse, uncle Sam is actually Papa Sam to many.....even on this forum, they will reveal themselves slow but steadily :)
America is just trolling in the region. Taliban can't even read or write, and they fought off Invaders in sandals and with Ak's lol. I was enjoying how all the Indians on this forum in the past months were so anti-taliban and supportive of Afghanistan and now will change their tune in line with the US. I think Biden needs some medication for this bi-polar statement.
This wasn't necessary! he is a good moderate man among Taliban.

I don't know how authentic is this news, can't say anything but we should bear the fact that Taliban were never the enemy of USA.

Are you sure, here is what panetta said (to you and all who have a different stance as of now on taliban):

Mr. Panetta said, “There is no doubt that over the last two years Afghan and international forces have been able to seize the momentum — seize the moment from the Taliban insurgency and establish security in critical areas, such as the Taliban’s heartland in the south.”

See taliban were the bad guys, now they are friendly love cuddle and no danger to US?

In other words Americans saying to Taliban. Khuda da wasta he sandi jan chaad diyo sano khar jan diyo...

A leasson for all the world what USA stands for.

---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 PM ----------

And why was American crying about Pakistan must go in waziristan ? Its noting more than Americans planned failed against Pakistan Afghanistan and Paston future. They cant get what they wanted. So now they are begging Taliban to let them leave with som dignity.
Say What?: Biden Claims Taliban Is Not America’s Enemy
by Fox and Friends Posted in: Al Qaeda, Jay Carney, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Taliban

Vice President Biden’s getting a lot of flak for a comment he made in a recent interview with Newsweek. When discussing the war in Afghanistan, Biden said, “Look, the Taliban per se is not our enemy. That’s critical.”

Many have come out criticizing Biden for the comments, with Mitt Romney saying, “This statement is bizarre, factually wrong, and an outrageous affront to our troops carrying out the fight in Afghanistan… The Taliban is clearly a bitter enemy of the U.S… VP Biden’s statement to the contrary calls into question the White House’s leadership in Afghanistan – or lack of it. The statement is typical of the Obama administration’s foreign policy of appeasement… Both the president and vice president must immediately explain themselves.”

Amid the criticism, the White House is defending the statements. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said, “What the vice president was reflecting is that, and this is related to the reconciliation process that I was just discussing, is that the Taliban per se, while we are fighting them, the elimination of the Taliban is not the issue here. The objectives that the president laid out when he laid out his Afghanistan strategy made clear that the number one principle here is to disrupt, dismantle, and ultimately defeat Al Qaeda.”
Say What?: Biden Claims Taliban Is Not America’s Enemy | Fox News Insider
I hope Taliban will continue their war against invaders and make no peace till the complete pull out of US/NATO Troops :guns: and soon we'll hear similar statement from Indian government.:lol:
WASHINGTON: The United States has said that Taliban is not an enemy of America, a move seen as the latest effort of the Obama administration to send an olive branch to the terrorist outfit that ruled Afghanistan before 9/11.

"Look, the Taliban per se is not our enemy. That's critical," US Vice-President Joe Biden said in an interview to the Newsweek magazine.

"There is not a single statement that the (US) President has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens US interests," he said.

If, in fact, the Taliban is able to collapse the existing government, which is cooperating with us in keeping the bad guys from being able to do damage to us, then that becomes a problem for us. So there's a dual track here, Biden added.

"One, continue to keep the pressure on al-Qaida and continue to diminish them. Two, put the government in a position where they can be strong enough that they can negotiate with and not be overthrown by the Taliban," he said.

"And at the same time try to get the Taliban to move in the direction to see to it that they, through reconciliation, commit not to be engaged with al-Qaida or any other organization that they would harbor to do damage to us and our allies," Biden said.

White House press secretary Jay Carney, supporting Biden's statement, said the Vice-President does not regret having said this.

"We didn't invade Afghanistan. We did not send US military personnel into Afghanistan because the Taliban were in power. They had been in power. We went into Afghanistan because al-Qaida had launched an attack against the US from Afghanistan," he said

Taliban is not the US's enemy: Biden - The Times of India

wow seems like the puncture in the U.S economy is finally letting the air out


2001 : you are either with us or against us

2011 : the Taliban per se is not our enemy.

ise kehte hai apni jutee apne hi mooh per.....
As I keep saying - the decision to invade and occupy Afghanistan was a horrible mistake and has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and losses of hundreds of billions of dollars for the nations of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.

Hardly a month was given to investigate the 9/11 attacks and pursue diplomacy and negotiations with the Taliban in order to arrive at some compromise along the lines of that suggested by some Taliban leaders - OBL's trial in Afghanistan or some third country.

This war has been a criminal enterprise on the part of the US, and the hundreds of thousands of innocents dead as a result are the only 'legacy and achievement' that history should remember.
Wow, they have bombed the wrong guys for the past eight years???

Taliban is not the US's enemy: US Vice-President

United States has said that Taliban is not an enemy of America, a move seen as the latest effort of the Obama administration to send an olive branch to the outfit that ruled Afghanistan before 9/11.

"Look, the Taliban per se is not our enemy. That's critical," US Vice-President Joe Biden said in an interview to the Newsweek magazine.

"There is not a single statement that the (US) President has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens US interests," he said.

If, in fact, the Taliban is able to collapse the existing government, which is cooperating with us in keeping the bad guys from being able to do damage to us, then that becomes a problem for us. So there's a dual track here, Biden added.

"One, continue to keep the pressure on al-Qaida and continue to diminish them. Two, put the government in a position where they can be strong enough that they can negotiate with and not be overthrown by the Taliban," he said.

"And at the same time try to get the Taliban to move in the direction to see to it that they, through reconciliation, commit not to be engaged with al-Qaida or any other organization that they would harbor to do damage to us and our allies," Biden said.

White House press secretary Jay Carney, supporting Biden's statement, said the Vice-President does not regret having said this.

"We didn't invade Afghanistan. We did not send US military personnel into Afghanistan because the Taliban were in power. They had been in power. We went into Afghanistan because al-Qaida had launched an attack against the US from Afghanistan," he said.

Taliban is not the US's enemy: Biden - The Times of India
Why Biden Isn't Necessarily Wrong About the Taliban
By Kerry Patton
Published December 20, 2011
| FoxNews.com

Vice President Biden opened up yet another can of worms which sparked uproar among many Americans when he stated that the Taliban was not an enemy to the United States. Unfortunately, with more than ten years of U.S. operations in Afghanistan, it is obvious that the vast majority of Americans remain undereducated in understanding the Taliban. Needless to say, for once, I don’t necessarily disagree with the statement claiming the Taliban is not an enemy to the United States.

The United States has become a nation of labels. Everyone has a label placed on them. Labeling terms are loosely thrown at individuals carelessly. In Afghanistan, virtually anyone who fought against the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) has been labeled as the Taliban—such label is absolutely wrong.

Throughout my years serving in Afghanistan, I have actually met many so called "Taliban." Some were actual militants fighting against the Afghan government, some fought specifically against the United States, some fought on the side of the coalition, some didn’t fight at all rather served in security positions for government and non-government organizations, and others simply had nothing to do with picking up arms.

How could this be? How could Afghans actually align themselves in so many different capacities working either for or against the coalition yet all be labeled as Taliban? It’s actually not as complicated as one may believe.

The word Taliban stems from the Arabic word “Talib” meaning “student.” When I operated in Afghanistan, some persons considered me to be an actual Talib considering the magnitude of research and intelligence which I collected on the local populace. The data collected served as an educational phenomenon later used to assist in “teaching” U.S. decision makers about the tactical battle space. It was critical that I first become the student and allow the Afghans to be the teachers.

Of course, an actual Taliban militant group exists. The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (the TTP) often referred to as the Pakistan Taliban is the only Taliban militant group in existence. Other militant opposition groups which evolved from the Russian-Afghan war exist such as Hezb Islami Gullbidine (HIG), Hezb Islami Khalis (HIK), Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT), and a dozen or so more throughout Afghanistan but that does not mean they are actual Taliban even though many align themselves with the Pakistan Taliban.

There is another militant movement in Afghanistan that exists which many Americans fail to acknowledge or accept—the locally disgruntled villagers. Afghanistan is a tribal nation. With tribal nations comes a magnitude of issues to include clan wars.
Unfortunately, many Afghan tribal elements simply wish the United States would stay clear of their domains. We foolishly oftentimes label such persons as Taliban when in fact these persons often hate the Taliban as much as you or I.

These tribes have weapons like the majority of Afghans. They use these weapons against ISAF as a means to keep “occupiers” out of their area. More often than not, when ISAF and the tribes engage in what are commonly referred to as “TIC’s” (Troops in Contact), reports are generated labeling enemy as Taliban when such label is not necessarily accurate.

A lazy American culture has promoted a need to label everyone. We have failed in understanding those different than us and simply believe labeling those different will better position ourselves in understanding. Such thought is a mistake. Under-educated labeling causes more confusion and commotion then good.

We have enemies throughout the world. In Afghanistan, our enemy may or may not be the Taliban. Then again, when we discuss the Taliban, are we simply generalizing an entire society of people vastly different than us or are we calling the spade a spade?

Central Asia and the Middle East are often referred to as "the lands of rumor." Rumors promote false senses of reality. People become socially conditioned to believe that which is not necessarily truth. Has the United States become another nation built upon rumor? When it comes to understanding Afghanistan, the people, and the Taliban, I believe the answer is yes.

Kerry Patton, a combat service disabled veteran, is a senior analyst for WIKISTRAT. He has worked in South America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe, focusing on intelligence and security and interviewing current and former terrorists, including members of the Taliban. He is the author of Sociocultural Intelligence: The New Discipline of Intelligence Studies and the children's book American Patriotism. You can follow him on Facebook.

Read more: Why Biden Isn't Necessarily Wrong About The Taliban | Fox News
As I keep saying - the decision to invade and occupy Afghanistan was a horrible mistake and has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and losses of hundreds of billions of dollars for the nations of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.

Hardly a month was given to investigate the 9/11 attacks and pursue diplomacy and negotiations with the Taliban in order to arrive at some compromise along the lines of that suggested by some Taliban leaders - OBL's trial in Afghanistan or some third country.

This war has been a criminal enterprise on the part of the US, and the hundreds of thousands of innocents dead as a result are the only 'legacy and achievement' that history should remember.

I agree with what you say but because of emotions running high I could understand the Americnas lashing out but as another american member on the forum chogy said they should have gone in shock and awe 3 month expedition show the world mess with us you will suffer. But 10 years? for what? Taleban are still there, american life and money wasted and now they are negotiating with taleban saying taleban isnt our enemy?
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